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Do emperors have destinies? Who would look for the emperor of a patriarchy on a world run by women? Damia is a successful Amazonian utopia. Companion is the job for men. One does not disrespect one's best friend. Toyboy is the respected title of male companions, who escort successful women and presidents to social functions and host them for businesses. Another Amazonian culture chooses the five highest paid toyboys on Damia to guide them to change. The five clan fathers are the most important people on a Tookalook clan ship. They will father a generation. Do emperors have destinies?

About books by Sharon L Reddy, reviewers said:

"The author is a fine wordsmith who possesses a marvelous imagination."

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"...unique, fast-paced style ...allows one to read almost as fast as one can think."
"...romantic brain-candy... If you like almost any kind of men at all, you'll like hers..."

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Release dateJun 6, 2011

Sharon L Reddy

I write science fiction romance, but it's the literary definition of romance. Swashbuckle, Baby, in "white tie and tails." High romantic fantasies, million word mysteries, family sagas, statesmen, gurus and wise immortals. Loving dads, sons and brothers, and of course, the women who understand and appreciate them. High fashion and landscape design. Materials and art, the books are built to be read very fast, specifically for the way women visualize. Research on the soap operas of the fifties, trends in international populist (fan) fiction, technological development, and above all, long-term entertainment value. It has to be good in reruns. The intent is create a body of work that's just fun to read, in spurts or bursts over decades. Ethics, responsibility, nobless oblige, the power of money, the use of prestige. I write good guys win. Period. They're fantasies for women. Men with lots of muscle say, "I love you," a lot.Most of what is currently published was written in the first decade, 1991-1999, before Mother Nature changed my personal definition of "mature audience." I hope you'll remain with me as I and my work mature and enjoy the second decade of my work now being published, as well.I've lived many places and visited far more. My current residence is on a high mesa in New Mexico, in the United States, where I am engaged in a habitat restoration project.Explanation of the Pilots Group:Some of these works have been sitting on my hard drive close to twenty years and they're no fun for anyone just sitting there. They're exactly what they've been titled, pilots, like for a TV series. It is my intent and hope that other writers will choose to continue the adventures of the characters. There are only three restrictions. Don't kill off my heroes, don't make good guys bad guys and give my story credit if you publish. Yes, you may publish and make money on your stories. I loved reading and writing fan fiction, but the limitations on it could be frustrating, so... Have fun with these works that specifically don't have them.

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    Book preview

    Pentad - Sharon L Reddy

    Sharon L Reddy


    ©1996, 2011

    Target Yonder

    Millennium Works Collection

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 978-1-58338-566-1

    Chapter One

    Emperor Vlasiantor Duladdin Shinkolan Sumada Torrence the Twelfth looked up when his regent walked into the library. He carefully pasted on a smile and coughed. He certainly didn't want Lord Visiad to be disappointed, or learn he'd long ago realized he was being slowly poisoned.

    You've stayed up reading all night again, haven't you, Your Most Imperial Majesty? You shouldn't. You need rest.

    Actually, I got up early, Lord Visiad. Sometimes rest becomes difficult. It's pointless to stay in bed when... Well, either the cough becomes less when I read or I don't notice it as much.

    File: The splatter cultures?

    I've studied the seventy-three cultures of my peoples and those of the other four imperiums; Cord, Falcairn, Halsade and Toscan. I was looking for something to take my mind off coughing and reading a bit about the oddities of some of them makes me smile. The writer was quite good. The book gives one a brief synopsis of how they came to be, then a few screens of what day to day existence is like in them for the poor, middle class and among the powerful. It's often done in anecdotes that give more feeling of the attitude of the people than a dissertation would.

    Splash! The Variety of Scattered Peoples. It doesn't sound particularly instructional.

    It's not really. It was written by a trader who just wanted to share her knowledge of those wide-spread worlds that were cut off when the center was destroyed.

    A woman?!

    Yes. Women are not stupid, Lord Visiad. If they were, we would not be very intelligent either. Half our heritage does come from our mothers.

    I've never considered them stupid, Your Imperial Majesty. Foolish, flighty and difficult, but not stupid. Most of them know their place and keep to it.

    True. Sometimes I wish their 'place' brought them a bit closer to mine.

    When you are sixteen, suitable young women will be introduced to you, and those you choose will be installed in your hareem and await your coming of age.

    Lord Visiad, we both know how unlikely it is I'll reach my sixteenth year, let alone my coming of age at seventeen.

    Don't say that, please. You may improve.

    That's extremely unlikely. My condition has steadily deteriorated over the last three years. I know I'm weakening.

    Your Imperial Majesty, the physicians have hope.

    The physicians say, 'Perhaps you'll outgrow the problem. The genetic disorder didn't manifest until you were twelve. Perhaps it will slowly disappear.' Lord Visiad, I'm not really growing. My body is not developing as it should. The line of Torrence has come to an end.

    Your Most Imperial Highness, we do not wish to consider this.

    All wishes don't come true. I'm glad in some ways. The empire is unraveling. It will not outlast me by long.

    The empire will stand forever!

    Nothing stands forever. My family has held our seventy-three worlds for forty-seven generations. We have enforced peace between them and defended them against marauders and other, would-be, emperors. Many are no longer appreciative.

    A fleet of ships orbiting makes them appreciative quickly.

    It is not the Torrence way! We stand between those who would come to war. We do not use our weapons against our own worlds, even as threat, unless they attack another.

    Quite true, but one sometimes does get fed up with cajoling and coddling some of the outer worlds.

    These are the outer worlds, Lord Visiad. The third great diaspora flung human life onto far distant worlds in search of a thousand different utopias. Your world, your rules. All you have to be is capable of self-sufficiency when war rages across the center of human space and sixty trillion lives and nine worlds disappear in the first two minutes of it. Survive and build or die. No one's looking your way and no one's going to help. On Sadarad, a king arose. He wasn't really pleased they made him king. Toskina attacked. Mouret attacked. Falain attacked. The king's people were fed up. He led his people forth and enforced peace around Sadarad. Several worlds asked to be included under his banner, then more sought the peace he brought to those worlds. Then still more sought his banner and protection.

