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Teenage Vigilante
Teenage Vigilante
Teenage Vigilante
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Teenage Vigilante

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About this ebook

TEENAGE VIGILANTE is the new ebook from Eric Spudic, screenwriter of the cult horror b-movies AQUANOIDS and CREEPIES. The story deals with 18 year old Trevor Buchinsky, who's recently graduated and come home to find his family murdered. He teams up with his uncle to get revenge.

It turns out that a gang of Vietnam vets are tracking down an arsenal of weapons and are hellbent on destroying anyone in their path. In order to stop this ring of terror, Trevor is gonna need a lot of weapons, a lot of bullets, and a whole lotta body bags.

If you dug films like DEATH WISH, THE EXTERMINATOR, SAVAGE STREETS, THE PUNISHER, or KILL BILL, you'll dig this. Lots of action, guns, explosions, martial arts, and revenge. He traded in his diploma for a 12-gauge!

Part screenplay, part comic book - it's a new breed of storytelling from this rookie author. The book plays out as a tribute to 80's action and exploitation films, made by the likes of AIP Home Video, Cannon Pictures, and Cirio Santiago.

PublisherEric Spudic
Release dateMar 19, 2011
Teenage Vigilante

Eric Spudic

Eric Spudic is an actor, writer, and filmmaker with 70+ feature film credits. One day, while eating Cheerios, he thought it'd be a great idea to turn one of his unproduced screenplays into an ebook. "Teenage Vigilante" is the result of that.

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    Book preview

    Teenage Vigilante - Eric Spudic


    by Eric Spudic

    Published By: Eric Spudic at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2005 Eric Spudic

    Artwork © 2005 James Reilly

    * * * * * *

    Teenage Vigilante


    The war-ravaged jungles of Vietnam. 1972. Cambodia. A small squad of Vietcong soldiers swiftly move down a trail. They pass a foggy marsh. Their numbers were once greater. These are the leftovers.

    Birds chirp high up in the trees. A cobra snake crawls through the grass. The soldiers ignore it. Things like that are an everyday sight by now. Droplets of water fall from the leaves of the trees. There’s a bit of mud present from the rainstorm the night before.


    A grenade disrupts their nice walk. The VC start firing into the trees.


    Chaos ensues. They’re screaming in their native tongue.

    An American soldier pops up with a 12-gauge pump and fires five shots continuously, dropping them like flies. That kind of ammo sprays and hits multiple targets.

    A second American G.I. is waist-deep into the ground, in a self-made trench. He’s firing away with his M-16. No conserving ammo there. Two more Vietcong take multiple bullets and fall.

    American soldier number three is standing upon a huge rock. He hurls a belt full of three pineapple grenades at the enemies. He shouts, Get down! right as he hits the deck.

    The other two soldier boys duck for cover.


    A triple-explosion. Two more VC baddies fly. All the bad guys are dead. Ambushed real good. The smoke slowly dissipates.

    Soldier #2 yells, Clear!. He keeps his gun trained forward just in case re-inforcements arrive.

    Soldier #3 is Joe Firstenberg, early 20’s. He’s got a few battle wounds and is clearly experienced in warfare. Definitely not his first tour of duty. He hops down from the rock to meet his two compadres.

    A Huey chopper flies overhead. They glance up at it. Firstenberg pulls out his forty-five caliber pistol. The three survey the mass of dead bodies. Well, they need to make sure they’re dead.

    OK, you know what to do, exclaims Firstenberg as he carefully steps forward.

    Soldier #1 applies a bayonet to his shotgun. Soldier #2 applies a bayonet to his M-16 assault rifle.

    They begin stabbing the bodies. A quick stab to see if any of them let out a yelp or make a quick move. They must've had a bad experience in the past, so this will make sure it never happens again.

    Soldier numero uno, a young Private, tries to make a bit of gab. You know, Joe, I was reading a report that ten percent of all of our casualties are helicopter-related.

    Joe doesn't seem to care, replying, That’s real nice that you’re learning something, kid. And I thought all you looked at was those fuck magazines.

    Soldier #1 goes back to minding his own business. Soldier #2 chuckles. They continue poking bodies. Firstenberg aims the pistol towards the cobra snake.


    Blasts its head clean off. The rest of its body writhes about.

    Nice shootin’, says soldier #2 right as his eye catches something. Hey, watch out!

    A dead VC soldier springs up with a knife and slashes Firstenberg’s arm. He screams in pain!

    Now in blackness, a voice is heard. Joe! Joe!

    It's now early morning in a jail cell. Joe Firstenberg, now in his early 50’s, is sleeping on his cot in his cell. There’s a Jimi Hendrix record album cover and a Claudia Jennings poster in his tiny room.

    He's still stuck in a time gone by. The voice shouts again. Wake the fuck up! Drop your cock and grab your socks.

    Joe springs up, sweating. He was having another Vietnam flashback. Even after all these years, he's reliving that same day over and over. He's now grey, but has the same haircut and same athletic build as he did in his youth. He's had plenty of time to keep up on push-ups and sit-ups.

    A tall, menacing guard speaks to him through the bars. Your thirty years are up. You’re a free man now.

    It’s about time, Joe exclaims as he rubs his face a bit. He takes a look at his arm and there’s still a faint scar from that slash wound all those years ago. The guard unlocks his door.

    The guard swings open the door. It’s hard to believe you’ve been here since ‘74. The world’s changed a whole lot.

    The guard escorts Firstenberg down the hall. An old, fat guy with a huge beard sees one of his own leaving and gets in one last, snide remark. I’m gonna miss being up in that tight, juicy butthole of yours!

    Joe and the guard ignore him. They keep heading for the front door. Wads of paper are thrown at Joe.

    Another man speaks out. This guy's got major buckteeth action going on. If I’m ever let out of here, I’ll kill you, Joe! You hear me? I’ll fucking tear your throat out!

    This stops Joe. He’s pissed. Joe looks at the guard, who smirks.

    The guard says, You have my permission, as he takes a step back.

    Joe reaches into Bucky’s cell, grabs him by the head, and slams it into the jail bars twice.


    Bucky’s forehead is bleeding. Joe and the guard keep walking.

    He says to the guard, You guys can keep my stuff. I don’t want any of it back.

    The guard questions, Where you going now? You’re not gonna start working at a grocery store, get depressed, and hang yourself, are ya?

    Joe answers, Nope, I’m going to catch up with some old friends.... Joe cracks a devilish smile. They head out a door. Mr. Firstenberg's about to enter a world he hasn't seen in three decades.


    A few weeks later. A small town in the Midwest. Population 3,000. Quiet. It’s a Saturday afternoon. Very few kids are out playing and traffic is not abundant. Unusual for a day like today.

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