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Trixie's Girls
Trixie's Girls
Trixie's Girls
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Trixie's Girls

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Trixie’s first summer back from college is coming to a close and her nineteenth birthday is just around the corner, when she gets the unexpected call from the lady responsible for taking her cherry, her first love and the one she still loves deeply. Unsure of how one other feels about the other after a year away in college, their reunion starts tentative, slowly, but the reunion quickly becomes filled with heat and passion.

Trixie’s reunion with Susan is hot, satisfying, just what Trixie wants and needs but that is not to be the only surprise waiting Trixie this year. Trixie goes back to college, not only looking forward to the education she is to receive but also in rekindling the love affair with Krissy. After a sizzling weekend of passion and sex, Krissy breaks the news that she is not returning to college this year, so once again Trixie finds that she is alone.

That aloneness ends the day Derrick approaches her and offers her an unusual job, “Seduce my wife! Do whatever it takes; just find out what is wrong!”

It does not take Trixie long to get Alana in her bed and the sex that follows is heated and full of experimentation. The sex heats up even more when Trixie learns that what Alana really needs is to be degraded and dominated. It is on the road to this realization that Trixie meets and falls for Sina; a “nymph” with so much sexual energy that for the first time since having sex with Susan, it leaves Trixie unbalanced, and for a change well satisfied. Sina teaches her new ways to use “her toys” and the way her fingers play over her body and between her legs is dizzying.

Follow Trixie’s new adventures in her third book as she shares her sexual encounters with old friends and new acquaintances and as she tries to find the one to fill that sexual need that is always burning within her.

Other books available by Trixie T:
Training Trixie
Trixie & Krissy
Trixie's Tricks
Trixie in Spain
F&R, Virgin Blood
F&R, Family Love

Release dateMar 10, 2011
Trixie's Girls

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Book preview

    Trixie's Girls - Trixie T

    Trixie’s Girls

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright March 11, 2011 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashword Edition

    Smash Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    It’s Saturday, I am off work and for the first time in my life, I am truly enjoying the California heat. I never appreciated how much I enjoyed the heat until I went to college in a state with real winters and I am due to go back in the fall so these days, I find myself taking advantage of the heat whenever I can. I got myself a job this summer which will help with college but the job leaves me little time for sunbathing so right now it is all about the sun.

    The day is a typical blistering hot late July California day and even though I promised myself to take in all the heat I can, I find myself trying to stay cool by wearing one of my skimpiest bikinis, drinking Lemon Aid, and alternating between lying in the shade and taking a dip in the pool.

    Dad would have a fit if he saw me in my current bikini but my parents are not due back for at least a couple of hours so I have little fear of him catching me in the skimpy outfit. Even the unlikely event of them coming home early does not concern me as the sound of the garage door opening will give me more than enough time to wrap myself up and make my way to my bedroom to change.

    I miss Krissy, but we are keeping in touch by constantly emailing each other. It seems that she to is having a good summer and that her affairs with her brothers and her sister is going well and that Papa is even talking about letting the boys’ date the girls".

    This summer, Trudy and I are taking advantage of my sexual awakening and this has provided us many evenings of pleasure. Trudy and I both live with our respective parents, therefore we have to have some care in our lovemaking but thankfully, Dad and Mom still believe that Trudy and I sleep together simply because that is what we have been doing since we were children.

    My thoughts are thousands of miles away, reliving the last evening I had with Trudy when my cell phone beeps, indicating that I have an incoming email. It shakes me back to the present but I choose to ignore the email and continue lavishing the suntan oil between my breasts.

    Not for the first time I wish I could go without a bathing suit altogether but the fact that privacy is not a guarantee in our backyard stops me from doing so. But even so, I have managed to get my tan back and the careful rearrangement of straps and cloth has resulted in an almost even tan throughout.

    The one real downer this summer is that I am not yet old enough to drink in California and even my nineteenth birthday in about a month will not be enough to get me in the bars. At least my parents understand and let me drink at home as long as I have no plans on driving that is.

    Not being free to drink is an inconvenient but the hardest part about this summer has been keeping up my exercise routine, but keeping it up I have managed to do. I swim laps every second evening and hit the gym for some weightlifting and biking every other day. This summer I have managed to get my stomach firmer and flatter than ever before and my muscles have become well tone and defined.

