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F&R, Virgin Blood
F&R, Virgin Blood
F&R, Virgin Blood
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F&R, Virgin Blood

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What is a man to do when your wife catches you staring at the bikini clad teenage virgin in the backyard and then tells you she wants to have sex with other men?

If you are smart, you take hold of her and give her the longest, hottest kiss you have ever given her and prepare to go on a ride.

Dam I am glad and by the sounds of it so are the virgins that I took that ride.

Fantasies and Realities (F&R), Virgin Blood is Trixie T’s first story that is about someone other than her and we must say it is hot. Trixie tells us that she enjoyed writing this book and promises to write more for our enjoyment.

The more Trixie writes the better and hotter her writing becomes so sit back and enjoy.

Other books available by Trixie T:
Training Trixie
Trixie & Krissy
Trixie's Girls
Trixie's Tricks
Trixie in Spain
F&R, Family Love

Release dateJun 9, 2011
F&R, Virgin Blood

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Book preview

    F&R, Virgin Blood - Trixie T

    F&R, Virgin Blood

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright June 9, 2011 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    Do not get me wrong. My wife is a beautiful woman and we have great sex together, when we have sex that is. Lori, my wife is five foot nine, with long dark auburn color hair, that frames a beautiful face and when she smiles at you, she is dazzling. Her thirty-eight D size breasts are perfect for her firm one hundred and twenty pound frame, which she keeps in shape at the gym at her work or when time allows at the gym I own, which has been rare lately. Built like an hourglass she has a twenty-six inch waist and thirty-eight inch hips. Her long shapely legs, which are much of the cause of her height, and her ass, are to die for.

    Lori’s breasts was the first thing I fell for, her ass the second and her smile is what finally trapped me. Not that I mind being trapped for as I said, fucking my wife is a wonderful experience and she is good at it, or so I have to assume as she is the only woman I have ever had sex with.

    Right now though, I am looking at the eighteen-year-old girl walking around my backyard in a bikini. Her breasts may not be as big as Lori’s but dam, she has a nice body and being married does not mean that I am dead. That said I would never cheat on Lori, but that does not stop me from looking especially when that blue bikini does little to cover that round ass.

    The problem with Lori and I is that we have let our busy lives get in the way of our romantic nights and having sex. When we got married six years ago, we would have sex every other day and from there things have slowly degraded until we are now lucky if we can find the time to have sex once every two weeks. Lori is twenty-six years old, I am twenty-seven, and even though Lori has been the only woman I have ever been with, even I do not think that having sex every two weeks is normal.

    I cannot blame the lack of sex on either Lori or myself. Having to take over operation of the gym when my father passed has been a fulltime job and Lori has been working hard trying to advance her business career. I really do not understand why she has to work for I make more than enough to make ends meets, but that is Lori for you, though tonight I plan to discuss with her our lack of time together.

    The sun is just setting, highlighting the bikini clad body in the backyard and it catches all my attention. Her ass is almost as nice as Lori’s is; her figure almost as firm and if she ever decided to spend some time in the gym, I could tone it into something stunning.

    Amanda, the bikini clad teenager that is stirring my cock, is the niece of one of Lori’s friends that she met in college. Amanda will be starting college herself this year and when asked, Lori offered to have her spend the spring and summer here in Arizona with us to get use to the area and possibly make some friends. I really did not mind as for the most part I have been too busy to even notice her here, though at times like this….Dam that is a small bikini. I am willing to bet that small round, firm looking ass would fit nice in the palm of my hands and those barely covered breasts…

    Hi Scott

    Lori has come home and I did not even hear her pull up. Worst yet she has caught me staring at that bikini clad teenager in our back yard. I try to make my voice sound casual.

    Hi baby. You’re home early.

    Lori, standing behind me, wraps her arms around my waist, stopping me from turning and rests her chin on my shoulder.

    Yes. I wanted to try to spend some time with you tonight….Pretty isn’t she?

    Ah… Well what do you say when your wife asks you if another woman is pretty. I may be wholly inexperienced with women on a whole but I am sure she is not looking for me to agree with her.

    Not as pretty as you baby.

    How would you like to fuck her? Lori whispers in my ear.

    I may be an idiot but I am sure as hell not going to say yes to that.

    You’re the only one for me baby. You know I would never cheat on you.

    I know. That’s why I’m asking you if you want to fuck her and giving you permission to do so.

    Lori strokes the front of my pants making my firming rod even harder.

    My legs go weak, something is going on here; this is not my Lori.


    We need to talk Scott.

    That sounds ominous.

    No, it’s not like that. I love you Scott. I love you more than life but we have let the rat race take over. Let’s sit and talk.