    Thus was the empire born!

    Yes, Lord Visiad, that was how it came to be. It was born of the desire of worlds for peace. Peace came to all, but there was one thing about the culture of Sadarad that was quite odd. It was a monotheistic patriarchy. Of course, it didn't insist anyone else be. However, in the last, not quite, millennia it spread. Not the religion, but the intensely patriarchal culture. I'm an outsider now, Lord Visiad. I won't be here much longer. It is intended the House of Torrence end. The dynasty is dead. I'll sire no sons to carry it on. My fathers, for three generations, have died young, each younger than the last. Fate has spoken clearly. Emperors have destinies, Lord Visiad. I'm intended to be the last Torrence emperor. When I'm gone, the empire can reorder itself and the varied cultures begin to develop again. We did a good job for those people, but they don't want what we do anymore. Most of them want their capitol on their world. There are a great many who just want to get rid of the Imperial Stellar. Money exchange is a very profitable business and they want to play in a money market so much. For nine hundred forty-seven years there's been peace around here. Old feuds will flare up, but they'll be isolated economically. Cultures will change or die. If there's another true war, it will begin here. From here, death could spread to cover the face of seventy-three worlds. It won't happen that way. The officers of the fleet swear themselves to honor before duty and are very adamant about it. Our young Lords are sword-bearing, swashbuckling, glamorous young men protecting the people of the worlds to whom we have pledged it. I fully trust their idealism. I taught it to them. It's what they wanted. Dying, brilliant, boy emperor and the last of a dynasty, and he's an idealist with a very good grip on reality. I played with those boys. We were all heroes in my games. I've finished my job. I can go peacefully.

    What job, Your Imperial Majesty?

    I've put in place an independent space force oathed to nothing but honor. Gave them a couple nice continents as bases. They should be a viable independent culture in ten years. I've moved their families already.


    You lose. I win. You gave me the one thing I needed to complete the task, Visiad, my murder and the end of the Torrence dynasty. Death hovers over me and has my whole life. This is my last day, Visiad. I know it. Go away. Let me at least enjoy this one.

    The boy emperor smiled when the man who represented all he had defeated left. The empire was crumbling and he had stopped it from being held together by force. He'd known what was coming since his father and mother had died when he was four. His father had left him behind because he'd misbehaved. He'd been intended to die in the flyer crash too. He knew why his father had been killed. He'd begun to learn and teach. Only the young Lords understood he was teaching. He liked to make vids.

    They indulged the poor sickly boy. He directed every romantic, idealistic, great play he could find. He drafted boys from the fleet academy prep schools to be in them. At their first meeting he told them he wasn't intended to live long enough to be crowned because someone planned on using them to conquer people. They agreed. The regency was building a war fleet. Forty, twelve to fourteen-year-old, Lords had gone to work with their seven-year-old emperor to prevent the conquest of worlds the fleet was sworn to protect. The goal of each and every young Lord and each play was to deepen the concept of honor in every boy headed for the academy and the fleet. Now they were the young officers of the fleet and they had a written set of commands from their emperor. In three days, they would begin implementing them. He began implementing his plan for himself.


    Yes, Your Imperial Majesty?

    Bring me an araki fruit.

    There are some fresh, lovely, tatori melon slices prepared for you, Your Imperial Majesty.

    An araki fruit, Thaina, please.

    He watched a person who'd been helping him stay alive head for the kitchen. She'd bring the fruit and try to find a time to dispose of the melon. It was not something he and his nanny had discussed. Here and there, all over the palace, some helped hide the fact he ate nothing prepared in the kitchen, if he could avoid it. His habit of just sitting down somewhere at a banquet table and putting one of his counselors at the head of it, had reduced the danger of that he couldn't avoid.

    When Thaina returned, he told her to go have breakfast. He said he was thinking of a nap. As soon as she left the room, he got to work. He had about twenty minutes to become someone else. He began by tinting and curling his hair and depilating his face. He sighed as he wiped away the beard and mustache that had really just begun to be a beard and mustache. He looked at the result in the mirror and was very surprised. He'd expected to look different. He hadn't expected to like it. He was suddenly rather pleased the tint he'd found in a guest bath was scintillating copper. The bright auburn looked natural with the light base he'd chosen for his skin tone and made his hazel eyes look much greener. He went to work with his paints.

    He carefully made himself up as a demure young Lady. The makeup job was a subtle masterpiece. It had to be. Families spent small fortunes for personal dressers known for their skills. Daughters were cherished. The more one had, the more houses to which one could affiliate and seal the bargain with a daughter for the hareem. A lovely daughter could get a man in many doors, and depending on who wanted her, help his career.

    He put on the halter that changed his shape a bit, then the uniform of a Lady-in-waiting. As he tied on the dustcap, he smiled. The regent's First Wife was a nasty tempered old witch. Ladies-in-waiting changed with great regularity. A new group had arrived the day before. It wouldn't surprise the guards in the palace or at the gate to see a pretty girl, in tears and carrying a traveling case, hurry out of the palace. The pretty ones never lasted more than a day or two.

    He carefully stored his makeup kit in his case, slipped out of the library and began working his way across the palace. It took him two hours of hiding, then hurrying, to get from his apartments to the area where a new Lady-in-waiting belonged.

    He took a deep breath, allowed the pain of leaving his people and the end of the empire to wash through him and tears began to flow. He was watched, but not spoken to, by the guards, as he walked through the palace to the gate. He softened his voice and spoke carefully in his tenor range.

    Please order me a vehicle to the spaceport.

    Yes, Lady. Turb, take the Lady.

    This way, Lady.

    He watched out the window as the car passed through the capital city. It wasn't his home. He'd never been allowed to explore it. He sighed deeply when the car entered the transportation port gates. His driver noticed.

    Pretty rough on you?

    I beg your pardon?

    Lady Kiskandic-Visiad has a personal view of what Ladies-in-waiting should be like and how long they should stay. There are always a few who don't fit that view. You're far from the first to leave before she even learned her way around the palace.

