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A Tremble in the Air
A Tremble in the Air
A Tremble in the Air
Ebook29 pages22 minutes

A Tremble in the Air

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"The standout, James D. Macdonald's 'A Tremble in the Air,' introduces a psychic detective, Orville Nesbit, who's clearly heir to the tradition of such sleuths as Algernon Blackwood's John Silence and who deserves to live on in further tales."
-- Publishers Weekly +++ If you liked this story, Orville Nesbit investigates another case in "Ecdysis" by Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald.

Release dateApr 6, 2011
A Tremble in the Air

James D. Macdonald

James D. Macdonald lives in Colebrook, New Hampshire. His previous SF novels co-written with Debra Doyle include The Price of the Stars, Starpilot's Grave, By Honor Betray'd, The Gathering Flame, The Long Hunt, and The Stars Asunder. Their fantasy novel, Knight's Wyrd, won the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award.

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    A Tremble in the Air - James D. Macdonald

    A Tremble in the Air


    James D. Macdonald

    A Tremble in the Air

    Copyright 2004 by James D. Macdonald

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please go to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    A Tremble in the Air


    James D. Macdonald

    Mrs. Roger Collins stood in the visiting room of her home. Mansion would have been a better word. The sun shone in through a bay window flanked by French doors. Filmy drapes kept the sun from bleaching the delicate cloth on the circular table in the center of the room. Spiced air from the gardens gently wafted in.

    Mrs. Collins was expecting her friend Mrs. Frederick Baxter. She had something she wanted to talk to Shirley about. Last night the strangest thing happened. Mary Collins had know for years that the house was haunted, because there was a window on the second floor that would not stay closed if it wasn't locked. But last night, in the misty dark of twilight, while entering the upstairs guest bedroom, she saw the translucent shape of a young lady, and the apparition looked at her and she felt—

    Mary, dear!

    It was Shirley, being shown in by Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins had retired at the end of the Great War, and he had been very helpful during his wife's recent illness.

    Mary had the tea things ready, and the tea itself, a nice oolong with a great deal of milk and sugar, occupied their time along with

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