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Looking For The Elf Lords: Book Two of the Roamer Series
Looking For The Elf Lords: Book Two of the Roamer Series
Looking For The Elf Lords: Book Two of the Roamer Series
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Looking For The Elf Lords: Book Two of the Roamer Series

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Jake finds himself mixed up with a whole bunch of bones; bones that walk, bones that bite back. The only way to put these bones to rest is to find the Elf Lords. After all, it is their magic that has gone corrupt, and it is their responsibility to make things right! But the Elf Lords have been gone a long time from their home in Eravelly, and no one knows where to find them.

Looking for the Elf Lords is Book Two in the 'Roamer' Series.

PublisherC. A. Zraik
Release dateJun 24, 2011
Looking For The Elf Lords: Book Two of the Roamer Series

C. A. Zraik

I am an author with ebooks available here on, on, and Barnes and My ebook full length novels include; Heir To Avalon, The Fairies Tree, The Roamer Series; Roamer, and Looking for the Elf Lords, and The King's Box. Childrens books include; From the 'Letters From Grandma Series': Spring in Grandma's Back Yard, Summer in Grandma's Back Yard, Autumn in Grandma's Back Yard, and Winter in Grandma's Back Yard. I taught Creative Writing and am now retired from teaching. Readers of my books can contact me at I would love to hear your feedback. Thank You for reading my ebooks, I hope you enjoyed them!

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    Looking For The Elf Lords - C. A. Zraik


    Book Two in the ROAMER Series


    C. A. Zraik


    * * * * *


    C.A. Zraik on Smashwords

    Looking For The Elf Lords

    Copyright © 2010 by C.A. Zraik

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    Looking For The Elf Lords

    Representatives from the various realms of Cherwick silently mourned the loss of King Dristan Cordair on a day that should have been full of joy and happiness, a day meant to welcome and pay homage to a new Queen and powerful ruler. Sadness shadowed the marvelous pomp and ritual of Rochelle Cordair's accession to the throne of Eamore because the memory of her father's savage beheading a few short months ago by the Dark Lord, Abishag, was locked in the minds of all who were present.

    Dignitaries crowded the wooden steps of the huge, lavishly decorated outdoor dias where Rochelle stood taking her oath of office--repeating the words spoken to her by the Master Educator from the Universal Center of Learning: Dignitaries from every nation that is, except from the Elven nation. Although the Elves' presence was blatantly missed, many of the rulers at the glorious ceremony were hesitant to question their absence, or even discuss the historic events that had caused their absence.

    All in all though, the various people of Cherwick seemed happy with the new Queen of Eamore, and her reign would hopefully celebrate the new-found freedom that Lord Abishag's death brought them.

    Ding-dong, the witch is dead, Jake McClellen thought as he pushed his gold wire framed glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. He wandered through the milling crowds in the large central forum of the citadel in Eamore, suddenly longing for his own homeland. Even after spending almost a year in this foreign world, he had not fully adjusted to its strange ways. Everywhere around him people were dressed to the teeth in their finest silks and brightest colors and his tattered blue jeans and dusty, red-plaid work shirt seemed out of place. He knew the citizens of Eamore did not mind his peculiar clothes, nor the strange thing he wore in front of his eyes, because they considered him a Roamer, and their hero, and as far as they were concerned he could dress and look however he wished.

    Out of place with his somewhat battered appearance was the magnificent sword strapped about his narrow waist that dangled from a crudely fashioned baldric and sheath; the Godsword, a sword that had liberated all of Cherwick by disposing of the tyrant Lord Abishag just a few short weeks ago. Jake's head was still reeling with the memories of their battle. He would never forget the look on Abishag's face just before the Godsword plunged into his breast.

    Jake shuddered, reliving the battle through fragmented images that swirled unbidden into his mind. The Black Lord had finally agreed to meet with Jake, in single combat, on the field that stretched in front of Abishag's home at Castle Furor. Jake, with very little sword experience, wielded the fabled Godsword, or truthfully, the Godsword had wielded him. The battle had been long and ferocious.

    When Lord Abishag learned that Jake had appeared on Cherwick with a Godsword, he had immediately set out to take the powerful sword away from Jake. Abishag had coveted the Godsword Jake carried because the sword would have given Abishag the power to rule the entire world of Cherwick, and maybe other worlds too, including, perhaps, the world Jake called home.

    Thus, unwillingly, Jake had been thrust into a role, on a strange world, that he felt uncomfortable with; that of savior. He had never asked to bear the Godsword -- he didn't even understand how he had come to be a part of this small world.

    But the people of Cherwick immediately thought him to be one of their celebrated 'Roamers'; Some mythical 'Champion' of those who found themselves in dire need of help, and Jake was quickly caught up in the horrible events that followed. In the end, Jake had put to rest some of Cherwick's gravest problems at the conclusion of the battle at Castle Furor that resulted in Abishag's death.