    My exercising and my sunbathing have even gotten me to start believing what others have been telling me, That I am beautiful. Only yesterday, I examined myself in the mirror, trying to find something about me that I could criticize. Long black hair; almost waist length, large dark blue eyes, high cheekbone, rounded chin, full D size breasts, twenty-six inch waist, thirty-six inch hips, round ass, shaved pussy, long shapely and now fit legs. In the end, the only thing I could criticize was my need to get my hair trimmed.

    My exercising seems to be having another effect that I did not realize would happen; my breasts seem to have gotten just a little small and much more firm. Don’t get me wrong, they are still a D in size, but now they seem much firmer than they were. Even Trudy has noticed and exclaimed at the change, stating that I may even get to the point where I will look sexy wearing a dress or a top without a bra, though she has little advice as to what I should do about the way my nipples insist on protruding.

    I finish lavishing the lotion between my breasts and wipe the excess on my stomach. Picking up the towel beside me, I clean off my hands, pick up my Lemon Aid and take a drink. I remember my cell phone and I pick it up to check the email. I fully expect the email to be from Krissy, so I am shocked when my brain finally registers that the email is not from Krissy but from Susan.

    Susan and I have an understanding. I can email her but she never emails me back. Therefore, to see an email from her is more than my brain can comprehend in a flash. The Lemon Aid glass tumbles from my lifeless hand and my senses come back to me. I give a yelp and jump up to get away from the spreading puddle of juice.

    I pick up the glass and then the towel. The spilled juice spread rapidly and a good portion of the towel is wet so I dry myself off with a dry corner, bunch up the towel and go into the house. I place my used towel in the hamper and retrieve a new one. With new towel in hand, I go back outside and spread out the new towel. My body still feels sticky from the Lemon Aid so I dive into the pool to wash off its stickiness.

    I swim one lap and then another and another. I lose track of the laps, I lose track of the time but my tiring muscles finely betray me and I have to stop. I rest at the edge of the pool and stare at my cell phone that is still lying where it fell.

    You are putting if off Trixie. Good news or bad you have to at least look at the email.

    It is with some reluctance that I finally pull myself out of the pool and it is with shaking hands that I finally pick up my phone. I manage to get the phone back to my emails and heart thumping I open the email.

    Can you meet me at the house Friday evening?

    I stare at the email for a long time. After almost a year of silence that is all I get. Susan is the one that took my cherry, the one that taught me the basics of fucking and making love, and the one that made me realize I love sex. Susan is my first love, the one I still dream of, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and probably could if not for the husband.

    I throw the phone to the ground; an un-rational anger going through me.

    How dare her. A year and then out of nowhere she sends me an email asking for my presence and knowing her fully expecting me to comply. Can you meet me….fuck…it is more like, get you ass over here…..BITCH…

    I am breathing hard; one breath, two, three. My head starts to clear and as it does I come to realize that I am being unfair to Susan and being truthful with myself, I am being childish. I pick up the phone again and think about whether I should reply and if so what that reply should be.

    Once more, I lose track of time as I contemplate what my action to this email should be. In the end, I decide that a reply is the appropriate action, now to determine what that reply should be. After more consideration and some false starts, I settle on Okay. I hit send before I can change my mind.


    That evening Trudy is sleeping over at my house again. Well not exactly sleeping as she has her head on my chest and is slowly giving my breasts a massage with a round, many knobbed toy that turns as she rolls it over my breasts. She tells me I can keep it as an early birthday present if I like it and so far, I am liking it.

    Susan emailed me today. Ouch! I make the statement out of the blue and Trudy’s surprise caused her to move the toy roughly against my nipple.

    Sorry. What did she want? Trudy gives my nipple an apology kiss.

    She wants me to meet her on Friday.


    I don’t know. I was hoping you may have some idea.

    I have not seen her since we bumped into each other last Christmas. So what did you tell her?

    I told her yes, but I’m starting to think that may be a mistake.

    No. You should meet with her and see what it is she wants. Trudy is starting to roll the toy over my breasts again.

    I don’t know Trudy. You know that I still have not gotten over her and I can’t see any good coming from this.