    I worked to get here.

    That's why it hurts so much. You never got a chance.

    I rather wanted to meet...

    Nobody, well, no woman, meets the emperor. He's not well and I guess they just don't think it would be good for him. We just hope he has time to sire a son.

    It's almost unthinkable, isn't it?

    It is. I can't even imagine the empire without a Torrence as emperor.

    I wonder if anyone can.

    Oh, the empire will go on.

    Will it? When the last Torrence is gone? All worlds and all military services are sworn to the emperor, not the empire. The oaths are to the House of Torrence. After this one, if he sires no children, will the seventy-three worlds and the fleet renew those oaths? Thank you for the ride and the comfort you tried to give.

    You're welcome. Don't worry your pretty head about the empire, Lady. It's been around near a thousand years. It's not just going to end.

    A very long time for an empire. That, more than anything else, speaks of the benevolence and wisdom of the House of Torrence. In forty-seven generations, no Torrence emperor has abused his power. It's a record which will probably stand forever. It's a fine legacy.

    Well, I'll still say my prayers for our young emperor's health and keep hoping. He's lived longer than they expected.

    I'm quite sure the prayers of those who wish him strength have aided.

    Do you need help to find your ship?

    No. Thank you again. Return to your duties, Turb. The gates are clearly marked and I have enough for my ticket. Perhaps my father expected this. I'm well-prepared.

    He may have. Safe journey.

    Thank you.

    The last Torrence made his way across the port, from where ships waited to carry people to other parts of Sadarad, to where shuttles waited to carry people to ships that would carry them to other worlds.

    He went to the credit exchange desk and used the account code his father had given him the day they'd planned his 'misbehavior' and opened a travel account with it. It was the first time he'd used the account. He'd transfer the balance in the travel account to the ship he boarded, then 'cash it out' immediately. Cash-out wasn't unusual on a ship, but it would be in whatever currency the ship used in its entertainment areas. The one used on the ship he was boarding and its route were why he was leaving that day.

    When he finished his 'banking,' he joined the short line for a shuttle that would take people to the ship. He presented letters of permission to the ticket clerk and purchased his ticket. She was being allowed to visit a cousin at the embassy on Mirit.

    Mirit is a long voyage. It's out of the empire, and you didn't request return reservation.

    Suitable companions for a young Lady are not plentiful there. I'm not expecting to return for quite some time. Young cousins far from home need guidance. My rank is acceptable. Companion is a very good position. My father said so.

    You're homesick already.

    It won't stop me from doing my duty.

    Safe journey, Lady.

    Thank you. May I board the shuttle now?

    You'd better. You've only one hour until departure. This is probably the last.

    Thank you. I didn't realize how close it was. I shouldn't have spent so much time getting ready.

    The clerk watched the girl square her shoulders and walk toward the boarding ramp. The last Torrence emperor knew his people well, and that the clerk was thinking 'her' father was a sly one. Duke Simoniad, the ambassador, had five sons and four daughters. 'Her' father didn't have enough rank for his beautiful daughter to interest the marriage arrangers, so he was putting her underfoot in a household with young men, whose father would be delighted to have any girl of rank interest the two eldest in beginning a hareem. He knew those two eldest had no intentions of doing so, or returning to Sadarad.

    The young emperor began working as soon as he boarded the ship. He had fifty-two days to change himself beyond recognition. It wouldn't be unusual for a young Lady to remain in her stateroom the entire voyage. Young Ladies did not mingle. He began by ordering a large meal and initiating the carefully constructed exercise program that would add a great deal of muscle to his deliberately under-developed frame.

    In the fifty-two days, he made one trip out of his stateroom. He smiled when he returned and pulled off his brown wig. He'd decided he liked his hair red and himself beardless. He carefully applied the chemical compound that would change the color of his hair permanently to his entire body. By the time he'd lightened his skin too, he had blisters in some very tender areas, but looked very different. He really wasn't sorry he'd only waited two days between instead of five, except when he moved. He decided permanent depilation of his face could wait awhile. He'd do it just before landing.

    Five days later, he wiped his beard and mustache away forever, changed into the outfit he'd carefully copied from a book on cultural dress as being typical of Mirit, shortened his hair and caught the shuttle down. He didn't leave the spaceport. He bought a ticket for Condor. He'd get off before it was reached. He was going to Damia. It was the one world on which no one would really search for him. Who would look for the emperor of a patriarchy on a world where men were far outnumbered and women ran everything? He spent another thirty-eight days working his body.

    On the thirty-ninth day, he once again got out his makeup kit. He subtlely shadowed his eyes, shaded the color of his lips and added a bit to make his lashes more noticeable, then put on the costume he'd so carefully constructed. He pierced his right earlobe and hung a gold hoop in it. That didn't take long. He spent three hours learning to sit in the short kilt without exposing himself.

    He took a deep breath and hurried to catch the shuttle down to Damia. He was quite sure no one would recognize the skinny young Torrence emperor in the muscular Damian toyboy. He rather wished it hadn't been the only role he was sure no one would realize he could play. It began before he left the spaceport.

    Well, hello, pretty.


    You available?

    I'm sorry, but I must report to the lady that I've arrived.

    Too bad. Coral Gate?

    I beg your pardon.

    Your house. Coral Gate? You look like one of Vena's.

    I'll tell her you thought so. It should please her.

    What's your name?

    Torrence. My mother had an interesting sense of humor. I go by Tory.

    I like the way your kilt drapes, Tory. I may look you up.

    Thank you.

    He murmured, Very, very much, as he walked away. The woman had given him the one thing he'd needed, the name of a house and its mistress' name. She'd been expensively dressed and hadn't offered a price. That meant she recognized him as being expensive. He hoped. He exchanged his cash, bought and put on a slender ankle bracelet and gold necklace and caught a taxi to the Coral Gate. The driver didn't seem surprised at all. When he arrived, he was shown to Vena's office.

    Very nice and I've never seen you before.

