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Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír)
Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír)
Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír)
Ebook34 pages28 minutes

Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír)

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About this ebook

Bedford Crane saw something strange in the woods when he was thirteen, and it ruined his life. Or was it his brother that did that? Years later, the two of them camp out together for a night of beer, aliens and redemption. What they both see and do is going to require a lot of explaining... and a couple of extraterrestrial tourists will be turning in their galactic passports.

Cooter is a story of friendship, obsession, cultural misunderstandings, and cow parts. Full of laughs, pop-culture and a few chills, this is a great read that will leave you wanting more. "The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír," contains short stories to make you think and laugh. For more information go to

Release dateJul 8, 2011
Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III: Reír)

Linda Hull

Linda Hull grew up in Miami, Florida, spending much of her time playing with her imaginary friends. As an adult, she moved to Central Florida and graduated from Rollins College where she was inspired to write down her imaginary exploits with the hope of turning them into a lucrative career.

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    Cooter (The Extraterrestrial Anthology, Volume III - Linda Hull


    By Linda Hull



    Published by Dangereye Inc. at Smashwords


    Copyright © 2011 Dangereye Inc.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    On the warm humid night of June 17, 1986, fourteen-year-old Bedford Allen Crane Jr. left his parent’s north central Florida home via his bedroom window. He was on what had become a bi-weekly mission to try and see Susie Forman naked. The Crane and Forman estates were two and half miles apart, separated by the Segal family’s cow pasture. Susie had recently taken to dressing and undressing in her bathroom due to that icky feeling you get when you think someone is watching you, so this particular evening’s expedition was unremarkable, except for the cow abduction.

    As the frustrated Bedford tromped home through the woods at the edge of the Segal family’s cow pasture, he noticed a light moving across the sky. Bedford ducked behind a palmetto bush to watch. As it came closer he saw that it was not a single light at all, but several lights encircling an oval metallic object. This object moved in total silence and came to a halt fifty feet or so from the ground, directly above a cow. The aforementioned cow did not show any signs of alarm, unlike Bedford who had wet his pants when the light first changed direction. A beam of intense blue light projected from the underside of the object and centered on the cow. Sensing that something was wrong, the cow started to bellow and run, but was frozen in mid-moo when the light changed texture. The light then lifted the cow into an opening in the underside of the silently hovering object. Bedford’s bowels followed his bladder’s example and emptied. Moments later, the object opened again and the light returned the cow to

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