    Trudy rolls on top of me. Trixie, I know how much you love her or at least think you do. Sometimes I think I feel the same way about you as you do her.


    Besides she knows how to please a girl. If she wants more company give me a call. Trudy is acting coy now, though the rubbing of her crotch against mine is starting to have some effect.

    How do you think it will feel when I stick this in you pussy Trixie? Trudy whispers in my ear.

    My breath catches.

    You want me to do it don’t you. Tell me you’re not going to be stupid about Susan and I’ll let you feel it, else I’ll tease you until you beg me to fuck you.

    My answer is to trap her lips on my own. Her lips part readily enough and our tongues delve is each other’s mouths. Trudy moves her hips off me and then I feel……

    Oh fuck Trudy!

    Nice? Trudy lowers her head to one of my stiffened nipples and suckles as she continues to fuck me with the new toy.

    I’m not sure it is meant to be used that way, but …..yes, don’t stop. Oh yes.

    Trudy is fucking me seriously now with the toy and the feeling takes my breath away. My cunt feels every nub on the object as she pushes and pulls it out of me and those nubs are driving me nuts.

    I reach down to engulf my fingers in Trudy’s red hair and push her mouth more firmly against my breast. She bites.

    Oh God Trudy, please don’t stop. Never stop!


    The week seems to drag on forever, but Friday finally comes and I am in my bedroom fussing over my makeup. The hour before I had spent anguishing over what I should wear and had finally settled on a snug fitting maroon color dress with a deep V, blue panty and bra. California is much too hot for stockings so those I do without; besides my legs are once again tanned from the California sun so there is no need for them.


    I wipe the makeup off my face for the third time.

    I am acting like a lovesick schoolgirl. My hands are shaking, my heart is pounding, and I keep making a mess of my face. If dad or mom where to look in on me right now they would swear, I was trying to get ready for my first date.

    I start doing my makeup again and it is with some relief that I finally manage to make a fair job of it. I lower my brush and take some deep breaths to steady my quivering stomach. Another five deep breaths and I no longer feel like I am going to throw up so I pick up my small purse and exit my bedroom.

    The first person I bump into is my mother. I tell her that Susan and I plan an evening out and that I am not sure if I will make it home tonight. Mother gives me a strange considering look and I assure her that everything is fine. I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and quickly make my way out the door.

    The drive to the house is almost surreal. The house Susan asked me to meet her at is not her everyday home. The house belongs to the squad and any of them or the wives can use it when the desire or need comes upon them, but nobody lives there full time. This house is a very nice three-bedroom home but it is nothing compared to the house that Susan really lives in. That house is massive with more rooms than I have had the chance to count. I naturally suppose that it has to be that big to house the squad and not have them tripping over each other.


    I pulled into the driveway some time ago and I am sitting in the car with the engine running. I do not know how long I have been sitting there, but long enough that Susan now stands at the door of the house looking at me. She stands immobile just as I sit frozen.

    Darkness has long since arrived and the light shinning within the house outlines Susan, giving her an angelic glow. I swallow.

    Stop being a child Trixie. Go talk to her.

    Susan waits at the door for me, not forcing my choice and that as much as anything helps make up my mind.

    I turn off the engine and take a deep breath. Turning off the engine must be what Susan was waiting for, for suddenly she is standing beside the car and has the car door open for me.

    Come inside please. Susan extends her hand to me to assist me in getting out of the car.

    My hand trembles as I place it in hers and she assists me in getting out of the car. Still holding my hand, she leads me into the house. I follow like a lost child; unsure of what to say or do……I hear the door closing behind me.

    I have wine. Would you like some? Susan’s voice quivers.

    Please. Is the only response I can give and even then I had to swallow twice to force that out.

    She leads me to the sofa that I know so well; the sofa that she and I spent many evenings sitting, talking sex and making love; the sofa where Susan took my cherry.

    Sit. I’ll get it for us.

    I sit and watch her as she walks into the kitchen to get the offered wine.

    She has not changed a bit; still full of class, still looking beautiful. Her blonde hair is still the same length as it was a year ago, her face still angelic, her body slim, her breasts high and firm looking, her ass to die for.

    My eyes come back into focus when Susan hands me my glass of wine.