    I'm not from here. I'm a virgin in all ways, but I've studied.


    This is the only place I can stay alive. I've known it a long time. Male prostitutes aren't really looked down upon on this world. Toyboy is actually a respected occupation. Men can't participate in the government, but you don't keep anyone from leaving if they don't like it. Since I'm worth keeping alive, don't you think you should begin helping me convert knowledge into practice?

    The dye perm?

    So's the depilation. I've been touched by no woman since I was four. I haven't had a hug since then. I've masturbated at least daily since I was eleven of my years. That's when I realized this is the only place I can stay alive. You'll know I'm telling truth when they search for me. I place my life and the future I built for my peoples in your hands. My name is Torrence, called Tory. I tell people my mother had a strange sense of humor. She told me so the day before she and my father died in a flyer crash. I misbehaved and wasn't allowed to go with them. Several people were disappointed. My father and I had worked out my misbehavior ahead of time. You're beautiful and I've just given you my life. If I leave this house, you will still hold it. No one is more discreet than she who runs a brothel, even on this world. Teach me to give myself to a woman. I want to live. For that, I need a past. This is the one that will allow me to keep my name.

    You sure you want to keep it?

    Oh, yes. You see, I won. I not only beat them, I'm going to live through it. The empire won't, but the peoples will. I took them with me. I set them free, too. You'll begin to hear of it soon. I instilled an absolute set of ideals in a generation. No one is going to use my fleet to attack my people. Ever. I won. They lost. I told them so the day I disappeared. By now, they've begun to realize how many have been obeying my commands for years. It's quite a shock, I'm sure. They were sure the poison had made me too weak, and they had me too isolated, to command. I began dodging poison at age five. At twelve, they changed it for one that acted more quickly. I seemed to have an unusual immunity. I had help. A great many of my people brought me fruit and snacks and mentioned it to no other. You're the first person I've ever spoken to about this. You'll be the last as well. Teach me to make love. I always will.

    The empire treats women like...

    Yes, but I changed that too. It'll just take about sixty years to become complete. By then, women will have a right to education and be allowed to vote on every world now in the empire, including Sadarad. True equality on all worlds will take longer, but there will be women in government before then. Some worlds will leap to equality very quickly. On others, it will be a far too slow process.

    We don't have equality.

    You don't use your sons as political bribes, either. Any man who wishes may leave. Your world was founded as an Amazonian utopia. Men who come here, or stay here, know that. You don't want many men here, or not a large percentage of the total. Your sons visit, though not very many stay. The fact they visit says this world is not horrible for men. My information about Damia came from a book written by a woman trader and a costume catalog I've been receiving yearly since I began directing plays at age seven. I made it myself. Do you like it?

    It's good. Got to say you're the most unique applicant for a job who's ever walked in here.

    You're beautiful in that white jumpsuit, Vena. I want to touch your breasts beneath it. All women are beautiful to me. Set my price high. Be selective for me. I'd like ten steady clients, but if someone walks in, who you think I'd find interesting, I'll certainly consider them. Touch me, Vena. No hand not wearing a sterile glove has touched me since my parents died.

    I don't play with my boys. It's a rule I don't break, even for you. This isn't the right house for you, but you picked the right woman to talk to. Let's finish covering your tracks. I'm going to send you to another. Communication. Tolly Forte, the Gilded Moon.


    Tolly, Vena. I've got eager without a lot of experience, but he's got enough to know he wants ten steady and a few who look like fun. He can pull your prices for that kind of arrangement and then some. Besides, if he works your place and not mine, I can visit. Pretty boy.

    Vena, I think of you as a friend, but I still don't know why you're doing me this kind of favor.

    I'm not, Tolly. I'm doing me one. Having him around is steaming up my office. He's raising my blood pressure. I'd prefer him there where I can do something about it.

    I'm even more surprised. I never thought I'd hear that from you.

    Torrence, Tory, is a very unusual young man. Shall I send him?

    Why not? If I don't like him, I'll send him back.

    I don't expect to see him 'til I come there. Out.

    I'll be disappointed if you don't, Vena. I hope you wear that when you do.

    I just might. You're not old enough for this, Tory.

    I thought I was too young to die too. Others disagreed. I'd be legally adult on some worlds.

    Sure you would.

    I would.

    I don't think I want to ask which ones.

    I'm an adult. A child could not have survived and I did much more than just survive. Will I like Tolly?

    With Tolly it's all business. She has a life companion. Her boys are seen in the company of the rich and powerful. Her one hard and fast rule is no life-companioned clients unless they're together.


    Two women, or even a woman and her male companion, may decide a boy from the Gilded Moon is nice company for fun. A lot of boys leave to become company on luxury yachts and such. If you can't handle the idea of having sex with a male, get out now. If you can't handle it being known, get out now. A toyboy is paid to play the games the client wants to play. If that includes you licking while she watches you being humped by her regular, you do it. If it's you on him, you do it. Anybody damages you, the house brings suit for you. You can pick your jobs within reason with Tolly. If there's someone you flat don't like, tell her. Go. You're steaming up my office.

    Give me the first touch, Vena. Kiss me.

    When he left, he smiled. He hoped she did come to the Gilded Moon. It was a very nice feeling to intensely hope for something other than survival. She'd never tell what she knew of him and she'd given him a past and adult status on Damia.

    He hadn't lied to her. He never would, but the information on legal age on eastern worlds had no corroboration, the age on Earth was from a more than millennia-old history text and the wild Falcairn Tribes only specified an adult age for the Chieftain.

    The Coral Gate was well-known to strictly abide by the law against employing minors. He'd done some research on the info comp in the taxi on the way there. It was amazing what public records could tell one about licensed establishments if one knew how to read them. Coral Gate had never been cited for an age infringement and Vena was a well-respected business woman. So was Tolly, but she was quite different. To her, it was all business.

    Strip. Let's see you.

    I prefer to do this more slowly and music would be nice. Do you have good workout facilities here? I'm still growing, though I've slowed a great deal, and I'd like to add quite a bit more muscle. It's not uncommon for males in my family to keep growing well into their twenties. I'm nice. I plan to be incredible.

