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Sex Deal
Sex Deal
Sex Deal
Ebook41 pages42 minutes

Sex Deal

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Base 41 needs electricity from an alien base nearby. The aliens love heat and high humidity. They work in their base completely nude, but painted in designs from head to toe. The commander sends Margaret, his second in command, to the aliens base to buy or trade for electricity. Selena, the alien commander has two conditions. Margaret must get a full body paint job and second, the commander wants a late night candle light dinner with base 41's communication officer. Selena has heard that he is big.
Slightly erotic.
Margaret agrees, saying he is big, dumb and blonde.

PublisherNelson Lynch
Release dateJun 27, 2011
Sex Deal

Nelson Lynch

An Eastern Shore native. A charter member of "The First Saturday Writers." An army vet and retired school teacher. He lives on his farm with his wife Jeanne, Clyde, the Taylorville Hound, three chickens and a marauding fox.

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    Book preview

    Sex Deal - Nelson Lynch

    Sex Deal

    Nelson Lynch

    Published by Hogskull Press at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011

    ISBN 978-1-4660-4300-8

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover: Microsoft Clip Art

    Chief biologist and acting Commander Bunting walked slowly along the middle corridor of Earth Base 41 and turned off switches. Look at all the electricity that’s being wasted. Don’t these people know we have a damaged solar panel? Everything is running on three-quarters power now except the computers and other sensitive equipment. If we lose anymore power we’re going to be in deep trouble. He stopped and pointed at a glowing wall light. Take the bulb out. They’ll have to walk around in the dark.

    The crewman nodded at the adjacent door. That’s the base doctor’s room. She won’t like being in the dark. He paused as he unscrewed the bulb. In fact, she doesn’t like to be in the dark about anything. You’ll probably give it back to her later on.

    Not this time. Some idiot turned on an AC yesterday and ruined one cell by overloading the secondary solar panel. I want you to go to every room and remove the plug from every AC. No exceptions. Tell them it’s an order from me, Acting Commander Bunting. He returned a half-hearted salute and walked to his office as commanding officer.

    He leaned back in his chair, looked at his second in command and thought about the electrical shortage. His mind kept jumping back to the fortyish woman at the other desk. A nice looking woman. I wonder how old she is. I really don’t know much about her and she would be commander if anything happened to me. His mind flew back to electricity when Margaret Smith looked up from a pile of papers on her desk.

    What are you staring at?

    Her soft voice bounced around in his mind for a few seconds. Watch out, I’m getting a space version of cabin fever. Nothing, just thinking about the problem with the electricity. Do you have any suggestions on how we can increase electrical output?

    Me! Why are you asking me? I’m the base doctor, not base electrician. She stretched her arms toward the ceiling and then tried to settle more comfortably into the chair. Nice looking guy for nearly sixty. How did he ever get to be acting commander?

    I’ve been thinking about the aliens. Bunting walked to the window and stared at the long tent-like structure of the aliens. They may have a small amount of electricity to spare. Can you think of anything we have to trade? Her hair might be prematurely gray.

    "I wish you’d stop calling them aliens. I’m getting hard-up when I think a sixty year old guy is good looking. They are from the Alpha Drago star system. Earth first ran into the Dragonians fifty years ago. They are from the other side of the galactic plane from earth."

    Bunting waved his hand at her. "I know that. It’s strange how she gets better looking

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