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Honey Trap: An Racy Espionage Novel (Red Light Ops)
Honey Trap: An Racy Espionage Novel (Red Light Ops)
Honey Trap: An Racy Espionage Novel (Red Light Ops)
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Honey Trap: An Racy Espionage Novel (Red Light Ops)

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About this ebook

For CIA agent Laura Stark, sex has always been just another item in her toolkit—one more way to pry loose the secrets that have taken her on clandestine missions around the world. But when her new assignment requires her to seduce the leader of a Caribbean island nation, she finds herself caught up in a tropical storm of sex, lies and umbrella drinks! Will she find a way to serve her country at the same time her lust for her dark and handsome partner is growing?

This short novel features graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. All characters depicted are over 18.

Release dateJul 5, 2011
Honey Trap: An Racy Espionage Novel (Red Light Ops)

Laura Steele

When not writing, Laura Steele is either reading what she's just written or thinking about writing something else. Occasionally she stops for food and sleep. She also writes contemporary romance as Jasmine Welles and sweet, old-fashioned romance novels under another pen name. Writing is her true to speak.

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    Book preview

    Honey Trap - Laura Steele

    Honey Trap

    Laura Steele

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Laura Steele

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Also Available

    Chapter 1

    Laura went to the window and looked out at the glittering lights of Prague laid out beneath her. From her vantage point—an executive suite at the Hotel InterEurope, which towered over the ancient city below—it looked almost like a scene from a storybook. She could imagine herself riding on horseback through the city squares, down the narrow cobbled streets, across the bridges as the Vltava River flowed through the city.

    She stepped back and examined her reflection in the floor-to-ceiling windows that ran the length of the room. As she shifted her weight foot to foot, the image of her nude body loomed and faded in the glass, blending with the reflected light of the lamps and the glow from the fireplace. She had to say, she looked pretty good. She ran her hands over her hips and down her thighs, then up over her flat stomach to her chest. Not bad at all, she thought, cupping her breasts and lifting them slightly, admiring their fullness in the reflection. At twenty-five, Laura still had the taut, firm breasts that she’d had for years, and her exercise routine kept her in excellent shape. Certainly good enough for this.

    Almost as if on cue, there was a knock at the door and she heard a muffled Room service, in heavily accented English. Laura moved to the bed and picked up the thick hotel robe she’d laid out—she was pretty sure that she recognized the voice on the other side of the door, but she couldn’t afford to take chances. Her contact had warned her that the InterEurope staff was unusually professional and that only one room attendant had been identified as susceptible to her plan. She wrapped the robe around herself as she went to the door and looked through the peephole.

    It was Dominik. Laura unlocked the door and opened it wide.

    Miss Harper, good evening, he said as he entered the room, pushing a large cart laden with covered plates.

    Laura let out a little giggle. Dominik, when a woman invites you into her room, you should call her by her first name, she said, letting the door close. Call me Monica.

    Dominik smiled. Good evening, Monica, he said as he pushed the cart next to the desk and began to unload the cart, lifting lids to reveal a steak covered in mushrooms and onions, a bowl of freshly cut fruit, a thick slice of cheesecake buried under strawberries, and a bottle of Champagne. I just need you to sign here, he said, turning back to Laura and handing her the bill.

    Of course, she said, and as she reached to take it, she let go of her robe, allowing it to fall open slightly and reveal her nude body beneath. Laura took her time examining the check, slowly swaying back and forth, her robe like a red flag in front of a bull. She took a deep breath and thrust out her chest, causing the robe to slip aside further.

    Dominik, there’s a problem here, she said. This doesn’t list everything that I need, she said, and she raised her eyes to meet his gaze. He's a good-looking guy, she thought as she studied his face. I wonder if this has happened to him before? In the movies, guys delivering room service were frequently seduced by lonely guests. Well, in porn movies, anyway.

    Can you give me what I need? she asked, letting the robe fall from her shoulders. Now entirely nude in front of him, she crossed to him and took him by the hand, pressing it against her breast. His touch was unexpectedly tender—she would have taken him for a rough-and-tumble sort of guy, but he was slow and gentle as he caressed her breasts. Laura pulled him close and kissed him, flicking her tongue out to tease his lips and finding his tongue in return as he pressed against her; she could already feel the stiffening outline of his cock pressing against her stomach as she grabbed his hips and pulled him toward her. She ran her hands all over, locating his key card in the front pocket, and she dropped to her knees in front of him.

    Dominik, you still haven’t said if you can give me what I need, she said, undoing his belt. She unbuttoned his pants and began to unzip him. Can you give it to me?

    You—you can have anything you want, he babbled. Laura smiled up at him as she pulled his pants down to his knees.

    That’s what I wanted to hear, she said, pulling his underwear down and freeing his cock, which nearly slapped her in the face. He was bigger than she’d expected—Dominik was on the shorter side, with a slim build, and she’s just assumed that he wouldn’t be packing much. Guess that shows me, she thought as she grasped his shaft. He was already getting hard and only grew more so as she lightly stroked his cock, tracing her fingers over his hard length. She loved the feel of a cock in her hands; there was something about the soft, smooth skin containing the hard mass within that she was fascinated by, and as she slowly ran her fingers up and down his cock she felt a tremor of pleasure run through her body. Laura leaned closer and flicked her tongue out to the head of his penis, lightly brushing against the tip and making Dominik’s legs quiver. She stared up at him as she again ran her tongue around the glans, bathing it in saliva.

    Can I take you inside my mouth? she asked.

    Yes, please do it, he said, his voice intense and almost uncontrolled.

    Laura stretched her jaw wide and brought his cock into her mouth, letting it glide over her tongue until she had him entirely inside and her nose was tickled by the hair on his groin. She backed off slowly, sucking hard as she did so, letting him feel the strong pull of her mouth as she withdrew him.

    Did you like that?

    He was speechless, but he nodded as ragged breaths escaped his chest.

    Good, Laura said. Now we’re going to have a lot more fun, but I need you to do something for me.


    She motioned with her head toward the bathroom. I only sleep with very clean men, so you have to go take a nice long shower and get washed up, she said. You don’t mind, do you? she asked before running her tongue

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