    Get yourself hard. You're pretty big.

    Nice normal, they tell me. Not so big I have to be careful not to hurt a woman, big enough she won't forget I'm there.


    It hasn't come up yet. I have lots bigger worries. That one is way down on the list. I'll do what I'm paid to do, but I expect to be paid well. Frankly, I like women and I like pleasing them. You're not interested. That's fine with me. You take care of the business and I'll provide the pleasure. We will both enjoy the profit.

    Room sixteen. You'll get a couple tonight. What you want takes time to establish. Carry your clothes.

    Carry them?

    New boys carry their clothes out of here. The other boys want to look them over. They'll show you around. Dennis! He'll help you find room sixteen.

    Yes, Tolly?

    Room sixteen, Dennis.

    Sixteen?! Oh, Tolly, we all wanted that room.

    I know. Couldn't figure out how to give it to all of you so I gave it to Tory. Don't take it out on him. It wasn't his idea. Have him briefed by dinner.

    Come on, Tory.

    Tory liked the smile the very good-looking, well-built man, he estimated to be in his mid-twenties, gave him. It was very easy to return it.

    I take it I'm getting more room than I expected?

    Exactly. It's the biggest room in the house. It's got a spa in it and a balcony with steps down to the pool.

    Ooh, I did get lucky. Dennis, I have just enough experience to know I want regulars and I'm worth the money I want. I couldn't set it up that way at Coral Gate and Vena said she was tired of me steaming up her office.

    Oh, tell me more.

    No play with boss. There isn't any more. I'm sort of hoping there'll be more now she's not boss.

    If she pays.

    Of course.

    Your license up to date?

    Needs updating and you know it. I changed my hair color too.


    Absolutely. By the time I had roots, I was sure I preferred scintillating copper to mouse brown.

    Looks good. The makeup's nice too.

    I spent a lot of time learning to do makeup and I design and make most of my own clothes. Oh, I can see why you all wanted this room. Are there other spas in the house?

    You don't know anything about this place, do you?

    Only that Vena thought Tolly could set up the arrangement I preferred.

    There are party rooms, swimming pools, spas, workout rooms, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, restaurant, and that's just this piece. It's a private club and we're part of the facilities, a very expensive part. Got swim briefs?

    I've got this.

    That shiny white sheer stuff is going to invite a lot of friendly hands.

    Now why would I wear something that did that? I wonder if it will surprise the hands when I get hard at the first touch.

    Oh, you do plan on arousing some interest.

    I plan on arousing the most interesting woman I meet and getting her to pay for my company. I'll work on someone who usually doesn't and could afford to on a regular basis. You keep me steered clear of the others' regulars. I've worked for years to be paid company in and out of bed. I've studied women's fantasies. I chose the fantasies of strong women. The women of Damia are quite strong. It's an odd culture, but it's proving a viable path into the future, so 'aberrant' is incorrect in connotation. Men aren't really oppressed. They're just not necessary. Now, the women state that's not true, but companionship is all we're needed for on this world. If we don't like it, they'll help us leave. A lot of happy male life companions out there. Men are respected. Most people don't realize that's the reason these women have a viable culture based on trade. They actually believe men and women are equal.

    Sure they do.

    Uh, huh. They told men what the jobs were before they took them. The job is companion. Period. Advice may be sought and love shared, but the job is companion. The woman is the boss. Cams everywhere.

    Security. Important people come here because it's safe. There's a golf course that direction. Get your license updated.

    Tomorrow. Today, I'm going to find a woman who vibrates with power and make love to her. For a price.

    For a price. You've got the talk and the looks for it, Tory, and you've figured out which head really attracts women and makes it worth the price here.

    And I swore I'd never lead again. I'm obviously not from Damia. I came here to be a toyboy. I decided that's what I would do long before I stopped being a good little soldier. I'm done giving orders.

    Military school to Damia. I can see it.

    Shh. I did what my parents asked, right through an advanced degree in cultural anthropology. Now it's my life. I like strong women, money, working out and letting someone else handle the decisions.

    You don't look old enough to have any degree.

    I take care of my skin. Although I did overdo it when I dyed my hair and lightened my skin closer together than recommended. You don't want to know where I got blisters.

    Ow. You aren't supposed to do them close together.

    That's what the instructions said. I can vouch for the accuracy of their prediction of the outcome.

    Dennis' burst of laughter and nod toward the stairs attracted the attention of the women lunching around the pool, who hadn't been looking. Tory looked them over, smiled and pushed off the railing of his balcony. Tolly expected him to make them both a lot of money with that balcony. He'd purchase an acoustic instrument and leave it on a stand by the table. He played several. He'd decide which it would be after he'd heard their music and watched them dance.

    He'd played child too weak for physical activity for most of his life, so the ones who wished him dead wouldn't realize he was healthy. He'd worked his mind and carefully neglected his body and he'd known his goal. He was well-prepared for this job. There was an actual piano in the large lounge beside the door where he'd entered the house. He expected he'd have to tune, and possibly repair, it before he could play it.

    Tory saw the real front of the place was on the other side of the pool. He looked for a woman with a mister of sunscreen. He was quite pleased when he found one.

    Hi, I'm Tory. I'm new here and I didn't know I'd be in the sun. Would you save me from frying, please?

    Do I get to spread it?

    Will it bother you that I get very obviously aroused when you do?


    Good. Where do you want to start?

    Brazen, aren't you?

    And honest. I'd like to feel your hands on me. It'll excite me. You should enjoy it too. I'm new. I plan on being noticed. Where do you want to start?

    Captain Palace Anna looked at her cargomaster in the next chaise and grinned. Charra was wearing a wide one. She'd talked Palace into joining the private club when the invitation came.

    Kneel down and we'll start with your pretty face.

    Don't spread it there, Captain. You'll spoil his makeup.

    Thank you, but nothing spoils my makeup. Go ahead, Captain.

    Close your pretty eyes.

