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Fit for Faith: 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health
Fit for Faith: 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health
Fit for Faith: 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Fit for Faith: 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health

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About this ebook

Do you need encouragement to lose weight while addressing the whole person? Discover this book that can help you to apply godly principles, nutritional wisdom, and scriptural guidance to achieve your goals.

Are you looking for sensible advice and practical tips on healthy eating and exercise? Do you want effective strategies for good health and spiritual growth? Have you wanted to be held accountable to keep record of your health? Kimberley Payne is a seasoned personal trainer who wants to bless and encourage others in being fit in every way.

Fit for Faith unites physical and spiritual health through a 7-week program to lose weight and develop a deeper relationship with God. It is a reference on cardiovascular exercise, strength training, prayer, healthy eating, Bible study, flexibility exercise, and journal writing.

Kimberley guides you through a common sense and guilt-free approach to improve fitness and faith. Her goal is to share how Bible study, prayer, and journal writing are to the spirit what healthy eating, exercise, and stretching are to the body.

In Fit for Faith you’ll discover:
•How to rely more on God to help you make changes in your lifestyle
•Simple Bible study and prayer strategies to apply to your day
•Clear advice on goal planning, exercise, and flexibility guidelines
•A 49-day workout plan, home fitness test, and three easy-to-follow strength training programs
•Facts surrounding more than 40 health and fitness myths

Fit for Faith is a great reminder on how to balance physical and spiritual well-being.

If you like practical books that motivate and inspire, then you’ll love this workbook that makes an excellent companion on your journey to health. Buy Fit for Faith to experience the joy of a healthier and more spiritually fit life today!

Release dateMar 25, 2011
Fit for Faith: 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health

Kimberley Payne

Kimberley is an award-winning author who writes to help others grow closer to God.Her writing relates raising a family, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and everyday experiences to building a relationship with God.She combines her teaching experience and love of writing to create educational materials for children about family, fitness, life sciences, and faith.

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    Fit for Faith - Kimberley Payne

    What Others are Saying about Fit for Faith

    This program is so much more than just exercise. It is giving me the tools I need to enrich my life and my energy level. It is the most comprehensive, common sense and guilt-free approach to health and wellness that I have read. It emphasizes your spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. Mary Condon

    In Fit for Faith, Kimberley Payne offered me no quick fixes or tricks for weight loss. Instead, this program caused me to consider my lifestyle and apply godly principles, nutritional wisdom and scriptural guidance to achieve my goals. Fit for Faith gave me the freedom to experience the joy of a healthier and more spiritually fit life. Glynis Belec

    Fit for Faith – 7 weeks to improved spiritual and physical health

    Published by Kimberley Payne at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Kimberley Payne

    Discover other titles by Kimberley Payne at

    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

    The NIV and New International Version trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the permission of the International Bible Society.

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    Leader’s Notes

    Lead a group through 8 weeks of meetings to help them lose weight and develop a deeper relationship with God.



    Fit for Faith

    7 weeks to improved spiritual and physical health

    Kimberley J. Payne

    Table of Contents


    Action Plan

    Part I: Exercise your body + Exercise your spirit

    Chapter 1: Exercise your body: Cardio & Strength training

    Chapter 2: Exercise strategies that work

    Chapter 3: Goal planning

    Chapter 4:Exercise your spirit: Prayer

    Chapter 5:Prayer strategies that work

    Chapter 6:Goal planning

    Part II: Feed your body + Feed your spirit

    Chapter 7: Feed your body: Healthy eating

    Chapter 8: Healthy eating strategies that work

    Chapter 9: Goal planning

    Chapter 10: Feed your spirit: Bible study

    Chapter 11: Bible study strategies that work

    Chapter 12: Goal planning

    Part III: Stretch your body + Stretch your spirit

    Chapter 13: Stretch your body: Flexibility exercises

    Chapter 14: Stretching strategies that work

    Chapter 15: Goal planning

    Chapter 16: Stretch your spirit: Journal writing

    Chapter 17: Journal writing strategies that work

    Chapter 18: Goal planning

    Implementation – Workbook

    Sample workbook page

    Workbook Days 1-49


    A look back

    Appendix A: 49-day Index of Health and Fitness Myths

    Appendix B: Home Fitness Test

    Appendix C: Strength Training Exercises

    Appendix D: Stretching Exercises


    Fit for Faith is a unique workbook program. In addition to learning about the three components of fitness–cardiovascular exercise, strength training and stretching – your relationship with God will be strengthened through daily prayer, Scripture reading and daily journal writing.

    God created you as a whole person, therefore take care of your whole self, not just the individual parts. A direct relationship exists between physical, emotional and spiritual health. A healthy body gives you the energy and enthusiasm to carry out the purposes that God has for your life. Practicing healthy living glorifies God.

    This workbook is an invitation for you to discover for yourself the joys of treating your body with respect, learning to love yourself, and connecting with God on a deeper level. You are invited to take a fresh physical and spiritual attitude on a daily basis.

    You will learn that God truly cares. He is personal and He is intimate. God does listen to your prayers and is there for you. When you rely on God totally, for everything–including such things as losing a few pounds–He will bless you. God loves you and He wants you to love yourself. He did not create you to look at your body in disgust, but rather God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)

    Each day, follow the outline provided and start with a simple prayer. Read the question in the reflection section and write your own response. At the end of the day, answer the three questions about your activity and healthy eating habits. Test your knowledge with the myth. Finally, close each day by meditating on the scripture verse.

    The Fit for Faith Review is a personal record of your week. It is a self-evaluation tool that reflects your strengths and defines areas that need improvement.

    You need to be faithful about doing something each day in order to realize the full potential of God’s plan for you. You are invited to develop physical well-being and grow spiritually to deepen your relationship with God. Prayer, Bible study and journal writing are to your spirit what exercise, healthy eating and stretching are to your body.

    Blessings on your journey to health!

    Kimberley Payne

    Action plan

    Part I: Exercise your body + Exercise your spirit

    Cardiovascular exercise & Strength training + Prayer

    Think of exercise as either cardiovascular activity or strength training. Cardiovascular activity helps you to increase energy and keep moving. It is good for your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Strength training (also known as weightlifting) helps you keep your bones and muscles strong, reduces bone loss and improves balance and posture.

    Prayer helps you to enter into a spiritual communion with God.

    What cardiovascular exercise and strength training do for building a strong body, prayer does to build spiritual strength. Your body requires exercise and food, and it needs these things regularly. You cannot just take care of it at the beginning of the week and forget about it. Your spiritual life is similar to your physical body in that way. You cannot pray just once and have a healthy, growing spiritual life.

    In strength training, you start by lifting small

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