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Poogle the Discoverer
Poogle the Discoverer
Poogle the Discoverer
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Poogle the Discoverer

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Perfect for boys and girls ages seven to twelve, Poogle the Discoverer by Christopher Ackerman is an illustrated middle grade novel that will captivate and delight its audience. Set in the pristine wilds of Australia, is Potato Bend, a sleepy little village inhabited by platypuses. Ever since Poogle’s grandfather discovered The Bend years before our story takes place, these docile creatures have lived safely within its boundaries, content to never leave.

Except for Poogle. With his fun-loving friends, Pooky and Squeegee the snail by his side, Poogle spends his days exploring the unknown, much to his parent's dismay. With each trek, he is emboldened to wander further and further from The Bend, where he meets new characters, finds bigger and better ponds, and experiences the world outside his tiny little village. His journeys often involve a touch of danger, with plenty of close shaves and tight scrapes. But, when it all goes wrong, and they’re lives are in serious jeopardy, Poogle discovers his father’s true strength—along with all the family secrets that have kept him so close to home for so long.

In the tradition of timeless favorites like Bambi and modern classics like the Lion King and Finding Nemo, Poogle is bursting with warmth and humor - and hair-raising adventure - all set against a vibrant background featuring rich, memorable characters. Romance, life lessons, heartbreak and intrigue all meld together, keeping the reader engaged throughout. It is a fun read for all ages sure to capture the hearts of both young and old.

Complete with beautiful illustrations, and perfectly edited, we hope that you enjoy this delightful romp through Potato Bend as Poogle uncovers his family’s deep dark secrets and learns more about himself, and the exotic world around him, than he ever dreamed.

Release dateJul 3, 2011
Poogle the Discoverer

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    Book preview

    Poogle the Discoverer - Chris Ackerman


    The Discoverer

    A Potato Bend Adventure

    Published by Christopher Ackerman

    Copyright 2006 Christopher Ackerman

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-soldor given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person,please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and didnot purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard workof this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Of Potato Bend

    Chapter 2 - Pooky

    Chapter 3 - The Discoverers

    Chapter 4 - The Great North Hill

    Chapter 5 - Long Shadows at Poogle Pond

    Chapter 6 - Introductions

    Chapter 7 - Rain Delay

    Chapter 8 - Meadows are for Sneaking

    Chapter 9 - The Enemy's Territory

    Chapter 10 - The Talking Prickle Bush

    Chapter 11 - Of Pickel Point

    Chapter 12 - Pooky's Home

    Chapter 13 - Back to the Bend

    Chapter 14 - The Jumping Tree at a Snail's Pace

    Chapter 15 - Of Pringle

    Chapter 16 - Of the Pond, the Past and the Peril

    Chapter 17 - The Hunted

    Chapter 18 - A Complex Twist

    Chapter 19 - The Long Walk Home

    Chapter 20 - Cliffhanger

    Chapter 1

    Of Potato Bend

    A platypus is a very unusual creature. With thick, soft fur, webbed feet, a bill like a duck and a tail like a beaver, they are certainly unique among living things. Generally, platys are quite shy and prefer to remain close to their burrow seldom straying too far from the area they call home.

    Poogle was an exception. He loved his burrow and surroundings as much as anyone, but he also had an immeasurable sense of adventure unusual for his kind. Even as a tiny pup, he was constantly venturing away from his parents and exploring the surroundings, looking for exciting new experiences and places to play. Seeking fun and adventure often got him into trouble, for danger lurked all around and in many forms.

    Poogle’s home was called Potato Bend. It was a lush, green setting along a bend in a wide, calm river, surrounded by a thick forest full of creatures of every description. The Bend was named after the platypus who first settled the area many years before, and a truly brave and wise platypus he was to be sure. Stories and legends of the early days were abundant with one more hair-raising than the next.