    Tory shivered when Palace ran her finger over his lips and was aroused and trembling by the time she misted his chest. She didn't spread it though. She misted and ran her hands up the back of his thighs and across the exposed curve of his ass. He thought he was going to fall over when she did it. She turned him around and started on his chest. He was out of it and knew it. He reminded himself public ejaculation was not in the plan, she hadn't paid and Dennis was waiting to have lunch with him. Several times.

    Buy my company, Captain.

    Not tonight, pretty boy. We're loaded and headed out in three hours, but I'll definitely look for you when I get back from this trip. I got my membership to this place today and had just enough time to come look it over. I'm Captain Palace Anna.

    I'll tell Tolly so she'll know you are on my definitely list. Hi, Dennis.

    You raised the temperature of the pool three degrees.

    I know mine went up. Too bad she's leaving.

    Message from Tolly is you're booked four in advance already. She says they didn't even ask how much.

    Did she tell you how much?

    Well, minimum is a hundred. You're probably between two-fifty and three, maybe more. You get standard forty percent.

    Forty percent?

    Of gross, not net. Tolly hates itemizing room costs, recreation costs, meals and everything else. We get rooms, use of all facilities and meals. We still have to pay greens fees for the golf course, but it's the only extra. Unless you decide you want a horse, then you have to pay stable fees.

    A horse?

    There's a stable behind the golf course. Lots of stables in Ondine. Riding is a favored sport.

    Tell me about the women.

    Primarily very successful businesswomen, a lot of traders. Captains are invited to join. They can bring their crew members as guests. You've got a rough night ahead.

    What do you mean?

    You're booked for three hours by a foursome. That's a minimum of five hundred, probably eight.

    A foursome.

    Oh, never had a group before, huh? This bunch are all right, but you'll probably need that spa later. See what advertising gets you?

    Four advance bookings. How often and when do we get paid, Dennis?

    Every five days and tomorrow. Tonight's work will be on your check. If you've got an account, Tolly will deposit by noon. Now, you probably jumped a few tax brackets. Of course, you're still partially exempt because most services aren't available to us, but you'll still yelp when you see how much you're paying. Tolly's good. Actually, her companion Barb is good. Most of us come within a couple crowns of what we owe at year's end.

    I need a physical. It's past time.

    One every sixty days.

    Which is why I need one. Who and where?

    Stacks Clinic. They'll bill and Tolly will deduct.

    Does the piano work?


    Can it be played or do I have to rebuild it?

    I've got no idea.

    I think I'll find out.

    Tory liked lunch and was delighted to learn the piano was mechanically sound. He met most of the other residents when they stepped into the lounge one or two at a time while he was tuning it. All of them were exceptionally good-looking, of course, but some of them stood out in the same way a few of the young Lords he'd worked with had.

    Banth was a golden-haired, hugely-muscled giant, but there was more to it than that. Cannon was a little fellow compared to most of them. He was also older than most. He was quick-witted and twice Tory had to stop what he was doing, until he recovered from laughter after he made a laconic comment. Lou was a lot like Dennis in some way. There was a deep caring in him that shone in his smile and eyes. Shad was two meters of slender ash-blond grace that had to come from some type of dance training. Jarel was gorgeous and relaxed, but Tory had a feeling that was only the surface one saw.

    It was obvious he and Clen were deeply friends and he wondered if Clen knew what that something beneath the surface was, or just felt it as he did. He had the feeling Clen had been expecting him, but it didn't worry him at all. His mother had told him many people had something-about-to-happen feelings and he was already sure they were going to be good friends.

    His father had taught him to pay attention to the feeling someone could be trusted, as well as the one someone could not. He already loved Damia. He hadn't met anyone he felt untrustworthy since he'd landed, but Vena, Palace and the seven toyboys were something special. He realized he knew they were going to be true friends 'forever' and smiled. He had no doubt of it and it was confirmation 'Sadarad' wouldn't find him. He'd just finished getting the piano in tune when Dennis told him to clean up for dinner and the evening.

    Tory picked up the items outside his room door and carried them to his bath. The instructions were concise. He shed tears while he prepared. He'd expected them. He thought about the search being conducted across all human space for him and prepared to sell his body to stay alive. Vena had warned him. He'd needed it.

    He carefully put on his makeup, then the last costume he'd created, laid the two rings in the center of the big bed and went to dinner. He played piano for them all between dinner and the arrival of his clients.

    Dennis thanked him for playing for them and walked with him to meet his clients for the evening. He really appreciated it and he was sure he knew it. He wasn't expecting the quick hug he gave him just before they reached the pleasant lounge where they were waiting, but realized he'd needed it and was a bit awed by his understanding. He carefully kept his nervousness hidden when he introduced himself. They didn't introduce themselves or really talk to him, but they talked about him as he led them to his room.

    He's as pretty as you said, Jill.

    I thought you'd like him, Sendie. Ballon does.

    Sweet ass.

    Thank you. I didn't put the rings on. I thought you might like to do it.

    Probably. Put on some music and take it all off nice and slow. You'll get help, I'm sure. We're on our money. Get started.

    Somehow, he made it. It had been the one thing he hadn't expected. The two women had watched. He cried himself to sleep. He dreamed of Vena and Captain Palace Anna. In the morning, he talked to Tolly.

    I'm sore. Not hurt, just sore. Tolly, I don't like being told, 'Get started.' Or people who don't really want to even know my name, or use it. 'Turn him. Lift him. Do this, boy. Do that, boy.' Clients buy my company. Those bought my use.

    You got paid very well for it.

    I expect to be. I also expect to be treated like a person.

    It wasn't just the companions?

    No. I didn't particularly like it, but it's part of the job. Being used isn't.

    They want another booking.

    I'd prefer they not get one, but I won't refuse people I don't actively dislike.

    I'll tell them you're booked.

    Thanks. I've got to get my license updated and I might as well get a physical first. I'm due. Dennis said Starks Clinic will bill it. I'm cash short.

    Here's your check. It should help.

    Two hundred twenty-one crowns?

