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Infertility-Land: A Roadmap
Infertility-Land: A Roadmap
Infertility-Land: A Roadmap
Ebook180 pages1 hour

Infertility-Land: A Roadmap

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About this ebook

As someone who suffered from infertility and IVF treatments, and had my fertility clinic give up on me -- I finally found success at the top fertility in North America. As someone who understands, I want to give others information, advice, and most of all, hope.

This is a book for anyone who is lost in the heart-breaking world of infertility-land and looking for a roadmap out. This book contains practical and necessary information to help anyone going through IVF, including tricks of the trade, fertility foods, body work, herbal supplements, what really works, what doesn't, and things you can do to significantly increase your odds during IVF. But more than valuable information, this book is for anyone who is suffering through the emotional heartbreak of infertility and is struggling to cope. Exploring all the range of emotions on one survivors journey, this book encompasses the highs, the lows, and desperate measures infertiles all over the world will go through in hopes of getting their miracle, and gets to the heart of what infertility takes from a person, and how to begin to get it back. This book is for anyone who is looking for answers, understanding, and hope. And for all their friends and family who don't get it, but would like to try.

PublisherLisa R Waite
Release dateJun 18, 2011
Infertility-Land: A Roadmap

Lisa R Waite

Lisa is an author, professional screenwriter, creative writing teacher and script consultant, who specializes in romantic comedies. She is a graduate of the Humber School for Writers' Creative Writing and Comic Script Writing programs. She is also a graduate of the UCLA Professional Program in Screenwriting, and the University of Washington Screenwriting Program. She is a member of the Pro-Series Alumni for Screenwriting U, the Northwest Screenwriters Guild, and has worked with top industry leaders. She has written three novels and over 10 romantic comedies, placed in and been a judge for major contests, and has over 10 years industry experience. She founded RomCom Entertainment in 2011, and is a true believer in love and happy endings. She lives in her house by the beach with her amazing husband, adorable son, and family dog.

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    Infertility-Land - Lisa R Waite



    Dear Reader,

    Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lisa, and I am an infertility survivor.

    I walked the long lonely road that you are walking now, and I came out the other side with not only my miracle, but strength, courage, and life lessons learned that have changed me as a person forever. It is a journey that took me to places I never knew existed, to feelings I never knew I had, to highs and lows and emotions the spectrum of the rainbow. And although I cannot capture all the things I learned, or all the emotions I felt, I will do my best to share a kind of roadmap of the way through infertility-land. But I must warn you, it isn’t a straight line. In fact, it swerves and zigzags and goes round in circles with what seems as no way out at times. But stay with me. Like the ancient symbol of the labyrinth, there is only one way in and one way out. Trust in the maze of your own infertility journey and know that even when all hope seems lost, even when it feels like you are lost in the dark with no way out, that you are being led by a higher power – this is your spiritual journey, the cross that you have been given to bear. And one day, you too, will make it out the other side. You are strong, courageous, and filled with more love and hope and strength than you know. You are just lost. And I am here to help you find your way home.

    First, let me say, I'm so sorry that you that you had to buy this book at all. Suffering from infertility is one of the most lonely, devastating, and alienating things a person can go through. It makes me so mad when good people who just want a baby can't have one.  It's not fair, and I know there are no words to express how deeply it hurts.  It's so hard to look around at all the happy families when you are being denied your own.   I understand how it feels to want to crawl into a shell and never come out.  I cut myself off from so many family and friends, because I simply couldn't bear the pain, and even though I tried to be happy for them, it just hurt too much.   It's so easy to cut ourselves off from people we love because they just don't understand.  I know for me, I was in so deep, and didn't know how to climb out.  After five long years of infertility treatments, over a hundred thousand dollars spent, and a shell of a self I once remembered, I came to my crossroads. Finally, I knew that I had to do one last cycle, with the best clinic and doctor in the country -- so that I could move on.   I actually didn't think it would work.  I hoped, but I didn't believe.   But I needed to do it in order to let go, and be able to walk away knowing that I did everything I could.  I desperately wanted a biological baby, but I knew I couldn't go on with fertility treatments much longer, but even still, letting go of the dream of our biological child was so painful that I needed one last cycle as a way of closure.   And in doing so, all our dreams came true.