    Jake had not known until the last moment that the Godsword had been specifically designed to rid Cherwick of Lord Abishag, and that the sword had been given to Oldar, a masterful mage -- and Abishag's brother, no less, -- to be used against tyranny and evil.

    Using the sword, Oldar had once banished Abishag from Cherwick after discovering that he could not bring himself to kill his brother during a battle that raged for ten days and nights in the heart of the Demong Dessert between the two powerful mages. Instead of dealing a death blow and ridding Cherwick of Abishag's horrid greed and persecution, Oldar had cursed Abishag with the sword, stating that each time the sword broke through and righted one of Abishag's treacherous spells, a vicious pain would rend the dark Lord's black heart.

    Abishag had vanished for a long time after the battle with Oldar, and Cherwick had enjoyed a time of peace and complacency.

    Then Oldar had died. But before the gods took him, they allowed Oldar to cast the sword out of time and place, knowing it would have to return eventually to Cherwick and complete the trust it had been designed for.

    The glass sword had changed its molecular properties as it rode the waves through the portals and had ended up looking like a lightning rod on the roof of an old farm house in a little town in Ohio, in a world not too far distant from Cherwick, but light years ahead in time and civilization.

    Jake McClellen, a simple High School Biology teacher had simply been trying to fix the broken tiles on that very same roof of that very same house one late spring morning, and had been caught unprepared when a ferocious storm suddenly rolled over the area.

    Jake, unbalanced by the rain, the wind, and the close flashes of lightning, had almost fell off the roof. He would have fallen, had he not grasped hold of the lightning rod. Lightning struck the rod and after a few intense, painful moments, Jake awakened on Cherwick with the legendary glass Godsword clasped between his hands.

    Jake sighed. It had all been that simple, and all that complicated.

    His thoughts returned to Abishag. He knew, although no one else did -- except perhaps his two wizard friends, Eldon and Krass -- that he had not really killed Lord Abishag. Exhausted and battle weary as Jake was, he'd felt Oldar's presence at that last fateful moment; the moment both he and the Godsword had wavered above Abishag's heart.

    Jake had hesitated. He'd questioned his ability to kill a fellow living being. Abishag had known, or sensed Jake's soul- searching in those final moment and Abishag had mocked him, taunting him with his own nemesis.

    And then, abruptly, an unseen but powerful hand had guided the Godsword's glass blade between Abishag's ribs. The death blow had not come from Jake. Oldar had finally completed the horrid task set before him by the gods ages ago. Oldar could now rest, and Jake, the Roamer, received the credit for ridding Cherwick of its tyrant Lord.

    Jake shuddered and firmly closed the door on the memory of the battle; a door he planned to hide the key to and refuse to open ever again.

    He shook himself and looked around the milling crowds for Eamore's new Queen. He spied her standing upon the dais, gazing out into the multitude of revelers. A soft smile played upon her lips, the bright sun glinted off her jeweled crown, and her dark curly hair flowed around her shoulders and fell below her waist. Jake thought Rochelle Cordair was the most exquisite female he'd ever seen.

    She found him with her eyes, and her smile widened. Jake nodded his head and began to make his way toward her.

    Ah, my precious Roamer, and how do you fare this glorious day? Rochelle asked when Jake had ascended the steps of the ceremonial platform.

    I'm fine, Your Highness, how about you? Jake smiled into her deep blue eyes and bowed low. Do you feel like a Queen, yet?

    Rochelle laughed. Yes, a Queen with much work ahead of her! Many people have already lined up in the palace to await an interview. I, however, would rather steal away for a lazy ride along the beach. She smiled playfully at Jake and winked, rekindling memories that were dear to them both.

    Hmmm, it has been a long time since we visited the shores of the Tuniya Sea. Perhaps, Jake said and leaned forward to whisper into Rochelle's ear, a midnight swim would be relaxing and fun.

    Rochelle gave Jake a mock curtsy, a tiny smile, and blushed. The invitation, My Lord, is accepted. But now I fear I must attend to my duties.

    Jake looked into Rochelle's deep blue eyes. That is why you will make Eamore a great Queen, My Lady. You'll always put your duty before yourself. Although Jake spoke the words sincerely meaning them as a compliment, the truth around the words broke his heart.

    This exquisite lady represented a new age, an age without the dreadful Lord Abishag, and she would lead a world of strange people toward a new and hopefully better life. And Jake would not be allowed to stand next to her as she accomplished this. His presence would not be welcomed in such a manner.

    Rochelle's voice suddenly broke into his heavy thoughts. Are the wizards Krass and Eldon, and your little Gyrm friend, Opee, enjoying themselves? In all the fuss -- as you so lovingly call it, My Lord, -- I almost forgot about them.

    I will certainly check on them when I take your leave, My Lady. Jake spoke and bowed formally as an Ambassador from Firsden approached. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers, his mouth lingering upon them as long as he dared. Until later, my Queen, he said softly, and watched as Rochelle struggled to keep a bright smile from spreading across her face.