    Forty percent of a thou minus tax.

    I don't feel quite so displeased about being used, but I'd rather make less than put up with it. Tonight?

    Another group.

    I'm too sore for another like last night.

    All women.

    Better. That big man was careful or I'd be more than sore.

    You should probably have the med techs check you.

    Oh, he'd had lots of practice being careful.

    Tory opened an account with a nearby exchange with a hundred crowns of his check, then went to the clinic. He apologized for not having his license number with him, but promised to call it in.

    He took a deep breath and walked into the license office. He settled in the chair across from the clerk, who couldn't find his record, and made sure the soft cloth in the center panel of his kilt draped invitingly. He watched her screen scroll while she watched him. He saw a skip in the license numbers. It was what he'd needed.

    I think my number is nine-seven-four-two-two.

    You didn't remember it awhile ago.

    I get the middle numbers mixed up. I nearly missed my expiration. Don't you send reminders? Stellarana City... Sorry, I just expected you would.

    We do. There's no file under that number.

    Try nine-four-seven-two-two.

    Wallan Toobal.

    My file's... not there. Could someone have cleared it when they entered my employment at Coral Gate? I didn't get an acknowledgment on the update. I'm sorry. I'm hunting for reasons I'm not listed. That's my number. I should have brought my old one, but didn't even think of taking it out of the frame. I yelped when I realized I had to get here today and just dashed out the door. Please help. The name is Torrence spelled just like the empire. Known as Tory. I told you Stellarana. In this city, I began at the Coral Gate. The house mistress said I belonged at the Gilded Moon. She complained I steamed up her office. So, current employer Gilded Moon. Birth date three days from now. What else? No, I don't think I listed my university degrees, or... I can't remember what the form asked. It's been awhile since I saw one.

    You don't look old enough to have any degree.

    I know. I work at it. I have a masters in cultural anthro and I minored in music.


    I planned for my career. I'm interesting and expensive company. The Gilded Moon is exactly the type of place I want to work. Don't make me have to tell my new employer my license expired and I have to start over because my file is lost. I'm sorry. It wasn't easy to get. I came here from Mirit. That's why I don't want to start over.

    A good thing you told me. How long you been in the business?

    Since the day I was old enough. Put down two years, three days from today.

    License renewal is now on your birthday.

    That will help. You're a sweetheart, Fem Flaza.

    He walked out of the office with a smile and a license that said he was twenty-two Damian years. He found a used garment fabricator and selected some material. He went to work making himself shirts and kilts as soon as he got them to his room. It was time to prepare for dinner and he was starved when he switched off the fabricator, but he now had six shirts, seven kilts and three items for the pool, including a short robe. Dennis was about to knock on his door when he opened it.

    You've been scarce today, Tory.

    I've been busy. Clinic, license, then increasing my wardrobe. Like?

    Where'd you find that outfit?

    I made it. I'm good with a sketch pad and a fabricator.

    I'll say.

    Yes, Dennis, but only one outfit and you have to pick out and buy the material.

    You knew I was going to ask.

    Let's say I have enough experience to specify one in a hurry. I've got another group, all women this time. I didn't care much for that bunch last night. The women just watched, for three solid hours.


    That's what I said, but not until they left.

    Those two have gotten more that way every time.

    Tell the others?

    Warn them. Three hours of Ballon and Jass is too much of too much.

    I thought so. I told Tolly I preferred she not book them again, just preferred. I still feel like a poked pretzel.

    Dennis laughed and word was quickly passed. Tory relaxed a bit. He had been right about the foursome. He saw Dennis speak to Tolly and was ready when she questioned him.

    Why didn't you tell me the women just watched?

    Voyeurism isn't unusual, Tolly. I told you what really bothered me. Limit them to an hour, even two, and it wouldn't be hell. The last hour was. The women made sure we stayed busy, too busy. I'm still tired.

    You'll be pooped by tomorrow. You've got a four-hour group tonight.

    How many?


    I want a champagne bucket and seven glasses by the piano. If there are six, they're interested in my company or they'd have scheduled separately. It is cheaper that way?

    For an hour.

    Do I have any of those booked?

    Two tomorrow, three the next, one in the afternoon. You pay for the champagne or they do.

    I will this time.

    The group remained in the lounge with him for nearly an hour. When they led him up the stairs, they had to locate his room. Tory kept forgetting what he was looking for. When he didn't make it down for breakfast, Dennis decided to check on him. When he did, he got mad. He gently cleaned him up a little and laid him in his bed, then he went looking for Tolly.

    What the hell are you trying to do? Kill him?

    Calm down, Dennis. What are you talking about?

    I found Tory tied up in the floor of his room. He could have gotten loose if he hadn't been too exhausted to try. I cleaned him up and put him in bed. He woke up just enough to say thank you. He may be awake before dinner. And from what was laying around, he's probably more sore than yesterday.



    Why is he being used so hard, Dennis? That bunch left a big tip and said they'd be back.

    How big a tip?

    Two-fifty on top of the twelve-fifty they paid.

    Holy... What are you asking for a single?

    I'd figured two, but I'm about to up it.

    Do. Charge five and don't put a time limit on him. Five for every person in a group and not more than four. No more than one male in any case. Sell his company, not his services. The answer to why is because he tries to fulfill their fantasies. His company is worth the price. After ten days, up it to a thou for the evening. He's worked to be a charming companion and to learn what women want. He wants to give them some romance. The rest of us are out to give a good tumble and collect our pay. You've got one who'll make you rich if you give him a chance. Vena could have booked him the way you are. He designs and makes his own clothes. You've got one women will pay to be seen with, Tolly. Give him a regular night off. If he wants to spend it with a regular paying customer, let him. She won't stop paying for his company other times. He's said 'pay for his company' a dozen times and we thought 'for his service.' That's not what he meant. Evidently, he's been stuck in a military school and pushed to be a leader by his family his whole life, but he trained to come to Damia. You figure how much work he put into getting a masters in cultural anthro and how much time he spent learning makeup, clothing design, sewing and music. He's been preparing for the job of being a companion, a prostitute, but a companion, a long time.

