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Evil is Alive and Real
Evil is Alive and Real
Evil is Alive and Real
Ebook42 pages38 minutes

Evil is Alive and Real

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Their mother destroyed everything they cherished, their art work, their awards, etc. She gave them no security, no affection, no hugs, and no encouraging words.
They lived in fear every day of what unknown punishment was waiting for them when they arrived home. They were told that children should be seen not heard. They grew up in a silent environment except the times she went in her rages. These wound children were unable to develop the stable links and coping skills to learn how to function in society.
They were afraid to bring friends home due to the fear of the mother acting irrationally and going into the raging fits. She would scream about being the Queen of England and other outlandish comments. The story continues that years later the mother became ill with cancer and was to die when the children were pre-teens. The mother lived until the young teen became a woman.
This abusive mother continued to beat the daylights out of her children and no one protected then. They came to school with bruises, filthy clothing and starving. They lived in filth and vermin running all over the place. They were given no clean clothing, no baths or hot foods.
They were outcasts at school and there was not an agency such as Children Protection Services in exist at that time. The fact of what is said about abused victims still loving their abusers is so true.

Release dateApr 25, 2011
Evil is Alive and Real

Susanna C. Mahoney

I am a spiritual person on a exploration of answers. I write short stories about God and Holy Warriors, teenagers who are enlisted into the fight against evil. I am experimenting with different genres and enjoy writing. I like to help others and write to escape to stimulate my mind as an outlet to bring positive energy to the universe. a supernatural being is the Alpha, the Omega and has messages for His children no matter what faith they are. Open your mind to the spiritual realm, you may be surprise by the answers waiting to Be unraveled

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    Evil is Alive and Real - Susanna C. Mahoney

    Evil is Alive and Real Part One

    by Susanna C. Mahoney

    Published by:

    Copyright c 2011 by Susanna C. Mahoney

    Smash words Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


    When you read the prologue or scan the pages of this ebook part one and/or two do not stop reading and call 911 to have the funny farm come retrieved this writer, I am just exploring a taboo people are afraid to speak about, through factual and fantasy with spiritual exploration and ask you to have an open mind to the stories written in this book with Christian beliefs and book two with dark fantasy, the yin and the yang of light and dark.. These are interruptions not actual statements.

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    To keep sanity intact this writer is mixing the tales of fantasy with religious beliefs. With ideals of fantasy and fiction to pull together not just another religious book, but two novellas about spirituality and listening to your inner consciousness, with a theory of what if. I let the forces to be dictated this first and second novellas and held on to my faith to see where it leads this writer as I listened to my restless inner conscious...

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    People are being persecuted

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