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Adam Powerhouse Episode Two: Zero to Hero
Adam Powerhouse Episode Two: Zero to Hero
Adam Powerhouse Episode Two: Zero to Hero
Ebook21 pages16 minutes

Adam Powerhouse Episode Two: Zero to Hero

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When a lightening bolt strikes a young lady pregnant with twins, the DNA of her unborn fuse together to give rise to a new kind of superhuman! Adam Powerhouse is born with extraordinary strength, intelligence, and even a few surprises. As he grows up, Adam is confronted with choices that form his path toward superhero or super-villain. Join the adventure and guide Adam into the future!

Episode Two finds Adam creating more inventions including some that are too much for our young hero. We also find out where his superhero name comes from. Finally, Adam begins to form his crime fighting plan and tools. Things are starting to get good!

Release dateFeb 23, 2011
Adam Powerhouse Episode Two: Zero to Hero

Kevin T. Goddard

Kevin T. Goddard was born in Springfield, Missouri in 1975. He grew up watching shows and movies like Transformers, G.I. Joe, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dukes of Hazzard, A-Team, and much more action/adventure/science fiction. Kevin is currently a school administrator in Missouri. His family consists of a wife, 8 kids, and a chihuahua. Kevin earned a Doctorate of Education, Ed. D., in Educational Leadership in 2010. He started writing when he was a kid, but as he worked on his advanced degrees in the field of education, his writing turned academic. About 9 years ago, Kevin wrote a short book entitled Adam Powerhouse: Birth of the Double Zero. After finishing it, he didn't know what to do, so Kevin saved it on his computer and forgot about it. When he reopened the file in 2010, Kevin was surprised to find that many of the things Adam invented in 2001 were now a part of reality...cell phones that connected to the internet, skateboards that work more like a snowboard, video games that allow you to be a rockstar, and more! So, he's had to update Adam's world. It continues to evolve and Kevin hopes Adam lives for a long, long time and you enjoy every adventure Adam has. Kevin plans on starting more characters with the help of his two oldest daughters and chronicaling those characters lives through episodes as he has Adam's.

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    Book preview

    Adam Powerhouse Episode Two - Kevin T. Goddard

    Adam Powerhouse Episode 2

    Zero to Hero

    By Kevin T. Goddard

    Published by Kevin T. Goddard at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Kevin T. Goddard

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Episode Two: Zero to Hero

    Scene 1: BMX Bust

    Scene 2: Doesn't Take NO for an Answer

    Scene 3: Turning the Corner

    Adam Powerhouse Episode 2

    Zero to Hero

    Story by Kevin T. Goddard

    Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

    Scene 1: BMX Bust

    Adam kept inventing and on his sixth birthday, his mom and dad gave him possibly the best present a six year old could get: a bicycle. Not just any bicycle; this bike was a Schwinn, BMX style, stainless-steel and chrome, freestyle bike with stunt pegs and caliper brakes on the handlebars. Along with the bike came a blue crash helmet with flip down, tinted, mud

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