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The Green Line Redrawn
The Green Line Redrawn
The Green Line Redrawn
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The Green Line Redrawn

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A Tantalizing journey, solved all in a gay Chicago weekend. And Olive, well let's just say she get' a little bombed too.

PublisherTG Within
Release dateMay 15, 2011
The Green Line Redrawn

TG Within

TG is a native born Michigander. He now resides in San Diego with his life partner and their two Brats, Larson and Lucy. He is fourth oldest of six children, born into a typical dysfunctional middle class family. A gifted Stylist, he has had many opportunities to work in mediums including; Photography, Cosmetology, Visual Merchandising, Landscaping and Interior Design, these experiences have left his mind full of fascinating stories. Here for your enjoyment then are just a few.

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    Book preview

    The Green Line Redrawn - TG Within

    The Green Line Redrawn

    Published by TG WITHIN at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 TG WITHIN

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Skippity do dah… Ouch! - Chapter One

    Oneiros’ Summer Faux-Hawk - Chapter Two

    Morpheus’ Sherutim - Chapter Three

    Oil for Olive, A Slippery Night Out - Chapter Four

    There’s an App for That - Chapter five

    Ginger Jon - Chapter 5.5

    Seven One Seven = Six Thousand Dollars - Chapter Six

    Half up Front - Chapter Seven

    The Job - Chapter eight

    Nine Inches Nine Minutes Nine Gone - Chapter Nine

    Miss Calculate - Chapter Ten

    Gather to Hatch a Plan - Chapter Eleven

    Interrogation Brief - Chapter 11.5

    Save the Trees - Chapter Twelve

    Unlucky Trax - Chapter Thirteen

    A Green Line West - Chapter Fourteen

    The Acontine Tincture – Chapter Fifteen

    The Birth of Genette - Chapter Sixteen

    In Harmony - Chapter Seventeen

    Two Heads are Better - Chapter Eighteen

    The Hatching Cums Later – Chapter 18.5

    Rancid Oil - Chapter Nineteen

    The Trappage - Chapter Twenty

    Skin in the Game – Chapter 20.5

    The Green Line Redrawn - Chapter twenty one

    * * *

    Skippity do dah… Ouch! - Chapter One

    He was tired. Tired of no sleep. Tired of being woken up at 4:30 each morning by the garbage truck. Hissing brakes rolling to a screeching stop. Beep Beep Beep Beep as it lumbered in reverse to the dumpster parked outside his bedroom window. Hiss kercha-blunk. VUUUUUUR bam. VUUUUUUR Up and over and down, BAM.

    His eyes blinked opened. Starring at the dents in the ceiling where the previous tenant had used a broom handle or shoe to warn the upstairs neighbors to quiet down.

    He then leaned over the bed side to check the time even though he knew it.

    4:30 am, again. Skip kept the clock on the floor so the bright digital numbers wouldn't keep him awake every time they flipped. He was a light sleeper.

    Friday morning came with a bam. Every Friday Morning. Monday and Wednesday morning as well. Three days a week he was ripped from the arms of a hot lover or a soft swaying hammock on the beach or a juicy mènage à trois with the same rude BAM.

    Those garbage dudes never missed a beat.

    Why hadn't he checked the view a little bit better before signing. He had to get out of his lease somehow. If it wasn't the garbage truck or the newly weds upstairs or the tattoo/ billiards/ salon across the hall. He should have known the price of the apartment was too good to be true even though the location was perfect.

    Noisy was an under statement, quiet this place wasn't. He needed to sleep. He could feel his smooth gig beginning to unravel.

    It had been seven months of constant noise and the circles under his eyes wouldn't go away.

    Speaking of beat, might as well finish this off he thought and grabbed the tube of Wet lying next to the tissues on the floor. Skip rolled on his back and slipped off his racers. Not one to let a great fantasy slip by he closed his eyes and reached down to the warm invite waiting. Slowly he began, now where was he, just five minutes ago in that dream. At least he would relax and unload before his hectic day would begin.

    The hot shower beat down on his six foot frame washing away the stickiness of his current situation when his cell phone rang. Shit he thought not even seven minutes to myself.

    Skip reached for the big white towel as he turned off the shower. With out drying off he wrapped it around his waist as he bolted for the bedroom door. Dripping wet he slipped on the tiles and went down hard scraping his shin and hitting his head on the corner of the sink.

    The cell phone was singing, Oh the shark babe, has such teeth dear, as he came to.

    He managed to straighten himself out on the cold floor as the I-phone rang again.

    Ouch shit! Shit... my toe. He felt down his skinned shin for the throbbing toe. Never mind the new golf ball that grew on the back of his noggin. Damn it. His leg was bleeding.

    and he shows them, pearly white, The cell sang again. just a jack knife has old Mack heat babe.

    He struggled to his knees. Naked he crawled towards Bobby Darin.

    There on the back of the bed room door next to his leather holster, hung his jeans. The cell rattled his switch blade and quarters as it sang.

    and it keeps it out of sight, you know when that shark bites with its teeth babe scarlet billows start to spread.

    * * *

    Oneiros’ Summer Faux-Hawk - Chapter Two

    Hello this is Oneiros. How may I help you? Yes...un ha. Yes...I know Sir...Half up front. Un yes that would be fine...Oh I always succeed. Skip rolled his eyes towards the clock then down at his throbbing toe. " Well I suggest someplace with a little less profile say... Morpheus. Do you know the place off of the Jarvis Stop? Good...uh...Oh...Bring a picture on your cell. I'll be in the last booth."

    Skip always used his formal name in the add he took out in the Torch.

    More than A Dream I Always Get My Man! It seemed to work.

    Seven o'clock would give him some time to find a pair of shoes that he could walk in. His toe was black and blue and a third the size of the other one. Great he thought. Now I'll have to come up with a new routine. No dancing with this piggy.

    He sat on the edge of his bed and wrapped his toes together. Looks like a driver or slider were his only options. There was no way his foot would fit into anything he presently owned. Oh well off to DSW. Surely they'd have something stylish for summer. Image was part of his success. He pulled a black sock gingerly over his foot.

    He was not big on flip flops having been raised by a Greek mother in the fashion industry but until he had something that fit they would have to do.

    Perhaps a new look for this assignment might be just what the Dr. ordered. His stylist's place was not to far from the shoe store and with a quick call he

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