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Godsend 3: Pissed All The Way Off
Godsend 3: Pissed All The Way Off
Godsend 3: Pissed All The Way Off
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Godsend 3: Pissed All The Way Off

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In the third book of the Godsend series, Brian Cathcart sleeps with his FBI source and gets emotionally attached. He agrees to work an ongoing case for her, a case that will also tear them apart: Some lunatic actually gets off on raping elderly women, killing them, and then pissing all over them. Brian and his impetuous cousin Echo will take this one for free.

But there's a cold case hanging in the balance, one that involves an old man being killed for his rare coins. It's probably a mistake to let Echo work most of this case by himself, but Brian is trying to multitask with Godsend Investigative Services. When a skinny white woman curses Echo out and spits a flurry of racial slurs at him, everybody else has to pay for it, even a man behind him in a fast-food drive-thru. And by the time Echo hooks up with Brian to work the ongoing federal case, Echo is hardly in the mood for legal justice. He and Brian will certainly fight about this one.

PublisherK Elliott
Release dateJul 7, 2011
Godsend 3: Pissed All The Way Off

K Elliott

K. Elliott, aka The Well Fed Black Writer, penned his first novel, Entangled, in 2003. Although he was offered multiple signing deals, Elliott decided to found his own publishing company, Urban Lifestyle Press.Bookstore by bookstore, street vendor by street vendor, Elliott took to the road selling his story. He did not go unnoticed, selling 50,000 units in his first year and earning a spot on the Essence Magazine Bestsellers list.Since Entangled, Elliott has published five titles of his own and two more on behalf of authors signed to Urban Lifestyle Press. For one book, The Ski Mask Way, Elliott was selected to co-author with hip-hop superstar 50 Cent. Along the way, he has continued to look for innovative ways to push his books to his fans while keeping down his overhead. Not wanting to keep such valuable experience to himself, Elliott did two things.First, in 2010 he forged his vision of low-cost publishing by in 21 Black Street, an eBookstore to mirror a traditional African-American themed bookstore - except it could totally cuts out a publisher's printing costs.Second, Elliott created the Well-Fed Black Writer, a blog for authors to find life-hacking tips for more efficient, effective self-publishing. The Well-Fed Black Writer includes podcasts, video and blog posts, all to help aspiring authors turn their manuscripts into publishing success stories.

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    Book preview

    Godsend 3 - K Elliott

    Godsend: Pissed All the Way Off

    by K.Elliott

    Published by:

    Urban Lifestyle Press

    Smashwords Edition

    P.O. Box 12714

    Charlotte, NC 28220

    Copyright 2012 by K. Elliott. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. For information, address Urban Lifestyle Press, P.O. Box 12714 Charlotte, NC 28220

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Content

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    Rick Bunto inserted his key into his motel room door. He had heard the man walking up behind him on the cemented walkway, but there was no reason to be suspicious of anything. Just as he was entering the room, the stranger rushed him and pushed him all the way up to the bed.

    Echo kept a gun shoved up against Rick’s lower back—he knew Rick could feel it even through the thick coat. Act a fool and lose a kidney. He started searching Rick with his free hand.

    Brian entered the room and closed the door. They were on the second floor of an old motel in Morgantown, West Virginia. Mr. Bunto. You lied to me, and I’ve wasted a lot of gas money fuckin with you.

    Echo spun the 43-year-old white man around and pushed him down on the bed.

    Rick said, Give me a goddamn break, will ya? What kind of father would I be if I told you where my son was? You just want to get him thrown in jail for something he didn’t do.

    Brian walked up closer to him and said, What kind of father would you be? You’d be a sorry-ass father, just like you’ve been all of Jeremy’s life. His mom tells me she raised him with virtually no help at al from you. You’re an unstable, job-hopping drunk.

    Well, I ain’t gonna deny that, but I still love my boy enough to keep the law off him. Tell me something, Mr. Gaston. He believed Brian to be a PI named Richard Gaston and he had even seen the credentials to prove it during their previous encounter. You or your associate probably got a son. Would either of you do anything to send him to prison?

    Brian said, It’s possible that your damn son had something to do with the murder of a 93-year-old man. I didn’t say he was guilty; I said it’s possible that he was involved. If he was my son, and he actually did it, I would want his diabolical ass in prison for a very long time.

    Seven years ago Jeremy was only seventeen. He wouldn’t kill an old man; that sort of thing just ain’t in him.

    Brian said, I’ll tell you what. I got a few more people to investigate; but when I find your son, me and my man here, gonna beat the dog shit out of him just because you lied to me.

    Why would you do something like that? Why don’t you just beat me up and leave him alone? "Waste of time.

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