    I am still feeling unbalanced as Lori leads me to the sofa. She just asked me if I wanted to fuck the teenager and said she was giving me permission to do so…There has to be more to this. I sit down heavily on the sofa.

    Scott I know you have never cheated on me and I think I would know that as your wife.

    I haven’t Lori. As I said you are my world. I reply quickly to reassure her.

    And I would never cheat on you Scott, but you know what I miss?

    What? I am worried now.


    Tell me about it. I was just thinking the same thing.

    Yes, I saw that when I came in. How someone could look at her and not think of sex.

    Not with her, with you. I was thinking the same thing as you. That we have let our careers and the business take over. Lori, I love having sex with you and you are all I need. I have no intention of making love to someone else.

    That’s sweet Scott but I am not giving you permission to make love to her. What I am giving you permission to do is fuck her. There is a difference you know.

    I must have given her a surprised, dumb look at that statement for here is my wife, first telling me she is giving me permission to fuck Amada and then educating me on making love.

    The hour we spend in foreplay, the hour we spend fucking, touching, caressing, talking sweetly to one another, that’s making love Scott. What I am talking about is having you stick your cock inside a cunt and simply fucking that cunt. No sweet words, no foreplay, nothing else is necessary. Just fuck that cunt until you blow your load inside her.

    Fuck Lori. I don’t know where all this is coming from and I don’t know how I should be responding right now or exactly why you are asking me to fuck another girl…

    Look Scott…

    Lori takes a deep breathe, the signal that I have come to know that precedes some kind of revelation. I hold my breath.

    I have never cheated on you and never will; that you have to believe, if we are going to make this work. That and one more thing; you are more than enough for me in bed. You have learned to make love to me like a pro and your fat twelve-inch cock is more than enough for me for the most part. But as you know, you were not my first man. Before we met, I was sexually active and I really enjoyed simply fucking men. So my offer is not one sided. I am giving you permission to fuck Amanda and in return I want you to give me the freedom to fuck other men.

    Now I am starting to think that there is already another man in the picture and that maybe I am going to have to start breaking necks.

    Lori, who is he. Who is this guy you want to fuck?

    No Scott, you don’t understand. Lori straddles my lap on the sofa and taking my face between her hands gives me that kiss that always melts away any anger or apprehensions I may be having. She offers me her tongue, I suck on it greedily, and when it retreats into her mouth, my tongue follows. Her mouth is hot and wet. A sign I have come to associate with her getting horny. When she ends the kiss, we are both breathing hard and my cock has started to stir.

    Scott, there is no one; not that I have not had offers. I get them daily it seems, but as I said, I would never cheat on you. No what I am asking is….if I ask you, can I fuck so and so that you give me permission to do so. If you say no, then no it is. But I am hoping that will never or at least rarely be the case. Just like I’m giving you permission to fuck Amanda, I want you to be able to give me permission to fuck someone else in return.

    At first I am thinking that our marriage is on the rocks but as she talks and reassures me that she has not and would never cheat on me, my floundering world begins to firm. The heat of her crotch against my ever-bulging cock is getting distracting and I am almost willing to bet that her cunt is as hot and wet as her mouth was a few minutes ago.

    Why? I ask simply. Okay, so I am not quite that grounded yet.

    To spice up our life! To make our love making what it use to be. To watch you fuck another woman and to have you watch me fuck another man. I am not asking you to give me permission to fuck another man without you ever being around. If you want to be there, to watch, well then hell I want you there. I want you to watch as another man puts his cock inside my cunt and then fucks me, just as I want to watch as you fuck another woman. I want to do this together Scott.

    My head is still spinning. Lori has never talked to me in this way, this openly. I had no clue that she even had these desires. I grasp the only thing I can to steady my world.

    What makes you even think she will let me fuck her?

    Amanda…She probably won’t. From what I can tell, she is still a virgin. Though I have seen her looking at you….you are a very good-looking man you know. No, I do not think that you will ever be able to get between her legs. But that does not matter. What does matter is that I am giving you permission to pursue her and if you get lucky enough to fuck her, well fuck her. Just make sure you tell me about it or better yet let me watch you; if not her than someone else. I am not going to go crazy and fuck every man that asks and I do not expect the same from you. I expect us to be honest and open with each other; to tell each other what we do and when we do and to ask permission before if possible. I’m just looking for some variety Scott and offering you some as well and then maybe we can bring that into our own love life and….

    Yes, her crotch is definitely getting hotter and I bet wetter. I feel the heat right through my trousers and my cock is starting to respond to that heat. Right now, I really do not give a fuck about other men or the bikini-clad teenager in the back yard. Right now, I want her.

