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House of Moon Dark
House of Moon Dark
House of Moon Dark
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House of Moon Dark

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Jan has spent her life among books until one night everything changes. She's dragged into the realm of fairy only to discover there are assassins after her because she is the next heir to the throne. She comes to trust her guide in the fey world, Corin.

As Jan learns more about her heritage, her affection for Corin grows. Sent on a quest to prove she is the rightful heir, Jan faces her worst enemies. Kidnapped and dragged to the enemy's castle, Jan must figure out a way to escape.

With enemies looming, Jan must look at options at hand. Her heart yearns for one man, but is it for the good of the kingdom? Who will she choose?

Release dateJun 24, 2011
House of Moon Dark

Crymsyn Hart

Crymsyn Hart is a bestselling author of Erotic Romance. Her worlds are filled with luscious vampires, gorgeous gods, quirky witches, and everything else that goes bump in the night. Hell, there is even a delicious cheesecake god floating around, but if I were you I wouldn’t eat his brownie cheesecake. Crymsyn worked as a psychic for many years in Boston while attending Emerson College. She graduated with a BFA in Writing, Literature, & Publishing. When she gets bored, she sneaks away to local cemeteries and coffee shops to find peace and quiet. Granted, graveyards might be a great place for the dead, but she still has to listen to their chattering. It can get annoying when all you want to do is write, but she can tell you quite a ghost story. Crymsyn shares her life with a small zoo, two playful puppies and her hubby Mark. If you come after dark, you’re more than likely to find her snuggled up with a gory horror movie, or a bloody vampire movie. Crymsyn has a collection of Living Dead Dolls and five bookshelves overflowing with books. Of course there's always room for more.

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    Book preview

    House of Moon Dark - Crymsyn Hart

    House of Moon Dark

    Crymsyn Hart

    Published by Purple Sword Publications, LLC at Smashwords

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


    Copyright © 2011 CRYMSYN HART

    ISBN 978-1-936165-92-6

    Cover Art Designed By Anastasia Rabiyah

    Edited By Stephanie Taylor and Traci Markou

    Chapter One

    Jan stared at the flickering computer screen. It repeatedly blinked in and out. When she whacked the side of the monitor, a piece of hair fell into her face. The unexpected noise made everyone glance up in the library and stare at her. Her cheeks flushed, but at least the picture was solid for now. In about five minutes, it would start again. She could either ignore it or disturb the peace once more. The library was underfunded, undermanned, and there hadn’t been an influx in new cardholders lately.

    Her mousy brown hair shot through with red highlights was pulled back into a haphazard bun held together by two worried pencils. A strand escaped and swished over her spectacles. Black framed glasses hid dull, green eyes under curly lashes. Her face was oval with a thin nose and sharp cheekbones. Her figure was average, along with her height. She never stood out in the crowd and was always the wallflower at parties. Scanning the library tables, she studied the people enthralled in books or doing research papers. The crowd wasn’t big today. A couple of college kids, the local teenagers who sniggered in the back over National Geographic issues, and the occasional patron asking her where something was. Her duties were light. The morning librarian had already catalogued the books, and now a stack waited for Jan to repopulate the shelves.

    Jan pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose and got lost again in the pages of her book. She was reading an anthology that had come across her desk about gremlins. So far most of the tales steamed up her lenses. Her cheeks burned at some of the scene descriptions. Sometimes I wish I was in a story where the handsome man came and swept me away. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?

    Jan flipped the page and thought about her life growing up. Books were the single comfort she’d had. Her adopted family never treated her right. She was their little slave, made to do whatever her older brothers and sisters wanted. School, books, and her imagination were the only solaces. Her daydreams entailed her real mother knocking on the door one day and spiriting her away. Once Jan turned eighteen and graduated from high school, she moved out, worked her way through college, and got a degree in Library Science to be around books all day. Her family became a distant memory that she no longer dwelled on.

    Excuse me, could you assist me?

    Jan glanced up from her novel, deeply engrossed in a tantalizing love scene. Her heart fluttered from being yanked back to reality. It took her a second to register someone waited at the counter. Um…yes. Sorry. What can I help you with?

    The man before her smiled. The gesture lit up his face. Ebony hair skimmed the top of his shoulders. A black trenchcoat touched the top of his boots. The dark cloth accentuated his flawless skin. His bright eyes were the color of oak leaves in spring. Those eyes stopped her heart for a brief second. He stole her breath because she’d never seen anyone so beautiful. Can you tell me where the mythology section is?

    She placed her book by the computer. Sure. It’s down the hall. The first bookcase on your right.