    I was one of the lucky ones, for I made it out the other side. But I am well aware that not everyone does. And what’s worse, is that most people give up before they do. I wish this book could guarantee you success. It can’t. But it will help give voice to your deepest darkest feelings, it will help you to not feel so alone, and mostly, it will help to give you hope as you navigate through your own personal journey in infertility-land, and out the other side to a place of peace. When I was in your shoes, I desperately needed to find someone who has been where I was, and made it through to the other side. I desperately needed to hang onto hope that one day I would make it too.   And that day has finally come.  So now, I will be that person for you.

    Each story of infertility is unique and painful and some are worse than others. But all of them have one thing in common: at this very moment you are afraid of never knowing the joy and fulfillment of holding a child of your own in your arms. At this moment in time, you don’t know where to turn, or what to do. And at this moment in time, you feel the vision for your life and dreams for your future fading away before your eyes.

    My story was no different. I was almost 35 years old. I had been married to my husband for almost ten years, and we had been trying to conceive for five. We tried for two years, every single month before we admitted we had a problem. We researched the best fertility clinic in the area and did six cycles of clomid. Next we moved on to intrauterine insemination. We did 12 in total before moving onto IVF. We did three IVF’s with all the trimmings, before our clinic gave us a less than 5% chance on another round of IVF ever working – and gave up on us, saying they were sorry but there was nothing more that they could do. I was devastated. I was emotionally and physically and financially spent, and had resigned myself to thinking that my husband and I would never have a biological child.  But as I tried to move on with my life, as we started the adoption process and were looking into egg and sperm donors, there was this little voice inside my head that wouldn't let it go. It nagged at me while I researched and talked to everyone I could.  That is when my husband and I agreed that we would try one last time -- but since it was all out of pocket and it was truly our last hope, we needed to go to the best clinic in the country.   We did our homework and came up with CCRM as the best chance for our last try.  In my heart, I never thought it would work.   I just needed to be able to find some sort of closure.   And I knew that if I did it one last time in the best clinic with the best lab and the best doctor and it STILL didn't work, then I could walk away knowing that I did everything I possibly could.   In the end, it just came down to needing to not have any regrets.  I never wanted to look back and say what if.   So even if my cycle at CCRM had have failed, I think I could have known that I gave it everything I had, and been able to find some sort of peace in that.   And not only did I find peace, we finally got our miracle. So whatever your story, here is my best advice: Don't give up.  Believe in yourself.  Advocate for yourself.  And always go with your gut.

    I wish you much peace and happiness and a baby to hold in your arms at the end of your journey.  But for now, while you make your way through infertility-land, I hope this book brings you some comfort. Trust in the higher power of the universe and allow yourself to feel, be, and know.

    And never give up hope,  

    Love Lisa



    It doesn’t matter how you got here, the details are not important to finding your way back home. Your journey here cannot be changed, it cannot be altered, and it cannot be measured in miles. What matters is that you are here. Lost in infertility-land, looking and searching for a way out. If only there was a map, a large arrow that shows you: YOU ARE HERE. With clear roads and paths and exits to help you navigate your way out. But the truth is there is no arrow, no big letters, saying YOU ARE HERE. Yet, here you are. Lost in infertility-land. Your pain is real. And while there is always someone who has it worse, while there is always someone who has it better, this is your reality, your struggle, and it is real.


    You are standing in the center of your map. At the eye of the storm. At the center of the wheel spoke. You can feel the wave of change coming, the rain has stopped, the sky has darkened, and an eerie calm lingers in the air. You can almost feel the change in the air. Something is about to happen.

    Do you stand still and wait it out?

    Do you start to move?

    And in which direction?

    Do you cry out for help?

    Do you fall down and cry?

    Do you take cover?

    Do you raise your hands and meet it head on?

    Whatever you choose or don’t choose to do is your first step

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