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God Are You Up There?
God Are You Up There?
God Are You Up There?
Ebook26 pages28 minutes

God Are You Up There?

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There are different ways people who are bound by Alcohol stop drinking, but you won't forget this one!

This story is a chicken soup of sadness, serious and humor all mixed in with a pinch of sarcasm.

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PublisherDarrel Bird
Release dateMay 30, 2011
God Are You Up There?

Darrel Bird

Darrel Bird has written and published 47 short stories. He attended Bakersfield college, and is an avid motorcyclist.

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    God Are You Up There? - Darrel Bird

    God, are you up there?

    by Darrel Bird

    Copyright 2010 by Darrel Bird

    Smashwords addition

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Darren Bond sat glassy-eyed as the loud music pulsed and thumped against the walls of the room. He looked around at everyone sitting cross-legged on the floor. There were towels stuffed under the door to keep the marijuana smoke from seeping out of the room, and you could get a hit from the fog alone. The music had begun to sound like screeching tires in his ears, and he thought, How did I come to this?

    Darren’s head was swimming as he sucked on his third roach. He had already been drinking most of the afternoon, but neither the marijuana nor the beer was doing much good. He looked around the room at the men he had come with and wondered what he was doing there. He gazed at his grungy friends with their long, stringy hair. Then he reached up and touched his own head, and his hand came away greasy.

    He had returned from the Nam in '66 to low pay jobs in the day and ghosts screaming in the night. He tried to keep all the wolves at bay with alcohol and dope. Sometimes it worked; sometime it didn't.

    He thought of his wife, waiting at home with their five kids, and a twinge of guilt went through him. He knew he ought to be getting home. He said to the guy nearest him and to no one in particular, Hey, I’m goin’ home! Everyone was too stoned to notice. Darren walked out the door and staggered to his car. The sun was still shining as he gunned the ancient Olds, eased out of the driveway

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