    Maybe we should start some of that spice and excitement right now.

    I move my hips, causing my hardening cock to rub against her heating cunt.

    Let’s go to bed then.

    No, right here, right now.

    Here, but Amanda.

    A second ago you were giving me permission to fuck her and now you’re trying to hide me away from her. You wanted excitement, you wanted some spice. Well fuck me right here, right now.

    Lori licks her lips and looks out the back of the house. The sun is just setting and Amanda is known to stay out until well past dark. I reach under the skirt of her dress and brush her panty-clad cunt. Sure enough, she is wet.

    You wanted some excitement. Well here is your first chance for some. Fuck me and take the chance that we will get caught.

    I am so fucking horny right now that I am willing to fuck her in front of a full audience for regardless of how she shook my world, her offer to let me fuck other women has some appeal.

    Don’t think I won’t Scott!

    I’m still wearing clothes and my cock is getting harder.

    Once more, I move my hips, emphasizing my point or should I say my hardness.

    Lori gives her full red lips a lick, takes another look out the back of the house, and then seems to come to a decision.

    You asked for it.

    I find my face trapped between her hands again and once more, we are kissing. God, if her cunt is even half as wet and hot as her mouth, she is more than ready to take my full twelve inches.

    Some men may think that having a twelve-inch cock that is almost four inches around is nice, but my one experience with a woman is that women can be and are scared to take something that big inside them. It is not that Lori is the first woman I ever saw naked, well almost but regardless lets just say that my first did not go to well…..She called things to a halt when I tried to stick it in her and had literally run away.

    Lori releases my face and her hands go to the button and the zipper of my trousers. These are quickly undone and then sliding to her knees she pulls my pants down to my knees. My cock is more than ready to be inserted into her hot hole and there is no need for any foreplay as she called it, but I guess Lori did not see it that way and her mouth engulfs the head of my cock.

    Lori has gotten very good at sucking my cock. At first, the size gave her trouble but over the years, she has learned how to handle its excessiveness and gives super blowjobs. Best of all she loves the taste of sperm and has no qualms about swallowing my load when it calls for it.

    I am starting to think that a blowjob is what I am in for tonight for Lori is doing a hell of a job on my cock. Her hot mouth heats up my cock, her salvia gets it nice and slick and I know that another five minutes of her sucking and tickling the head with her tongue is all it is going to take to get me there…..oh well so much for the fuck.

    She releases my cock, gives me a smile and then gives my cock a slow lick from base to head. It is as she is doing this that I notice that her hand is under her dress, probably between her legs and the way it is moving, I’m pretty sure it is far from idle.

    That is something Lori does not let me see enough of as far as I am concern that is. I have told her a number of times how excited I get when I watch her play with her huge tits or her shaved pussy but even knowing that I want to watch she is usually reluctant to play with herself. Therefore, the realization that she is now playing with herself as she gives me a blowjob almost sets me off.

    Lori finishes her lick with a suck to the head of my cock, a tickle of my pee hole with her tongue and the next thing I know she is climbing back onto my lap. My cock goes under her dress and between her legs. She straddles my legs, reaches under her dress and taking hold of my slick cock, guides it to her cunt. That is when I notice that her underwear now lays on the floor.

    Lori rubs the head of my cock against her pussy lips; she is wet and dam hot. She guides my cock to her hole and down she comes. She comes down so quickly, with so much force that she easily buries three quarters of my cock in her with the one push and fuck she is wet; so dam wet, so dam hot.

    Lori gives a hiss and a moan of pleasure, then bracing her hands on my shoulders she closes her eyes, and throwing her head back, commences to fuck me. My cock is effectively hidden under her dress so even if Amanda were to come in now she would see nothing more than my hot, fully clothed wife, bouncing on my lap.

    Something has made Lori hot today; something has happened or the conversation we had, I do not know what, but something. Her cunt is hot and wet that she easily takes me in fully and starts to fuck me like there is no tomorrow.

    It will not take me long, I know that, but I also know that it will not take Lori long either. I reach behind her; unzip her dress, and unsnap her bra. I know that I am pushing it now for I am certain the only reason Lori is fucking me right here, right now is because she feels secure with her dress on and now I am preparing to take it off her.

    So far into her pleasure is Lori that she does not even fight me when I draw the straps of the dress off her shoulders. She quickly drops her arms, allow me to slide the straps off and then back to holding my shoulders and fucking me. Mind you, I should have known that would have been her reaction, considering she is moaning like crazy and probably only a few minutes from her orgasm.

    I take hold of her large breasts in my hands and squeezing them, I lower my head to the large silver dollar size areola of her left breast. I run my tongue

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