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Navigating the Narrow Bridge: 7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When the Life Seems Most Precarious
Navigating the Narrow Bridge: 7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When the Life Seems Most Precarious
Navigating the Narrow Bridge: 7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When the Life Seems Most Precarious
Ebook46 pages42 minutes

Navigating the Narrow Bridge: 7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When the Life Seems Most Precarious

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About this ebook

6.3 million American have some specific fear. If you feel immobilized by fear, this book offers tools for moving freely, confidently and joyously through life and towards your goals and desires. Discover 7 steps drawn from metaphysical and spiritual principles and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman to help you get from where you are to where you want to be despite your fear. Learn to live with faith, courage and the joy that comes from see the miracle of life itself.

No matter how much or how little fear you feel – or for what reason, that fear stops you from living your life fully and creating the life you desire. Fear prevents you from achieving your highest potential and paralyzes you on the path to your dreams.

Do you want to learn to move through your fear so you can achieve your highest potential and achieve your dreams?

According to Rebbe Nachman, who lived from 1772-1840, we need to know one thing: “A person walks in life on a narrow bridge. The most important thing is not to make ourselves afraid.”

The goal of this short book is to help you move freely, confidently and joyously through life and towards your fullest potential. To accomplish this, you’ll learn how to:
• live in the moment
• turn fear of death into awe for life
• find and communicate with God
• use thoughts creatively
• cultivate an attitude of gratitude
• use meditation and visualization to feel safe
• and make affirmations of action

To help you navigate across the narrow bridges in your life, you’ll learn how to take 7 steps to a fear-free life:
Step #1: Traversing the Spectrum of Emotion
Step #2: Utilizing the Power of Thought
Step #3: Reaching Out for God’s Hand
Step #4: Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
Step #5: Using Meditation as a Link to Life
Step #6: Connecting with Commandments
Step #7: Making Affirmations of Action

Navigating the Narrow Bridge draws on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman, metaphysical and quantum physics principles, spiritual wisdom, and human potential techniques. Thus, it is pertinent to anyone from any religious or spiritual background or tradition. Indeed, it’s appropriate for anyone who simply wants to walk courageously through life.

It’s possible to feel safe in this moment, balanced and poised for your next step, and to move forward courageously with a lust for life and an unstoppable desire to fulfill your potential no matter what you find along your path. Read Navigating the Narrow Bridge and find out how.

PublisherNina Amir
Release dateApr 22, 2011
Navigating the Narrow Bridge: 7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When the Life Seems Most Precarious

Nina Amir

Nina Amir, Your Inspiration-to-Creation Coach, inspires people to create the results they desire. When working with writers, she inspires them to create publishable and published products and careers as writers and authors. She inspires non-writers to create fully-lived lives; their cherished dreams, desires and goals; and meaning-full and spirit-full rituals and practices. In all cases, she challenges them to find and fulfill their purpose.Nina is a seasoned journalist, editor, writing and author coach; maggid (Jewish inspirational speaker); Kabbalistic conscious creation coach; and the regular holiday and spirituality expert on Conversations with Mrs. Claus, a weekly podcast heard in more than 90 countries and downloaded by 130,000 listeners per month. She holds a BA in magazine journalism from Syracuse University’s S.I Newhouse School of Public Communication with a concentration in psychology, is a certified life coach, a certified rebirther, and is trained as a Tarot reader and as a Voice Dialogue facilitator.Through her writing and speaking, Nina offers human potential, personal growth, self-improvement, and practical spiritual tools. Although she often speaks and writes from a Jewish perspective, her work spans religious lines and is pertinent to people of all faiths and spiritual traditions. She also is a popular writer, blogger and speaker on topics related to publishing and writing.In all she does, Nina focuses on helping people live their lives fully and manifest their desires -- whether those desires look like written products or something entirely different.Nina sees herself as an "Everywoman" whose struggles and successes are not unlike anyone else’s. Therefore, she writes, speaks and teaches from a place of knowing that what has worked for her will at least provide others with a starting place from which to find what works best for them.She lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains above Los Gatos, CA, with her husband and two children.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    very concise and easy to follow- the book leads you in a straight-forward manner - it takes the confusion out of leaving your fears behind!

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Navigating the Narrow Bridge - Nina Amir

Navigating the Narrow Bridge

7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When Life Seems Most Precarious

Nina Amir


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Nina Amir on Smashwords

Navigating the Narrow Bridge

7 Steps for Moving Forward Courageously Even When Life Seems Most Precarious

Copyright © 2009 by Nina Amir

Cover image from Witthayap &

Cover by Joleene Naylor

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

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I would like to thank my husband, Ron, and my dear friends, Karen Stone and Burge Smith, as well as the Women of Wisdom, my Atlanta women’s spiritual support group, who all helped me in a variety of ways and at different times to move forward courageously when my life felt most like a narrow and precarious bridge.

I’d also like to thank Ron for being my Jewish learning partner for many years. If it were not for you, I may not have discovered the teachings of Rebbe Nachman, my life coach.

Toda rabbah. (Thank you.)

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Author’s Note to the Reader

While this e-book contains quite a few Hebrew terms and a fair amount of wisdom drawn from the Jewish tradition, please know this is not a Jewish book per se. It is meant to help anyone from any secular, religious or spiritual background or tradition who struggles with fearful feelings or thoughts. While much of what I write and teach about stems from Judaism, the lessons are meant to be applicable to all—no matter your religious or spiritual belief systems. I offer human potential, self-improvement, personal growth, and practical spiritual tools often from a Jewish perspective but pertinent to people from all faiths and traditions.

This is a condensed version of the forthcoming full-length book, Navigating the Narrow Bridge, How to Move Forward Courageously Even When Life Seems Most Precarious. The full-length book will include additional tips and tools and more in-depth discussion of the seven steps and how to put them to use in your life. At this time, I am not sure when it will be released.

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A person walks in life on a narrow bridge.

The most important thing is not to make yourself afraid."

Rebbe Nachman

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Table of Contents

Life in a Fear-Built Jail

Life on the Narrow Bridge

Learning to Live Freely and Fully on the Bridge

Step #1: Traversing the Spectrum of Emotion

Step #2: Utilizing the Power of Thought

Step #3: Reaching Out for God’s Hand

Step #4: Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

Step #5: Using Meditation as a Link to Life

Step #6: Connecting with Commandments

Step #7: Making Affirmations of Action

About the Author

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Life in a Fear Built Jail

For most of us, fear serves as a familiar, if not constant, companion, arriving at our side uninvited for a

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