    Lowden was like that, but I didn't charge five for him.

    No, you charged by the hour. That's how he wanted it, but that's not Tory. I'll talk to the boys and tell them I said, so they won't think he was pushing for different treatment and more money.

    You're about to leave, aren't you, Dennis?

    Yes, I think I am. I've got enough to get where I want and do what I want saved. How far ahead am I booked?

    Six days and your regulars.

    Don't book any more after fifteen, then I'll pay five days room and board to give me time to get ready.

    You'll stay as guest five, or you'll leave in fifteen.

    Thanks. I'll miss this place. I think of it as home.

    You ought to. You've been here nearly five years and you've got stuff scattered all over the house. It'll take you five days to find it all.

    This is true.

    Dennis talked to the other boys. Banth yelled at them to quit griping and start going to school and taking music lessons. Lou and Cannon laughed and agreed. Dennis felt better about leaving the kid. The long-timers all realized he was something special. They'd keep the younger ones from making Tory's life hell, until he could make friends. Cannon pointed out a star brought business for everyone and said he planned on upgrading his wardrobe. Dennis signaled him a bit more explanation was in order.

    If he makes Gilded Moon boys the men to be seen with, and I'll back Dennis' judgment he can, we'll start being paid for our company and not just our cocks. There hasn't been a toyboy like that in awhile. They make everybody money. Cheer when his pay goes up. Yours will follow. Lou's already figuring out how many he can handle in a day. Banth's thinking about getting back on a weight bench and I'm going clothes shopping and intend to polish up my manners and dancing. Figure out if you want pay by the hour here and out there, or by the evening. Don't expect to get as much as he does, but expect your checks to go up.

    See, they'll see him somewhere, call, find out he's booked and Tolly will steer them to us. Lowden wasn't as interesting as Tory, but we all made money on his overflow. Time to get in shape. I know my most interesting contribution to a dinner conversation is flexing my muscles. I'm not real dumb, but I'm not a sparkling wit either. Figure out what you've got going for you besides knowing where to stick it.

    Banth's right. Catch newscasts and read some heavy books, or even just some big sellers. The clientele won't change, but they'll be looking for other things part of the time. You get paid better for those other things.

    Shad didn't mention how nice it is to be picked up in a fancy vehicle and catch a view of yourself escorting rich and famous on the screen. Now, I'm leaving in twenty days. I'm telling myself I'm not dumb for going now, but I'm already over what I set as my goal for my savings when I started.

    You really going to Condor to school, Dennis?

    Yes, Banth, I am. Tory reminded me what school can do for you in any profession. He's got a masters degree and he's trained to please women. He's not really hiding, but he isn't doing what his family expected either, if you know what I mean. We're all pastless to some extent. Be a little more so. You choose how much. Like, I never tell anyone how long I've been a toyboy. Tory doesn't have his surname on his license. Torrence is his name, but I'll bet it's a middle or something and he never went by it or Tory before. He's a little mysterious intentionally. He does know what women want. I'm surprised he's put up with the way Tolly booked him. He told her what he wanted and he was worth it and it took her awhile to get it through her head he knew what he was talking about. He comes on fresh and innocent, but he's been in the business awhile. He works at it. Nobody who's twenty-two looks like a teener without work. Twenty-two in two days, guys. He didn't mention. I checked to see he got his license updated.

    Another thing. Decide if you want to give women babies.

    What are you talking about, Banth?

    If he makes Gilded Moon toyboys society, women will start asking, Park. It makes it...

    Glamorous to have a toyboy as father. Lowden was flat no kids. Tory's on short-term prophylaxis and he's got a scrip for reverse. Both scrips are laying on his dresser. I didn't snoop. Much. Don't tell him you're following his lead. Evidently, he was pushed to lead from the time he could toddle. He said he's 'sworn never to give another command.' Follow, but...

    Stick by his side so he doesn't know it. Wherever he worked before, they weren't nice to him. They were dumb. Oh, never charge for a baby-making. It's the highest compliment you'll ever get. Go to her place on your night off or get a hotel. You pay for it.

    What?! Banth, that's weird.

    Use your other head, Riles. She'll pick you for it, not the one between your legs. Clinics pay for 'intelligent, attractive donors' and it's the intelligent that counts most. She'll spend twenty years raising and loving your kid because you were just who she wanted as the father. Figure out how many birthday messages you want to send. Don't make the mistake I did. I've got two who don't know me and probably never will. If I get the chance again, I'll want visits and custody if something happens to Mama. You pay for all the evenings it takes until it takes, and then some when she's plump and her back's killing her. Be there beside her when baby comes. Tory will. If you don't want that, don't do it. If you want to take your kid on outings and go to school functions, do. I'm going to lift. Who'll go with and spot for me?

    Several went, and all looked thoughtful. Dennis smiled. Banth had taken over the job of top boy as soon as he'd said he was leaving. It was a surprise he liked. Cannon and Lou were both grinning too.

    Surprise, surprise.

    He may not stay much longer either, Dennis.

    I figured that out, Cannon. He wants a family. He's looking for a life companion.

    So am I, but I don't know if I want a family. Maybe an older woman who wants my company on jaunts around human space.

    I want as many as I can handle in a day, one night in five off and no women that night. No kids. I had a brother who died at a year from a gen defect. I carry recessive. I went in for perm sterilization on my twentieth birthday. My mother never got over losing one because she carried the defect and didn't know. My father couldn't handle it and left. Yeah, boys, I'm telling you to get a check before you get asked. I don't talk about things like that without a reason. Neither does Banth.

    None of us do, Lou. So, Dennis, want to help me polish up my dancing?

    We'd better find out what they're doing first, Cannon. I've been a house boy for the last three years and so have you.

    I know the style. I hit a night spot now and then.

    Sounds good, Shad. Let's find some music.

    Tolly was amazed. Not only weren't the boys jealous, they were working to handle the overflow and everyone had figured out just how he wanted to be booked. Lou and Park wanted to be house boys. They

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