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So You're Afraid Of Dying
So You're Afraid Of Dying
So You're Afraid Of Dying
Ebook94 pages1 hour

So You're Afraid Of Dying

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In July 1963, I was at one of my usual stomping grounds, the 'ponds' that were the result of gravel excavation for freeway construction. There were two adjoining ponds, but we always swam in the smaller of the two, a pond of about 5 acres in size and as much as 150 feet deep. It was excavated from one end to the other, with the other two sides of the pond almost strait down.
I was there one day with my little brother and a friend. We used to play a game of grabbing a large boulder and seeing who could go down the farthest. On this particular day I had a boulder I could hardly hold as I leaped out into the pond.
I wanted to go down as far as possible, so I held the boulder for quite a while as I submerged. I noticed the water had gone from a comfortable warm to cold and dark, I finally looked up as I let go of the boulder and was horrified to see only a flashlight sized light at the surface of the water. I immediately knew I was in big trouble being so far down and already needing to breathe.
I kicked my legs as hard as I could trying to get back to the surface, but when I was probably still 15 or 20 feet from the surface, I could hold my breathe no longer as my lungs were burning. Try as I might, I could not help but finally inhale a large quantity of water into my lungs. As I did so I realized in my mind I was going to die, but there was nothing I could do about it but accept it as my destiny. I remember being very afraid of death, I didn't want to die and I was feeling sorry for myself and how stupid I had been by going down so far, but it seemed there was nothing I could do but accept it. My kicking legs slowly quit moving and I went limp as everything went dark.

PublisherLaVall McIvor
Release dateApr 3, 2011
So You're Afraid Of Dying

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So You're Afraid Of Dying - LaVall McIvor

So, You're Afraid Of Dying

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2011 by LaVall R. McIvor

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Table of Contents




The Eternals

Earthly Humans

Earth Religion

Heaven and Hell

My NDE's


Probably the single most commonality of all of us, is knowing that someday in the future this physical life will end. But what happens when we die, are we just consumed by the elements, is that the end of it? If you are a religious person, you have been 'taught' that if you live a good life doing no evil, you (your soul) will be rewarded with eternal life in 'Heaven'. If you are an atheist, you may believe there is no 'afterlife', that when your body dyes, that is the end of who and what you are. I was of the latter persuasion until I had two NDE's.

I know that anyone who has not had this type of experience is very skeptical of accounts of those who do have a NDE. I had never even heard of such a thing in detail before I had my last 'encounter'. Since then, I have found and studied many accounts of NDE's, with mostly similar accounts of the experience. Scientific doctors attribute this 'phenomenon' to chemical reactions in the brain as a way for the human mind to lessen the effects of dying, a dream. But I can attest, a NDE is as real as any event or day in your life, and there is more beyond this physical life.

All I can do is tell you of my own experiences and the changes it has meant in my life. I am not writing this to change your thinking of what you believe to be true. I'm just laying out and relating what I have experienced and learned and you can make up your own mind as to what is true concerning an 'afterlife'.

I am just disappointed it took so long in my lifetime to understand what we really are, and what the future holds for most of us. My first experience was in 1963, but I would not know the details of that experience until 2007 when it was 'shown' to me. Talking about something that is so personal and life changing as having a NDE is almost like talking about flying saucers or Bigfoot, or any other controversial subject. There are skeptics as to anything that is not considered the norm nor has scientific proof. Although not everyone will have a UFO or Bigfoot sighting, I guarantee you all will have this experience in the afterlife when your physical body dyes. Until that time, there will always be skeptics.


Most describe their NDE in a similar fashion. As implied, NDE is a 'near death experience', in which an individual either temporarily dyes, or is near death from a traumatic event. This can happen in several ways; an accident, sickness, or on the operating table. Many say they first have an OBE (out of body experience), where their 'soul' leaves their body and floats above their physical presence. Most are able to describe in great detail what is being done to their bodies by the attending physicians. Most say they look on with interest at what is being done to their bodies and then they simply wander out of the building floating up towards the heavens.

Almost all say they are in a dark place with a spot of light at the end of a tunnel of sorts. Most all say they traverse this tunnel and emerge in an area with brilliant light, but the light is not described as harsh, although one person who had been blind since birth described the light as 'blinding', but not hurtful.

People of a religious background and beliefs invariably claim to be in the presence of their creator, no other than 'God' they profess. Most of these people of religion also say they walked with Jesus and felt a love and compassion they had never felt in physical life. An oneness with these 'Supreme Beings', as if they were back where they were always meant to be. Some also profess to have been in the presence of loved ones who may have passed many years earlier.

In some cases, these loved ones were people who were unknown to the person before having their NDE. One young child said he was with his grandpa in 'Heaven', although his grandfather had passed many years before he was born. His mother retrieved one of the last pictures of her late father and asked if this was who he saw in Heaven. The boy looked at the picture and said his grandpa was much younger than 'that man'. A couple weeks later the aunt of this boy sent an old photograph of her father when he was in his thirties, upon seeing the photo the boy immediately said; 'That's my grandpa, I saw him in Heaven.' This boy had never seen that picture before, but was able to recognize his departed grandfather in an instant.

Another young child of a family of four, after surviving a life threatening illness and having a NDE, told his mother he had two sisters, not one. The woman was flabbergasted; she and her husband had never told their two children of a girl child who had died from a late term spontaneous miscarriage. The baby was so premature that the doctors were unable to save it. This woman asked her son how he knew about his 'other' sister. The boy simply said that he had met her in Heaven when he visited there. He said he saw this young girl and something seemed familiar about her and he subsequently found out it was his older sister. The boy said his sister told him it was nice to have someone from the family there, but it was not his time yet and he had to go back. Now how can you explain a person describing and claiming to have been with departed relatives in this 'realm', sometimes without ever having seen that person in life or in photos.

These boy’s experience was not unusual, many said they had met a departed relative during their NDE and some said they were told by these loved ones; 'It is not your time yet, you have to go back.'

Others said Jesus or God had told them this same thing, still others said they were told they had 'work' to do. Most all come 'back' not knowing what work they are to do though. Without exception, all said they were very sad to leave the 'realm' they had been to.

People of this world have always had their own idea of what happens when we die. Most will tell you they believe the 'afterlife' is that which is told to them in religious writings, as they cannot talk to the departed to actually know what or if there is in fact an afterlife. Truth of the matter is, they can talk to the ones who have departed this physical life and gone to the afterlife, even if that journey was only for a short period of time as in a NDE.

The experience of a NDE is such a personal and life changing event that most are reluctant to ever come forward with what they have experienced for fear of chastising by non-believers. It has been estimated that as many as 8 million people in just the United States have had a NDE. I can tell you it is a life changing experience, as you are given the knowledge of what we really are and where we came from. Any person who has not had this experience cannot begin to understand it. These stories may seem like fantasy to most individuals, simply a dream of the mind from a traumatic event. But I can tell you it is real, and at some point in time when these skeptics physically die they will come to realize that

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