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eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Writing and Selling E-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Everywhere Else
eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Writing and Selling E-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Everywhere Else
eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Writing and Selling E-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Everywhere Else
Ebook42 pages47 minutes

eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Writing and Selling E-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Everywhere Else

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About this ebook

E-Book Magic uses humor, anecdotes and 'blunt talk' to spill the trade secrets that successful authors have been using to sell e-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and Apple's ibookstore. It also looks at success in a way never discussed before in a book of this type. This e-book will tell you things that authors will never, ever share with you and hold back for fear of competition.--

E-Book Magic also discusses the overall approach you should consider before you publish e-books and how to increase your success if you have been writing e-books for a while, but haven't succeeded like you'd wish.


How writing and selling e-books can seriously change your life-

How timing affects sales-

How social media can be your best friend or worst enemy-

An approach to writing that makes your readers hunger for more-

Tactics to multiply your efforts to maximize your profits-

Strategies to multiply your profit-

How to position your e-books so potential readers can't help but notice you-

Behaviors to Absolutely Avoid; and

How to protect yourself when you start making money-

It also provides mental approaches you can use to stay focused, disciplined and to become a force in the e-book business.-

- ebook -

Release dateApr 7, 2011
eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Writing and Selling E-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Everywhere Else

Bakari Akil II, Ph.D.

When he isn't writing Bakari Akil serves as a Professor of Communication at Florida State College. He also writes for Psychology Today when he is not teaching, researching or coming up with 'off the wall' academic projects.

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    Book preview

    eBook Magic - Bakari Akil II, Ph.D.

    eBook Magic: An Overall Approach to Selling eBooks

    By Bakari Akil II, Ph.D.

    Published by Bakari Akil II, Ph.D. at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Bakari Akil II, Ph.D.


    This book is dedicated to the author within us all.

    About the Author

    Bakari Akil II holds a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Florida State University. He is currently a Professor and has taught and counseled hundreds of people over the years in areas related to graduate education, mass media and how to be more effective communicators.

    He also writes for Psychology Today and his blog, Communication Central

    He is available for mentoring, speeches and workshops and can be reached at

    Table of Contents

    Why I can help you


    Have fun!

    Passive Income

    Business Concerns

    Bugs Bunny vs. The Tortoise

    The Vacuum

    What are you good at?

    Limit Social Media

    Writing Schedule

    Sick Humor

    How long should ebooks be?

    Breaking down books

    Increase your shelf space

    Cover Mania

    What to Charge

    Multiple Platforms

    Categories, Keywords and Tags

    Stat Addiction

    Bank Accounts

    Uncle Sam

    Special Thanks!

    About the Author

    Why I can help you

    As a person seeking information it can be irritating to have someone underestimate your base knowledge about a subject. I am fully aware that some authors treat readers as if they just stepped off the short bus and that the writing generated by that gross miscalculation makes it harder to read their books for the ‘nuggets’ of wisdom they may contain.

    I wrote this with every intention to avoid that tendency. My goal in writing E-book Magic is to offer some different ‘looks’ at the e-writing/e-publishing experience. My hope is that it will be very useful in helping you obtain the goals that you desire.

    Everyone’s story is different, so I can’t guarantee that each person that reads this book will achieve success beyond her wildest imagination. However, I have carved out a solid niche that is financially rewarding for me and I am very pleased about the future. I believe my success is largely due to my approach to writing e-books.

    But who am I? What makes me qualified to write this book? What separates me from the ‘hacks’ that give advice everyday on the blogosphere, in magazines or even in books, but have never accomplished what they are trying to train you to do?

    Well, first, let me provide my background. I have a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Florida State University. I am also an assistant professor who has taught courses in communication and journalism such as Writing for Mass Communication, Mass Media and Society, Introduction to Mass Media, Oral and Interpersonal Communication and Public Speaking. My writings have also been featured in newspapers and I have been paid for articles submitted to magazines.

    I currently blog for Psychology Today (Magazine) and I get paid for it. I also sell hundreds of e-books each month. Hundreds of books, a reader may be screaming right know. I am not trying to sell hundreds, I am trying to sell tens of thousands or a hundred thousand! Well I am going to be upfront with you. No, I do not sell as many books as John Locke, Karen McQuestion, J.A. Konrath, Amanda Hocking

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