    It was just such tales that inspired the curiosity and adventurous spirit in Poogle, for he was a descendant of the great Potato. Poogle’s father was also revered as very brave and heroic. In spite of the family reputation however, Poogle’s father forbid his son to venture from Potato Bend and became very angry whenever he found him too far from home. For Poogle though, the Bend was just too small. He was drawn to explore his surroundings and against his parents’ wishes, often managed to sneak away. Wonderful and terrible stories filled Poogle’s mind on his journeys and he imagined himself as the discoverer and conqueror of wild, strange new lands.

    Poogle often wondered about his father and longed to hear about his adventures but aside from a few minorly spine-tingling stories, was unable to learn much. On one occasion, at the huge feast that marked the first day of spring, Poogle asked his father about the large scars he had on his back and side. They were long and very deep, such that they were noticeable even through his fur. Poogle thought he sometimes noticed a slight limp as well, and wondered if his father had some sort of close encounter like those of Potato.

    Poogle immediately regretted voicing his curiosity. Everypus stopped talking and eating, and a feeling of disquiet fell over the whole group. They looked nervously at Poogle’s father who made no movement but seemed far away all of a sudden. He stared off into the distant sky and for the first time in his life, Poogle saw sadness in his father’s eyes. When he noticed his mother’s reaction his heart sank further, for her eyes had filled with tears that threatened to spill over at any second. He had never seen such grief before and wished so much that he could un-ask the question.

    Poogle watched as his mother placed her paw on his father’s and squeezed lightly. He took it in both his strong paws, kissed it softly, then sighed heavily and rose. He looked down and deep into his son’s young face and smiled gently. But there was so much sadness and pain in his eyes that Poogle started to cry. His father reached down, wiped aside a tear and kissed his son lightly on the head before he turned and walked slowly away. Poogle definitely noticed a limp this time and much more pronounced than he had ever seen before. His mother got up and followed and as they walked away together, both their heads were bowed low. Poogle knew they were crying.

    Pooky, who was sitting next to Poogle, had taken his paw and held it in her own. She quietly got up and coaxed him along. He did not raise his head for some murmuring had begun, and he knew that everyone was looking at him. Pooky led Poogle away and held him close as they walked down to the river and sat with their feet in the water.

    I don’t understand, said Poogle and he looked up questioningly at Pooky. What did I say?

    It’s not your fault, Poogle, you didn’t know.

    Know what though…what don’t I know?

    The story of how your father got injured… she trailed off. It must be terrible; they looked so sad. Poogle hugged her tight. She took his face softly in her paws. I overheard some of the story last year, one night when I was supposed to be sleeping. Your father was attacked years ago, somewhere around Potato Bend but that’s all I know. Nothing more was said about it and I’m glad. If it’s something you should know, they’ll tell you in time. she said.

    With that she jumped into the river and pulled Poogle in too. Together they swam and talked for a long time and Poogle let his mind wander from the questions of the day. When it was finally time to go home, he only took a few steps then turned back to Pooky and gave her a long, warm hug. He stood holding her paws and staring at his feet for a second then suddenly looked up, right into her big, beautiful brown eyes and smiled shyly. She smiled back and Poogle leaned forward, kissed her cheek then quickly turned and scampered off without looking back.

    Chapter 2


    Poogle had friends in the village but none he was really close with, except for Pooky. Together they would swim and play and chase fish or sometimes just sit in the warm afternoon sun and talk or watch clouds. Most of the time, though, Poogle would go off and explore on his own, for none of the others was as curious or adventurous as he was. In fact, even among the grown-ups, there were few who had seen as much of Potato Bend and its surroundings as Poogle had.

    Sometimes he and Pooky would go on a picnic to one of the secret places Poogle had found. He never showed anyone else his spots, and nobody seemed interested. The others were mostly content to stay in the Bend, for it was a very beautiful place.

    Poogle loved to pretend he was a big, strong platy like Potato. Such adventures he would have and such things he would see as he explored far and wide and across all the land! He had ventured north of the Bend twice before but never climbed the

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