    You’re looking good Trixie. Have… I stop her in mid-sentence.

    Why have you called me Susan? What is it that I can expect?

    My heart is pounding in my ears…Thump…Thump….

    Susan takes my wine glass from me and places this as well as hers on the end table. Before I know it, I find myself enclosed in Susan’s arms and she is kissing me. How long has it been since I have wanted to feel those lips on mine again. How long have I waited for just this moment. I melt into Susan’s embrace.

    When Susan ends the kiss, I am breathing hard from pent up emotions. I lay my head on her shoulder, my breath coming in shuddering gasps, tears in my eyes.

    I have missed you so very much! I finally manage to get out.

    As I have missed you Trixie….Trixie you have no idea how often my mind wanders to you and our time together. I love you now as I loved you then.

    Susan kisses me again. This time I am more fully prepared and I manage to give as well as receive. Once more when she ends the kiss, I find myself with my head on her shoulder enclosed in her embraced, though now I enclose her in mine.


    Shh… just hold me for now.

    And so Susan holds me and I hold her. We stay that way for a long time and finally I get the courage to ask.

    How long do we have Susan?

    Tonight and tomorrow.


    Can tonight be just about us? You and me. The why can wait until tomorrow but I ask you to let tonight be ours.

    Susan sounds almost as desperate to have time with me as I do with her and somehow this makes me feel better. I pull away from Susan and look into her crystal blue eyes.

    I promise you tonight as ours, now give me back my wine and let’s do some catching up, afterwards…well. My finger traces the neckline of her dress.

    And so we spend the next two hours catching up on our lives; much of it spent with me enclosed in her embrace. It feels like time has turned back eleven months, we talk, we laugh and we drink our wine.

    As we talk, Susan caresses my shoulders, my arms, and the top of my breasts and plays with my hair. As for me, I caress her legs, her arms and constantly reached behind me to play with her hair or to pull her lips to my shoulder or neck for an unspoken for kiss.

    In time, our conversation winds down and a comfortable silence engulfs us. In the silence, I turn my head for a kiss, which Susan quickly provides. This kiss is much more passionate then the previous. This kiss is meant to get my juices flowing. My skin gets hot, my pussy gets wet. I melt into her, she melts into me. Her hands work their way into the bodice of my dress and her fingers find my already stiff and hardened nipples.

    Enough stalling, let’s go to bed. My voice is barely a whisper, seductive, quiet.

    I get off the sofa and offer my hand to Susan. I am please to see she does not hesitation as she takes my hand in hers or as I help her off the sofa. Thus, I lead my first love to the bedroom for what I hope will be a joyful reunion for us both.

    I lead her until she stands next to the bed. Not a word passes between us. I look deeply into those clear blue eyes that captivated me only eleven months ago. My love for this lady goes deep; very deep indeed.

    Once more, I find myself in the embrace of my first love. Our lips meet, mouths part, tongues entwine. My hands reach behind her and the zipper of her dress is quickly unzipped. It is an effort but I manage to tear my mouth from hers and with painful slowness, for both of us I am sure, I strip my lover of her dress.

    The dress falls to the floor and I simply stand there admiring her unblemished body. I touch her skin tentatively, scared that this might be nothing more than a dream. My fingers encounter hot flesh. I tickle the shoulder, the neck, the bulging breasts, and the stomach. Oh, how I want to let my lust take over and fuck this lady, but the time has not yet come and I keep the animal securely locked inside.

    My fingers deftly unsnap her skimpy, lacy pink bra and her full, C cup breasts spill free. My hands replace the cups in encasing the breasts, my lips quickly finds the nipples. I squeeze her breast, lick her areolas, and nibble her nipples. She groans and clasps her hands behind my head, encouraging, begging. Susan has the prefect breasts and I lavish all my appreciation on them until the flesh is heated and the nipples are hard. Only then do I continue my way down her body.

    Her flat stomach is next to feel my attention. I kiss, I nibble, I lick, I kiss, and I play with her belly button ring. By the time, I reach the top of her panty I am kneeling with my face only inches from her pussy. I pull down and her silky pink underwear no longer becomes a hindrance. Susan deftly lifts her feet to free them from her underwear and I toss them aside carelessly.

