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Who the Hell is Satan
Who the Hell is Satan
Who the Hell is Satan
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Who the Hell is Satan

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The Bible tells us that Satan was thrown out of heaven:

“And there was a war in heaven; .... And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan....”
Revelation 12:7-9

We have collected stories of his coming to earth from numerous ancient accounts. We have gathered scientific evidence of his coming to earth.

Satan was indeed thrown out of the heavens. We have the proof.

Satan caused great evil on earth. We have come to know him as the personalization of all evil.

He has played a key role in almost all of our various religions.

We need to know the truth about him.

This book will let you know why and how he was thrown from heaven. This book will let you know who Satan was and who he is today.

PublisherWalter Parks
Release dateMay 2, 2011
Who the Hell is Satan

Walter Parks

Hi! Thanks so much for your interest in my books! My principal interests are true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. I have occasionally also written some fiction. I was born in Memphis Tennessee and grew up in Saltillo Mississippi, a small town near Tupelo Mississippi. High School life was dominated by watching the rise of our local Elvis. I was editor of the High School Paper and had plenty to write about. I guess this was the beginning of my writing career. After graduating from Mississippi State University as an aerospace engineer I moved to Orlando Florida and worked for Lockheed Martin for 24 years. I advanced from an aerospace engineer to a Vice President of the Company and President of the Tactical Weapons Systems Division. Education Activities I continued my education throughout my career with a MBA degree from Rollins College and with Post Graduate Studies in Astrophysics at UCLA; Laser Physics at the University of Michigan; Computer Science at the University of Miami; Gas Dynamics at MMC and Finance and Accounting at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. While at Mississippi State University I was on the President’s Honor List and in the honor societies of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Gamma Tau and Blue Key. I received a scholarship from Delta Air Lines based on my academics and performance. I was in ROTC and the Arnold Air Society where I participated and toured as a member of the precision Drill Team. I also attended the summer survival training at Hamilton Air Force Base in California. I was selected for Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. I was a speaker for several technical organizations including the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. After Retirement from Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company After retirement from Lockheed I formed Parks-Jaggers Aerospace Company and sold it 4 years later. After selling my aerospace company I formed Quest Studios, Quest Entertainment and Rosebud Entertainment to make films at Universal Studios. I produced 10 films, directed 7 films and wrote 5 film scripts produced at Universal Studios. I won the National Association of Theater Owners Show South Producer of Tomorrow Award. I then formed UnknownTruths Publishing Company to publish true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. These include books about past events so unbelievable that most people have relegated them to "myths". I have published 32 books with 30 in eBook format, 23 in Paperback format and 25 as Audio Books. I have an additional 12 books in development.

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    Book preview

    Who the Hell is Satan - Walter Parks

    Who the Hell is Satan

    By Walter Parks

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011


    Publishing Company

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information please address the Publisher:


    Publishing Company

    8815 Conroy Windermere Rd. Ste 190

    Orlando, FL 32835

    My Blog

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    Other titles by Walter Parks at B&N:

    Jesus the Missing Years

    Satan Has Left the Earth

    Atlantis The Eyewitnesses

    Immortal Again

    Aging is a Treatable Disease

    Paranormal Portal to a Parallel Universe

    Alligator Attack!

    The Devil Takes the Bodies

    Caribbean Ghost, Genetic Memory Comes Alive

    Clan of the Bigfoot

    The Body Returns, Corpus de Licti

    I Look Marvelous, Skin Care Guide

    Indian Massacre in Orlando

    Solomon's Temple Treasure, A New Treasure Hunt

    Ancient Secrets

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2012

    UnKnownTruths Publishing Company

    8815 Conroy Windermere Rd. Suite 190

    Orlando, FL 32835





    Chapter 1 Satan is Thrown from Heaven

    Chapter 2 Satan Comes to Earth

    Chapter 3 Why Did Satan Come to Earth

    Chapter 4 Ancient Documentation

    Chapter 5 The Eyewitnesses

    Chapter 6 Supporting Documents

    Chapter 7 Conclusion

    About the Author

    About UnknownTruths Publishing Company


    This book is dedicated to my oldest and best friend, John Leroy Long Esq. Our many conversations have helped me form many of the opinions presented in my several books.


    I should note that I have used some of the information presented in this book in other books that I have written. My studies of the ancients resulted in great insights into the past. These insights caused me to write several books and eBooks reflecting this astonishing information.

    Most of my findings are summarized in my book: Ancient Secrets.


    Please don’t skip this.

    Truth that is unknown by the reader – no matter how well written, or how poorly written - will be altered by the reader.

    Truth will be altered because of the biases shaped by the reader’s background and experiences; by his or her education and ethics; and by his or her religious beliefs.

    Great truthful documents of the past have been so altered. We need to understand this as we try to interpret such documents – and, of course – our interpretation will further alter the original.

    Satan is a very controversial subject. He has come to represent the evil side of everything.

    We were taught that God threw Satan out of heaven. I believe there is proof of this as presented herein.

    But we need to understand more of the truth about Satan. I hope this book helps.

    In any event,


    Walter Parks

    Chapter 1

    Satan is Thrown from Heaven

    And there was a war in heaven; …. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan….

    Revelation 12:7-9

    The ancients clearly saw Satan falling to earth. Each society interpreted what they saw somewhat differently, based on their beliefs and knowledge base.

    Atlantis: April 1, 9619 BC

    Atlantis; really? Bear with me.

    Eliphaz knew more about the gods than any other holy man in Atlantis. He had been watching them in the night skies all his life. No wonder he was the first to see Satan thrown out of heaven.

    Eliphaz was first taught about the gods by his father and he learned more about them each year as he studied them every night. He knew that each of the gods, which we now know as planets, patrolled their own part of heaven (their orbits). Every one of them maintained the prescribed order.

    But Satan displeased the gods and they threw him out of heaven.

    Eliphaz first saw Satan being hurled to earth when Satan, falling from the upper heavens, passed the great god Neptune. He started spitting fire at Neptune. Eliphaz could see the fire in the clear night sky.

    That made Neptune mad. He threw a large bolt of lighting at Satan. It made Satan quit spitting fire, but Satan still glowed red hot in anger as he fell past Neptune.

    Eliphaz watched all night. Eventually Satan’s anger lessened and he didn’t glow so bright. Finally he was too dim for Eliphaz to see him in the brightening morning sky.

    Eliphaz wondered what Satan had done to make the gods throw him out of heaven. He wondered what Satan would do when he landed on earth.

    He better go tell the king that Satan was coming.


    Eliphaz waited until the King was ready to receive his chief priest. Sometimes the king maintained his privacy until late in the

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