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Everyday Cinderellas
Everyday Cinderellas
Everyday Cinderellas
Ebook49 pages35 minutes

Everyday Cinderellas

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Everyday Love short story series, Book 1.

Everyday Cinderellas is a collection of short stories about women who are just living their lives, sometimes hurt by the past, unsure love will find them. But it does...unexpectedly. These seven fictional vignettes depict the circumstances of ordinary women who believe they can find the love of their life. These feel-good, short romances spotlight a single mom, a teacher, hometown women, a nurse, and a manicurist who take a chance on the power of bonding with a man who can make them feel like Cinderella!

Release dateMay 14, 2011
Everyday Cinderellas

Karen Rose Smith

Karen Rose Smith was born in Pennsylvania. Although she was an only child, she remembers the bonds of an extended family. She and her parents lived with her grandfather and aunt until she was five, when her parents built a house next door. Since her father came from a family of ten and her mother, a family of seven, there were always aunts, uncles, and cousins visiting on weekends. Family is a strong theme in her books and she suspects her childhood memories are the reason. As a teenager, music became as important to Karen Rose as reading. The Beatles were her favourite group. But she and her cousin took their first sojourn into writing by collaborating on a script for The Monkees television program. They sent that script to every concert venue where the group appeared that summer! In college, Karen Rose began writing poetry and also met her husband-to-be. They both began married life as teachers, but when their son was born, Karen Rose decided to try her hand at a home decorating business. She returned to teaching for a while but changes in her life led her to writing romance fiction. Now she writes full-time. She has had over 30 novels published since 1992. Married to her college sweetheart for almost 30 years, believing in the power of love and commitment, she envisions herself writing romance for a long time to come!

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    Book preview

    Everyday Cinderellas - Karen Rose Smith

    Everyday Cinderellas

    A Collection of Romantic Short Stories


    Karen Rose Smith

    Everyday Love Short Story Series, Vol. 1

    Copyright 2011 Karen Rose Smith

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



    Timmy's Friend

    Leap Into Love

    A Swing For Two

    Cabin Romance

    Meant To Be

    On-Call For Love

    Just Like Cinderella


    Timmy's Friend


    Karen Rose Smith

    You've gotta see them, Mom! Timmy dragged Laura to the neighbor's garage as grey clouds gathered, predicting another summer afternoon storm. Mr. Talbot says I can have the kitten I want if you say yes. Please?

    Timmy's pleading was hard to resist. At eight now, he'd wanted a pet for a long time. A kitten would definitely be easier to care for than a dog.

    Mr. Talbot says they're ready right now to go to good homes. And we'd give Stripes a good home.


    Timmy tugged her faster. He has grey and white stripes on his face. He comes running when he sees me.

    Matt Talbot had moved next door four months ago. They'd introduced each other over the hedge and had smiled or waved when they'd passed in their cars. But Laura had purposely kept her distance. Matt was a tall, good-looking man with an easy smile. The last tall, good-looking man she'd known had broken her heart and Timmy's, too. She doubted if she'd ever trust a man with her heart again.

    As she stepped into the garage after her son, she stopped short. Matt Talbot sat on the floor with his long jean-clad legs stretched out in front of him. Three kittens, around eight-weeks old, scampered about him. A small grey tiger lay curled on his thigh, asleep.

    Hi, Timmy, Matt said, catching sight of them. Lifting the sleeping kitten into his palm, holding it protectively against his chest, he rose to his feet. His boots were worn, his red T-shirt well-washed. Her heart raced faster as he appraised her with curious interest. Timmy can have Stripes?

    She nodded. He's promised me he'll take care of him. A kitten will teach him responsibility.

    And keep him company, Matt suggested.

    Sometimes Timmy seemed lonely, and she wondered if her neighbor had sensed that, too. "His best friend lived in your house. When Chad moved to Texas, Timmy was at loose

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