    He smiled, too, as she turned away and headed for the palace, accompanied by the Ambassador. He tore his eyes away from her, and from his vantage point on the dais, scanned the mass of people below for his new friends.

    Eldon, he noticed, had attracted quite a crowd. He was using his magic to entertain a group of young children, and parents and grandparents had gathered around him as well. Jake smiled as he watched Eldon produce a white bird, complete with its nest, and babies, from the ear of one of his small admirers. Was the old wizard creating the illusion, or did he use real sorcery, Jake wondered.

    Krass was sitting at one of the long banquet tables with a few priestly-robed librarians from the Universal Center of Learning in Eamore. An enormous plate of food sat on the table in front of him, and he was twisting the leg off a roasted wild turkey. His eyes sparkled with glee as he waved the leg back and forth while he made some point in the heated discussion going on at the table.

    Where was Opee Peeaprat? Jake wondered. He hoped she wasn't up to some mischief. Jake could not locate her from the dais, so he decided he had best step down and search for her. No telling what the little Gyrm was up to!

    What an affair, Jake thought as he made his way through the crowds. Jugglers, singers, and performers of all nationalities entertained smiling and laughing groups of people. And what a menagerie of people! Lizardian representatives from the Demong Desert in sand colored military uniforms were pooled around a group of acrobats, their yellow, reptilian eyes bright with awe. A contingent of female warriors from Firsden stood cheering on a companion who had entered a knife throwing contest. A small group of dwarves, representatives from Dragmire someone had said, sat huddled together over their mugs of ale and scowled at the crowd from the round table they had claimed for their own. Representatives from the Pau tribe, a group of people who lived deep within the Ocran Jungle and normally shunned by Cherwick's other nationalities, had arrived late, their brown bodies naked from the waist up, dark slanted eyes, and long black feather ornamented hair an oddity among the more colorful and demurely dressed peoples of Cherwick.

    And there was Opee Peeaprat, squatting next to a bright red cloth she, or someone else, had spread on the ground, surrounded by a small flock of fellow Gyrms.

    Peering down over the heads of the small group, Jake saw that she was casting bones. He grimaced. At least she was staying out of trouble, Jake thought. A small bag of coins sat next to her, and the little Gyrm was reading fortunes. Jake shook his head and turned to leave.

    Jake! Where ya be goin', boy? Opee called. Stick 'round an' I might read yer fortune in these here bones Eldon an' Krass give me! Ain't they pretty? She smiled up at Jake, revealing her almost toothless gums.

    No thanks, Opee. I just came to see if you were having fun, Jake said and turned to leave.

    I knows why ya come 'round, Jake. Opee grinned wickedly. Ya wanted ta make sure I be stayin' out o' trouble. Opee scooped up her bones and rattled them in her small arthritic hand. See this here fellah? Opee said to her audience and pointed at Jake. He be a real live Roamer, an' a good friend o' mine!

    A dozen or so little faces stared up at Jake in wonder. Several of the little hunchbacked Gyrms reached out and caressed his leg or touched his hand. All gazed at the sword he carried; their expressions exhibiting their awe.

    Opee winked at Jake, and Jake noticed how several coins from several stacks resting near their owners quickly disappeared. Opee tossed the bones onto the cloth. Stick 'round, Jake. You be good luck, Opee said and poked a knobby finger among the bleached bones to look for omens.

    Jake groaned and shook his head. Well, I'd really like to stay, Opee, but I better be getting along. I'll talk to you later, he said pointedly, and hurried away.

    Damn little Hoo-doo, Jake thought. One of these days she was going to get herself in a whole lot of trouble and he might not be around to rescue her butt! Wouldn't she ever learn? He shuddered, remembering that Eldon and Krass had promised the little Gyrm her very own kingdom after she had sworn to assist them when they needed help in contacting Jake, just before all the chaos over the Godsword began when he'd first arrived on Cherwick. What a farce that kingdom was going to be, he thought.

    The day wore on and finally, night fell swiftly. Lanterns were hung in the forum and a large bon-fire was lit in the middle of the square. It looked to Jake like the people of Cherwick would party throughout the night. Not he, though. It was time to head for his little cottage on the outskirts of the Ocran Jungle, just a short distance from the outer gates of Eamore. Special company was coming and he wanted to be ready for her.


    From the stoop in front of Jakes new home, Rochelle gazed up at the three moons above Cherwick. Something has to be done Jake, and soon, she said softly.

    Her long dark hair tumbled and curled around her shoulders, and Jake thought again that she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. But her blue eyes, flashing in the moonlight, were deadly serious and Jake sighed. He resisted the urge to swallow her up in his arms. I will have no peace until I agree to your request, will I, my Queen? Jake sighed again, playfully, to lighten the moment.

    No peace at all my champion, she replied with a smile before she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

    Jake's small cozy hut sat nestled in a clearing located not far from the Ocran Jungle's border and served as a refuge for Jake, and for Rochelle at times, too. He had purposefully built the

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