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A paranormal erotic romance novel. Meet the supernatural masters of
passion and seduction, feeding upon the erotic dreams and pleasure of

Kye is an incubus warrior, a powerful sexual
demon. But he wears deep scars, proving that his kind are not the only
monsters feeding upon humans each night. There are bloodthirsty
creatures hunting down Kye's winged brothers and sisters, destroying
them one by one, in an effort to eradicate his entire species.

The succubus queen ruling Kye's covey, now has only two bonded males to
protect and keep her fed. It is a duty that usually requires half a
dozen or more. Now Kye finds himself slowly starving to death. In his
weakened condition, he is no match for the ambush which nearly costs his
life and forces him to reveal himself to Jaime.
Jaime is a
nurse who shares an apartment with two other girls, all blind to the
supernatural war taking place in the shadows around them. When an
enormous, naked man stumbles out of the darkness and commandeers her
vehicle, her biggest concern is the amount of blood loss he's suffered.
She wasn't prepared for such a deep and intense attraction. He inspires
her to make choices she might otherwise have not. Choices which place
Jaime, her roommates, and everyone around her, directly into the path of
the killers hunting down Kye's covey.

Please note: This book is intended for readers 18 years and older,
there is strong language and explicit sexual encounters. As the legends
suggest, both incubus and succubus demons feed upon sexual energy
stolen from sleeping humans. While this might suggest questionable
consent, they are actually very generous and considerate lovers.
Celeste Hall's Seduction series:
#1 Ethan (now FREE!)
#2 Kye
#3 Rico
#4 Gavin
#5 All The Queen's Men
#6 The Brothers Sin
The Seduction Series Boxed set: The first five erotic stories in one collection!

An erotic tale featuring: Incubus,
Succubus, Sex demon, Demon lover, Supernatural lover, Alpha Male, Demon
mate, Incubus hunter, Romantic adventure, Romantic suspense

PublisherCeleste Hall
Release dateJun 17, 2011

Celeste Hall

Celeste Hall is a passionate writer of paranormal and erotic romance with over twenty-five titles to her credit, including Beware of Wolves, the Kitty Coven series, and her ultra-sexy Seduction series. If you're looking for a sizzling escape from the pressures of a long day, her alpha hero incubi will make you purr.Celeste believes that a great book can do more than offer an afternoon's pleasure, it can change your life. She is absolutely addicted to happy endings. Her favorite stories will often include elements of the paranormal or fantastical, but they will always have a romantic heart.When not writing, Celeste enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors. She also enjoys photography, graphic design, a variety of artistic mediums, gardening, horseback riding and geeking out online - especially on Facebook.You can find a full list of her books by visiting:

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    Book preview

    Kye - Celeste Hall


    Seduction Series, book #2

    By Celeste Hall

    Be careful what you dream...

    When a savage attack destroys all but two of the queen's defending males, Kye finds himself slowly starving to death.

    After an unexpected ambush leaves him dying, he turns to the human woman who saved him, for more than just a temporary sanctuary. And it will change him in ways that he would never have expected.


    Seduction Series, book #2

    Copyright © 2014 by Celeste Hall

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Please purchase only authorized editions.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    All sexually active characters in this book are 18 years of age or older.

    Also by Celeste Hall

    ~ Seduction Series ~

    A paranormal erotic romance series, best read in the following order…





    All The Queen’s Men

    The Brothers Sin – Coming Soon!

    ~ Kitty Coven Series ~

    A paranormal romance series, best read in the following order…

    Something Wicca This Way Comes

    The Bare Witch Project

    Love’s a Witch

    A Yowling Yuletide

    Cheaper By The Coven

    ~ Savage Throne Series ~

    A historical romance series, best read in the following order…


    Fidelity – Coming Soon!

    ~ Standalone novels and novellas ~

    Lady Silence

    Prison of Dreams

    Simple Musings

    His Pale Prisoner

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    Secret Admirer

    For a full list of books, including short stories and anthologies, please visit

    Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter while you’re there!

    Creatures of the Night

    Vampyren are born of Lilith and sired by a demon. Offspring were corrupted by the demon’s blood, which carries the taint of hell and continues to infect any creature unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. They are grouped by covens - like witches.

    Lilin are born of Lilith and sired by an angel. They are grouped by coveys - like quail. The female are succubi. The males are incubi.