    I bury my nose between her legs and take in her scent. Susan gives another moan and spreads her legs to give me easier access. I my long tongue snakes its way between her pussy lips. She is soaked, her juices coat her lips liberally, and I flick my tongue back and forth and then suck the pussy juice laden lips into my mouth. Susan’s legs tremble and she holds the back of my head for support.

    I make her pay for her year of ignoring me. I suck and lick her pussy using all I have learned over the last year, though never do I allow her an orgasm. She begs, she cries in pleasure, she whimpers. I ignore them all and make her hotter, wetter, hornier. Down her legs I move.

    Susan tries to take control and force my head between her legs again by I forcefully pull my head from her grasp and continue making my way down her legs. I bite her thighs, nibble her knees, and lick her shin and then moving behind her make my way back up the back of her legs. Her shapely calves quiver beneath my lips and only when her legs start to shake do I continue my progress up the legs, the back of her thighs and finely her shapely ass.

    The prefect ass she has. It sports round, firm ass cheeks free of blemishes. How many times I admired that ass as it was cradled in her bikini I cannot say and now I punish Susan for taking that perfect ass away from me for the year. My hands firmly grasp the ass cheeks and my tongue probes her anus.

    Oh my God Trixie. Fuck me already. Susan pleads.


    I bite her ass cheek and then guide my tongue between her pussy lips again to probe her pussy. Only for a few seconds do I probe the inside of her cunt and then back up to her anus I go. She is wet; her cunt is leaking juices like a broken faucet. She wants, she needs to have an orgasm and I am not willing to give it to her yet. One last bite to her ass and up her back I go.

    By the time, I reach her shoulders, Susan’s body is overheated and she is breathing quickly, much too quickly. I return to the front of her and place my lips on hers, willing her to slow her breathing. I keep my breathing slow and steady and in time, hers comes to match my own.

    Her breath that I so carefully slowed catches in her throat when I once again take her nipple into my wet, overheated mouth. She sighs as I continue to lavish her breasts with love. By the time, I am satisfied with the love I have showed her breasts, her nipples are hard buds begging for more attention.

    I give her belly button ring a flick and bite a nipple.

    Oh fuck Trixie!

    Her legs shake and threaten to stop holding her weight.

    My hand reaches between her legs and is immediately soaked with her juices.

    Trixie, I need you. I need you now!

    With some reluctance, I pull my lips from her nipples and my finger from her cunt. I stand straight.

    Than take me Susan.

    The next couple of minutes are a blur. I lose my dress, my bra, my panty and then I am on the bed. Susan is not gentle and it becomes immediately obvious that she has been keeping herself very well restraint while I explored and played with her body but all those restraints are now gone.

    The bed has not even settled from her tossing me on it and I find my head trapped between a set of thighs and a much overheated and soaked pussy lowers to my face. My tongue reaches out eagerly to lick, flick, and delve into that pussy; Susan pushes her pussy down harder on my face. I have just taken in her pussy when a mouth so hot it burns envelops my pussy lips.

    In her eagerness she bites, she scratches. There is no making love; there is only desperation to have sexual needs satisfied. She is already overheated and that in conjunction with everything I learned with my time with Krissy has Susan’s pussy spilling her juices down my throat in only a couple of minutes.

    As she spills her juices into me she increases the pressure of her pussy on my mouth and even though her thighs block my vision, the angle of her body tells me that she is now sitting on me fully with her face tilted to the moon, for it definitely is no longer between my thighs. The noise that comes from her throat as her hips buck on my face is a mixture of a moan and a howl. I take hold of her hips and bury my face deeper into her. My nose slides between her pussy lips, my tongue drives deeply into her cunt. Her fingers curl into my stomach muscles with such force it almost hurts. Her nails start to dig and her juices continue to pour freely down my throat. A longer orgasm I cannot say if I ever have given her as this one seems to go on forever. Her pussy keeps squirting juice, her hips continues to buck.

    When Susan’s orgasm ends, she falls upon me in relief. My face is soaked, my stomach muscles are tender and I am thankful for the new exercise routine I started in college and continued throughout the summer.

