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Wings of a Butterfly
Wings of a Butterfly
Wings of a Butterfly
Ebook56 pages1 hour

Wings of a Butterfly

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~A 1 Night Stand Story~

An escape to another place and time with better plumbing and brasserie? Away from a dominance contest one helped start? Sounds like a bloody good idea.

Elizabeth Wentworth certainly thinks so when she goes on holiday to twenty-first century Madrid—in fact, it’s that very sort of thinking that leads her to sign up for 1NightStand’s matchmaking services. One night of pleasure, with no thought of duty, heartbreak or Pack law, just a pander to her desires.

But falling in love? Not an option.

Damien Chassange, carefree, unconventional, and Packless, is the perfect partner in her foray to self-indulgence.

If only he wasn’t her mate....

Release dateJun 16, 2011
Wings of a Butterfly

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    Wings of a Butterfly - A. Faris

    Wings of a Butterfly


    A. Faris

    A 1 Night Stand Story


    Smashwords Edition Copyright © 2011 by A. Faris

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-084-5

    Cover art by Dara England

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    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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    Where credit is due,

    for Val


    14th June 1876

    After the perpetual noise and smoke of Nantes, the peace in Dunkirk was foreign to Elizabeth. She spun the globe around for the second time, with her eyes closed, the silence a suitable companion to her loneliness. Her fingers skimmed the polished wood and she exerted light pressure with her index finger to bring the globe to a stop.


    With a huff, she closed her eyes again and pushed the globe in the opposite direction. This time, she stabbed at it.


    She growled.

    Playing a game of chance, my dear?

    Elizabeth stiffened when her father's hands landed on her shoulders.

    Papa. Immediately, she wanted to slap herself. At twenty-six, she should have addressed her father more formally, but an ingrained habit of a lifetime controlled her tongue. No wonder, for she had left Dunkirk to mate into the Loire Pack in Nantes when scarcely out of childhood.

    Perhaps she should have just stayed in Nantes and faced the troubles she had caused.

    Father bent to press a kiss on the top of her head, compounding her lapse into childish behaviour.

    If you cannot face even a short visit to France, you should not contemplate staying there.

    Oh, Papa, I wish you would stop reading people's minds. It is impolite.

    He came around to sit on the footstool in front of her, a wide smile on his face.

    Of course it is. But if I do not, I will never know what my children are thinking. He turned serious. Were you that miserable amongst the Loire? Did Robert treat you badly? You should have returned sooner.

    No, Papa. Elizabeth laughed under her breath. I scarcely credit enough notice for him to treat me badly. And well you know it.

    It could have hardly escaped Papa that Robert had been no skirt-chaser, preferring instead the company of men. It had taken Elizabeth four innocent years before she understood why her mate showed her so little interest, but Papa could not have been guiled by Robert's deceptions.

    She had only herself to blame for choosing Robert. After begging Papa to allow her the choice in mating, it would be churlish to cast the blame at Papa's door.

    Yet, it was I who presented him as one of your choices.

    Elizabeth’s mouth curved, because Papa appeared sorrowful.

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