    Incubi outnumber succubi by nine to one, it is an evolutionary flaw developed by the need for numerous males to protect a single female when she is of breeding age, similar to bees protecting their hive queen.

    Lycan are born of women and sired by Cain, after the curse was placed upon him. They are creatures with heightened emotional states, capable of extreme violence as well as extreme devotion. They are grouped by packs - like wolves.

    Chapter One

    The woman moaned in her sleep.

    Kye brushed his hands over her soft skin, both soothing and stimulating at the same time. Pulling her out of whatever dream she’d been having, and slipping her into that misty dream-state, which would allow him to bring her to orgasm without fully awakening her.

    The Dreaming, his brothers called it. A gray area in between waking and sleep where the Lilin chose to feed. If the human were to remember his visit, she would surely believe it had only been an erotic fantasy summoned up by her imagination.

    But to be safe, he had hidden his massive, bat-like wings before approaching her bed. There were some aspects of an incubus which might frighten even the bravest of humans.

    If the elders of his species could be believed, Lilin wings were not always so demonic in appearance. Their ancestors once shared the beautiful, white-feathered wings of God’s angelic host. A gift they inherited from their father.

    It was said that the incubus was born from the mating of Sameal with Lilith, the first mortal woman. The Lilin – as they called themselves – inherited the archangel’s craving for human emotions. A hunger which later inspired God to make him the Angel of Death, a collector of mortal souls.

    Kye’s early ancestors were beautiful hybrids that could both soar in the heavens with their angelic father or walk the earth with their mother. But their need to feed upon God’s beloved children of Eve, made them a potential threat that the Great Creator found unacceptable.

    To prevent them from ever entering His kingdom, God burned the angelic grace from their wings and the Lilin fell. They could no longer reach their father’s side, and the demonic appearance of their burned wings made them unwelcome among their mother’s kind.

    They were made into outcasts, doomed to forever hide in the shadows and survive upon what pleasure they could steal from the dreams of Eve’s children.

    Against all odds, the Lilin had survived. They lived upon the edges of humanity, while God’s chosen people spread to cover every corner of the earth. But as Eve’s children gathered into overcrowded cities, covering the land in concrete and steel, plague and disease began to take them.

    One of the deadliest of these viruses mutated into something that now threatened not only the human species, but also the half-ethereal Lilin which fed upon them.

    Vampires. Plague lords. A mutation of homo-sapiens that destroyed the digestive system to such a degree they were forced to cannibalize their own kind. Yet at the same time gave the infected an immense strength, speed and extended life – such as it was.

    The vampire’s heightened sense of smell and acutely mutated vision, allowed them to see the Lilin even while they were in the flux, their bodies flickering between an ethereal and physical form so rapidly they could pass unseen among humans.

    It was the vampire virus that had brought Kye’s entire species to the brink of extinction in only a few thousand years.

    Now, instead of a dozen or more incubi for every succubus, there were only a handful or less. And the succubi themselves were becoming so rare that an incubus might live a lifetime without ever finding one to bond with.

    Kye was lucky. He’d found Ayleth only half a century ago, and had fought to protect her from more than one vampire attack since.

    She had built up her covey several times, only to have it destroyed again and again. Now there were only two of them to keep her fed. Kye, and Liam - the pale haired incubus which guarded her now.

    Conner, Byram and Garren were fresh in their graves. They were killed only a few months earlier, by a coven of vampires eager to revenge the death of one of their own. A death caused by Ethan, a former member of Ayleth’s covey, who was now bonded to a human female.

    Bonding humans was an act that had been forbidden for a millennia, but it was now a desperate attempt at survival for a race that was rapidly sliding towards total annihilation.

    There was so little energy that could be had from a sleeping host. While a loving and bonded human mate offered an endless well of powerfully charged emotions, much stronger than anything acquired in the dream.

    Although his human mate made him much more powerful, by leaving Ayleth, Ethan had turned his back on his own kind. Taking one more potential sire out of the gene pool.

    Any offspring Ethan produced with Madison would be Cambions, hybrids that were never able to enter the flux.

    They would be born without wings, without any defense against the vampires. And they would carry with them that faint trace of ozone that could drive a vampire crazy for their blood.

    A death sentence if the Cambion ever entered the presence of a bloodsucker.

