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Tiger Bill and the City of Gold
Tiger Bill and the City of Gold
Tiger Bill and the City of Gold
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Tiger Bill and the City of Gold

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The second Tiger Bill adventure, Tiger Bill and the City of Gold cronicles Bill's trek through the amazon jungle in search of his fiancee's father. Bill and his three friends bounce form one problem to another as they make their way under and over the rainbow to the Amazon basin. they discover that God does indeed have things under control even when it means falling into a live volcano! On their way they meet Spanish and Indian peoples who have had little contact with civilization. Bill's trust in his savior to lead them through difficulties in the journey, shows us that God is real even it seems He's not.

PublisherGerald Barlow
Release dateApr 12, 2011
Tiger Bill and the City of Gold

Gerald Barlow

Originally a SoCal boy, I met a NorCal girl and we headed north way back in 1964. After two kids and Lord knows how many cats and three occupations,(teaching, pottery, graphic design & Signs) here I am. I began writing for my children for Christmas and then an adventure tale or two on their lunch bags. I think there enough manuscripts stacking up for now, so here goes...

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    Tiger Bill and the City of Gold - Gerald Barlow


    A Novel By Gerald Barlow

    Smashwords Edition Copyright 2011 Gerald Barlow

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Once Is Enough!

    August 13, 1938 -it is the end of a normal day in Cincinnati and the city hums with traffic. The metropolis giants glint gold and orange as the setting sun reflects off of their westward windows. Few notice the buzz of an aircraft above the homeward din of traffic in the streets. The shape of an autogyro makes its way slowly toward one of the highest buildings and as it does, someone climbs over the cockpit and onto the short wing.

    From the wing, the man clambers onto a dangling rope ladder. Just as the plane nears the building it slows, and the figure comes to the swinging end of the ladder, clinging to its frail promise of support. Soon the building's crown looms ahead and the gyro steers for the large bay windows of the penthouse. The dangling figure produces a rope with a hook attached, and throwing it deftly, he pulls himself onto the fenced terrace before the windows. After a quick swing, he leaps nimbly to the porch and unhooks the rope, waving the pilot away. Stepping to the French doors he begins digging deep into the many pockets of his leather flying suit.

    Oh, No! cries Tiger Bill, The key is in the autogyro!

    The feeling of being alone and abandoned is not new to him. Bill was left on the steps of an orphanage at the height of the depression as a mere baby. Bill, or should we say, William Dennings Smith has now become the youngest millionaire in America, just two weeks after his eighteenth birthday. His drive to succeed when others give up and his unfailing optimism are as much his trademarks as his winning smile, but all that optimism won't open the doors.

    Out on the sun porch Bill banged on the French doors, trying to rouse Rexton, the house man (who incidentally, is hard of hearing) BANG! BANG! BANG! Bill pounded on the doors without result. Suddenly the crackle of the autogyro's motor could be heard over his racket with the doors. Looking up, Bill saw the yellow tail of a message pocket curling down from the plane. When it hit the slate, Bill ran out and retrieved it, opening it up to reveal his house key. With a wave at the pilot, he turned to unlock the door…to find Rexton opening it wide. Good evening, Sir Pleasant trip, Sir?

    Just fine, Rexton, was there any mail? Bill headed for the silver plate on the hall table. He returned with the letters, viewing them spread like a pinochle hand, and then with a GOLLY-WOWSER! he dropped all but one and began ripping the envelope open.

    What is it, Master Bill? Rexton asked as he bent to pick up the scattered letters.

    It's from Susanna Van Wingerdam, she's in Brazil! She says that she is following her father's trail and that he went up river. Now his trail has gone and he is lost in the jungle. She wants me to come down and find him. Argguuuh!" Bill wadded up the letter and shot it at the wastebasket in the corner. Rexton stood at the side of the young man watching his growing anxiety.

    Well Master, Rexton said respectfully, she was once your fiancée...

    Yes, Rex, you're right, but after all that I've decided that once is enough!

    The Bogata Blues

    5:00 A.M. found a mixed group at Tiger Air Freight's hanger #4, at the north end of the airport. A large twin-engined transport plane had been rolled out of the hanger and its polished aluminum skin glinted in the floodlights. Bill looked around at his guests with pride, as he had on many other occasions. A man is known by his associates and Bill knew and trusted these guys well. There was Jungle Jim Brown, his young chemist friend from the university, and a large muscular man in a straw hat carrying a bumpy canvas bag. His real name was Dr. Simeon Park but Bill called him Iguana, because of his ability to move with ease in the jungle, due no doubt to his constant study of the ancient martial art of kim chee. The three stood quietly talking, when a buzzing scream grew from the other end of the flight line, and soon a motorcycle came into view. The bike hurtled down on the boys until it came to an expected sliding stop to the side of the plane.

    Hey guys! shouted the leather-clad rider as he unstrapped a carryall bag, and disappeared up the boarding ladder.

    Must Sky always be late? Jim said to no one, and everyone, and with a sigh they all clambered up the aluminum ladder.

    After storing and tying down their bags, the men all took seats in the forward compartment of the cargo hold. The compartment had been laughingly converted to passenger status, and contained several metal and canvas folding seats that swung down from the sides of the fuselage. They were all a little nervous as first one, and then the other engine coughed to life and was tested to full R.P.M.

    Are we all ready, boys? Sky said from the pilot's doorway.

    Just one thing left to do, Sky and Bill turned to the others, O.K., let's huddle up! The men moved up a row of seats, or leaned forward, as Bill spoke to them "I've got plenty of reasons to not want this trip, but I feel that the Lord wants us to go ahead, so let's ask Him to show us we're on the right track. Father, I know that you know what's ahead of us, and we just want to ask for your help and guidance as we begin. Help us all to realize that we do this, not in our own strength, but in yours. Amen."

    Whoopee! shouted Sky from up front, Strap it in guys! Immediately the engines began their roar, and the plane began to roll down

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