    That said, I do not give her much of a chance to rest. For months, I have been thinking about loving this body and I am not about to waste more time than we already have. I take hold of her hips and pull her pussy back onto my face. My mouth engulfs her pussy lips and I suck, tongue, and nibble. I capture her bud between my teeth and force two fingers inside her hot cunt.

    Susan does not stay idle for long and soon enough my pussy is getting the same attention that I am providing her. Her hot wet mouth sucks on the lips, her shapely fingers delve inside. I suck, she sucks. I stick one finger than two inside, she moans in pleasure and sticks three inside me.

    I feel my orgasm coming but I want Susan to experience another with me so I use all the skills I know to get her there. My stomach continues to quiver with the pending orgasm; I hold it in and continue my ministrations on Susan’s pussy. She is almost there, hold just a little longer, just a little more…..there….

    YES….OH YES….YES…Oh Fuck Yesssssss.

    I bury my head deeper between Susan’s thighs and suck on her pussy as my orgasm washes over me. My hips are bucking, my juices are flowing, and I scream my pleasure into the pussy I am sucking. I am starting to doubt that I will be able to concentrate on giving Susan her orgasm, but then her juices flow out of her. Susan clamps down hard on my pussy lips and her juices once again wet my face.

    Her orgasm seems to enhance my own and my orgasm washes through me with such force that I am hardly conscience of what I am doing. I do remember rolling Susan over so that I am on top and pushing my pussy down hard on her face and when she bites my nub I howl in pleasure and suck harder on the pussy lips I have trapped between my teeth. Her hips buck, mine grind. The pussy is as good tasting as it ever was and I suck up all the juices I can. Fingers take hold of my nipples; they pull and my orgasm doubles. My legs will no longer hold me and I fall fully upon the soft hot body below me.

    Susan rolls me on my back and continues to flick and bite my clit. I feel fingers enter my cunt and another enters my anus; my orgasm continues. I want to bring my legs together, to arch my back, to scream to the heavens but Susan is laying fully upon me to keep me on the bed, her elbows keep me from closing my legs and the juices her pussy is still pouring down my throat is making my screams nothing more than a smothered howl.


    Susan is getting heavy. How long she has been laying on me recovering, I do not know as I have been doing my own recovering. Recovering or no she has not been idle. Her tongue continues to flick my clit; her fingers continue to tickle my cunt and anus.

    As much as I would like her to continue, breathing is more important. I roll Susan over, give a sigh of relief that I can breathe again and then kiss my way up the perfect unblemished body. The only distractions on my way up is the couple of flicks of her belly button ring and the few suckles on her harden nipples. Then it is past that beautiful slender neck to those oh so kissable lips.

    The lips part willingly for me and beg for my tongue. I give she takes. I taste my juices on her lips and I am sure she can taste her own on mine. The kiss continues and only stops when both of us feel the need for air.

    I roll off Susan and lay my head on her shoulder to recover my breath. The pounding of a heart sounds loudly in my ears and it takes me some time to realize that it is my own that I hear, though the heart that is pounding below my hand resting on the chest pounds just as strongly.

    Dam Trixie that felt good! A breathless voice whispers.

    I’ve been practicing. I am almost as breathless.

    I can see that and you have been working out.

    Do you like? I reply and admit to myself that I am worried about the response.

    Trixie, there was nothing wrong with you or that body of yours before but to answer your question yes I like. I am happy to see that you are keeping yourself in shape and I must admit that every part of your body, abs and breasts included is much firmer. Your body use to draw me like a drug, now it is like an aphrodisiac.

    So I’ll take that as a complement. I see you have been keeping yourself in shape also. I flick and then pinch the nipple I have trapped between my fingers, she gasps.

    Dam it Trixie. I wish… Susan begins.

    I quickly roll on top of her and stop her with a finger to her lips.

    No don’t Susan. I know it cannot be and that you love your husband so no regrets. Okay?

    Susan nods her head; her tear moistened eyes betraying her feelings.

    You promised this evening would be for us and us only and I fully intend to make full use of that promise. Now do you want to see something that I learned while I was away at college?


    My heart is pounding hard. I am praying. God make this work, do not make me look like a fool….I give her the kiss. My hands trap her face lightly between them, my lips barely touches hers. Once more time is meaningless, everything I want, everything that

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