    It was a huge risk for not only Ethan’s offspring, but for Madison as well. She was fragile and weak, as all humans were, unable to fly to safety if a vampire came after her.

    Ethan was putting his heart into the hands of a creature that was doomed to die a violent and bloody death. If not today, then a dozen years from now when the blood suckers had spread into this area.

    The vampires were always moving forward, always spreading. The virus they carried could not be held back, no matter how selective the elders of their kind attempted to be.

    Cambions, and any humans attached to the Lilin, would be destroyed. Along with every incubus or succubus the vampires could lay hands on. They were all doomed. It was only a matter of time.

    Ethan was a fool. The joy he found in Madison’s arms seemed a poor reward for the pain that would eventually find him. He would not be able to protect the woman forever, and when she died it would drive the incubus into a suicidal attack on the vampires that killed her.

    Kye would never allow himself to be seduced by the human lure, although he had tasted what Madison had to offer on more than one occasion.

    Liam and Kye struggled to keep Ayleth fed on their own. It was a duty that required at least half a dozen incubi to be successful. But Madison and Ethan had welcomed the covey into their bed, to share in the immense amount of energy a human and Lilin could create together, outside the dream.

    It was an addictive and overwhelmingly sweet lure, which even Kye struggled to resist.

    Ethan would never permit Kye or Liam to penetrate his mate, as that was an intimate bond that only the two of them would share. But Kye had pressed his lips to the woman’s cleft as Ethan plunged within her.

    He had felt the force of her climax against his mouth as Ethan drove her over the edge, and that small taste of the vast power within her, was almost enough to make him a believer.


    The hideous scars across Kye’s chest were a vivid reminder of how vicious a vampire could be, and how much they hated his kind. If he allowed himself to find the pleasure that Ethan had, in the arms of a human, he was only dooming himself to eventual destruction as well.

    Better that he lived with the starving pinch of hunger always in his belly. With the agony of never being satisfied completely and the constant strain of weakness in his limbs.

    He would rather accept the exhaustion which even a short flight created in him, then to allow himself to love a human woman, and have her taken away.

    The female asleep in the bed squirmed again, her body heating beneath his touch. The scent of her arousal instantly ignited his hunger, while at the same time swelling his already bulging cock.

    She moaned again as he slid under the sheets to join her.

    There would be no penetration. It was forbidden, and although Ethan chose to ignore those ancient laws, Kye would not.

    He slid his hands along her body, slipping the gown she was wearing up high enough to taste tiny peach colored nipples, which puckered against his tongue. Another spike of need radiated off from her body and crashed into his, making him rush what should have been a generous affair.

    Sliding down the length of her perfect flesh, he tugged at her panties, slipping them to her thighs and inhaling the overwhelmingly sweet scent of hot wet sex before him.

    It was Kye’s turn to moan with desire, feeling a shudder rip through his body, as he pressed his lips to that soft mound and suckled at the pleasure it gave her.

    Even in sleep she cried out as her body climaxed, writhing as he slipped his hands beneath her bottom and held her against his mouth.

    She was so sweet, so young, and so full of energy. If he woke her for just a moment…


    He released his grasp, letting her body fall gently back onto the bed. He should never have allowed himself to taste Ethan’s mate. Now he was plagued with the need for more of that pure source of power.

    Angrily he shoved his host back into the dream she’d been having before he’d arrived, feeling her body relax into a deeper and more natural sleep.

    It took him only a heartbeat to extract himself from the covers and retreat from the bed. Still angry, but now with the strength of a recent feeding in his limbs, he crouched for just a moment, and felt a tremor as enormous black wings rippled into existence above him.

    Dark skin stretched over bones, which formed an eerie, hand-like skeleton just beneath the surface. The wings of a demon, so far removed from those his distant ancestors once claimed.

    He flexed them into a tight arch, before leaping towards the ceiling of the room. Thrusting downward and entering the flux just in time to pass through the solid structure of the house and enter the night sky beyond.

    Although he felt stronger, he was by no means full. He only had his appetite whetted, and was now not only hungry, but irritated as well.

    It would have done him little good to stay and continue feeding off the same woman, as the amount of energy she provided would decrease with each subsequent climax. If he tried to force her body to give him more, he could send her into a coma, or possibly

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