    He slid his hand across hers. At the first contact of his flesh, a cool tingle raced up her hand. Jan shook it off.

    Will you show me, please? I’m horrible with directions.

    Irritation rolled through her. Finding the reference room wasn’t hard. Numerous signs and arrows directed people where to go. Sure. She faked a smile and pulled her hand out from under his.

    She walked around the desk and motioned for him to follow. Something about the man unsettled her. His body heat didn’t rub against her the way a person’s normally did when someone occupied the space near her. It seemed he wasn’t there at all. Jan glanced behind her just to make sure he was. He grinned when her eyes met his. A troubled smile twitched on her lips in response. When they reached the reference room, she stopped.

    Here you are. Mythology is on the back right wall. Anything you need from Greek, Chinese, or Aborigine. If we don’t have it, I can see if the other branches do. If not, there’s the Internet. After that, well…I guess you’re on your own.

    Thank you.

    She headed back to her desk.

    One more thing.

    Jan gritted her teeth and turned back around. The erotic scene in her book called to her. Something juicy had to come out of her day. Yes.

    He stepped forward. The fragrance of flowers and grass permeated the small hallway and made her slightly dizzy. A light breeze tickled her face. Jan glanced around the room. It was a dreary, cold day. Dark clouds pressed upon the library, focusing the force of the tempest on the brick building. The windows were shut. The echoes of the rain slamming on the downspouts and the glass bounced in the enclosed space. She thought back to when he entered. He wasn’t wet and he didn’t carry an umbrella.

    Do you have a section on fairies?

    For the first time, she noticed a slight lilt to his voice. It sounded like an Irish brogue, although not so heavy. We don’t have a section set aside for just fairies, but there are several volumes. Brian Froud has an excellent art book on goblins and dark fey.

    He stroked her cheek. She shivered from his soft caress. Her fingers shook, and her heart throbbed from his touch. "Goblins are intriguing creatures. Depending on their mood, they can be very helpful, but I’m not interested in picture books. I mean, do you have any real books on the fey, Jacinthia? Something transcribed by one of us, perhaps?"

    Jan wasn’t sure what he was blabbering on about, but the longer he touched her, the more she fell under his spell. The flower aroma wrapped around her, making it hard to concentrate. She tried to shake it off. What did you call me?

    You don’t even know who you are. Now that I’ve found you, there is hope.

    She fought through the haze and found her wits. The flower scent dissipated when she pulled away from him. The man before her wasn’t extraordinary anymore. Jan shook her head and re-examined him. Droplets of rain dotted his jacket and stuck to his hair. His green eyes were lackluster. A shadow of stubble ran along his chin. His eyes widened, but his expression remained impartial. Sir, I’m not sure what you’re asking me, but the fairy mythology is mixed in with the others along the back wall. Excuse me, but I have to get back to the front.

    Thank you for your help. I’m sorry to be such a bother.

    She brushed past him, returned to the front, and settled into her seat. What a nut job! Asking me about fairies. Fairies, leprechauns, and little green men aren’t real either. The computer screen flickered again until she whacked the side once more. Picking up her book, she became lost among the gremlins within the pages.

    Several hours later, the deluge continued. It was pitch dark outside. The nearest light was several yards away. Its dim illumination barely lit up the parking lot. Her umbrella was in the car in the furthest corner of the lot. A wonderful end to a wonderful day. Jan locked the library door and slipped the keys into her pocket. The heavy key ring weighed her down. She fished out her personal set and stared at the angry clouds. Why can’t it stop raining?

    Do you need some assistance?

    Jan jumped. The parking lot had been deserted and now the strange man she directed earlier was waiting for her. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen him leave the library. Not even when she shooed the sleeping teenagers out of the children’s section. Her sense of alarm elevated a notch. She slid her fingers over the keys, placing one between her middle and forefingers. Ahh…no, thanks. I’m good.

    When she walked past him, he placed a hand on her shoulder. Jan whipped around and swung her fist, with the enclosed keys to connect them to his pretty face, but he caught her wrist easily. The aroma of flowers surrounded her again. Her head spun. His touch was gentle and controlling at the same time. Fear crept over her skin, standing the tiny hairs on her arms up. Blood throttled through her veins. The keys slipped from her fingers into a puddle. Now his green eyes immobilized her.

    Forgive me for doing this, but it must be done, he murmured.

    She nodded, not sure what he meant. It didn’t seem to bother him that it was pouring down rain and he was getting soaked. The mysterious stranger got down on one knee and held her captive hand in both of his. What are you doing? she whispered, finding her voice.

    My name is Iridan. I’m the Captain of the Guard for the Fey Kingdom. I have been searching for you for ages, my lady. The Houses are all in upheaval over the death of your mother, the queen. You are now next in line for the throne.

    Chapter Two

    I’m sorry, what? Did he say I was next in line for the throne? What throne? I understand your shock. This was not what your mother desired for you. You must hear me out, Princess.

    Ahh…look, Iridan, get up. I believe that you’re sincere in thinking I’m some fairy princess. Why don’t you let me take you for a ride and I can bring you someplace nice and warm? And far away from me. The cops will know what to do with you.

    He stood up slowly with a refinement she had never seen in a man. It was a fluid motion with even more grace than a dancer. Water beaded down his nose and plopped onto their joined hands. I understand your wariness of me, but I would never harm you. I guarded your mother with my life. However, in the end, I failed her. I will not fail you.

    The bouquet of flowers surrounded her again. This time she could make out more scents: lilies of the valley, roses, and honeysuckle. Jan noticed his lips were pale with faint lines etched in them. She wondered if they were soft, if she was to kiss them. Will you come with me, Jacinthia?

    His voice lulled her into a trance. Iridan brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. From the first contact, a cold spark shivered her insides. A gasp left her lips. Everything inside of her yearned to say yes to this man. She would go with him, do anything he said. The corner of his mouth turned up into a half smile. The pouring rain didn’t matter. Nothing else did. The world fell away and it seemed she was falling. When she blinked, she saw an object hurtling through the air. Before she could scream, the object found its mark in Iridan’s back. He dropped her hand and collapsed to the ground. Ruby red blood ran down the small hill, mixing with the rain. The weapon protruding out of his back was some kind of sword. Its blade was shiny and slightly curved.

    Jan scanned the parking lot, squinting through her water-sopped lenses to see if anyone lurked among the trees. Who would do this? What’s going on? A scream left her lips, but her feet remained frozen to their spot. Her hands shook while she took her cell phone out from her jeans pocket. She took a deep breath to pull her frazzled nerves together. Her fingers froze over the last 1 for 911 when she spied a man staring at her. Whoever was watching her was half hidden by the fir tree. Only the outline of his body and the side of his face were visible through the rain. Jan dragged her gaze away from the tree line and focused on her phone. She entered the last 1 and was about to push send.

    I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Someone grabbed her wrist.

    The phone dropped from her hand and shattered on the pavement. The man stepped over the body on the ground. His expression was cold and flat. His eyes reflected nothing. A jagged scar ran down his right cheek. Orange and white streaked hair with a few braids through it hung halfway down his back. He was dressed in a long black trenchcoat. He was taller than her by five inches or so. Chiseled cheekbones marked the structure of his defined face. His mouth was set in a grim line. The scar only made him look crueler.

    Please don’t hurt me! she cried.

    He chuckled. I won’t hurt you. He reached down and wrenched the blade from Iridan’s back.

    Jan blanched at the blood and the squelching sound it made when he pulled the weapon out. Crimson dripped onto the cracked concrete while the stranger wiped the sword over his leg to clean it off. Her stomach turned. He released her wrist. Without thinking, Jan slipped her hand into her pocket and grabbed her giant key ring. She brought it up with as much force as she could muster and slammed it across his face. He dropped the sword and stumbled. Jan unlocked her car with her remote and ran toward it. She opened the door and slipped inside the seat, closing the door, when her attacker slammed his fists against the window. Hurriedly, she pressed the locks and felt a little more secure.

    That man back there meant you ill. He was going to kill you. I was protecting you, he growled.

    Get the fuck off my car! she cried. With shaking hands, she slipped the key into the ignition and started the engine.

    Her assailant beat on the glass once more and then backed away. More will come after you, Princess. I’m the only hope you have.

    Jan didn’t listen. Her tires squealed when she peeled out of the parking lot. The streets were wet and her tires spun on the asphalt. Her mind reeled a mile a minute. The light before her was red, but she sped through it. Horns beeped around her. Sweat trickled down her back and her heart throbbed against her chest. She couldn’t drive all night. Eventually, she had to go home and feed Muffin, her chocolate Lab. The poor thing would be starving and had to be walked. Shit! I can’t do that. My phone is in pieces in the parking lot.

    There’s no way I’m some fairy princess. Jan snorted at the idea. She drove along the dark streets, constantly checking her mirrors to make sure she wasn’t being followed. After an hour, she gave up and pulled into an all-night diner close to her apartment. Jan walked in and checked out the restaurant. There was no one in the diner except a sleepy waitress who was reading a magazine behind the counter. She slipped inside and sat at one of the booths that gave her a good view of the door.

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