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Trio of Haunting Tales
Trio of Haunting Tales
Trio of Haunting Tales
Ebook17 pages13 minutes

Trio of Haunting Tales

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Trio of Haunting Tales offers three short stories for kids who love spine-tingling fiction. Perfect for quick read alouds at ghost-story gatherings, such as sleepovers, around a campfire, in the classroom, or at home for a night of spooky, family fun.

Cyclops Clyde, a freaky computer monster, wreaks havoc both on and off screen, taunting and paralyzing his victim.

In Night of the Howling Werewolf, Eric Lung searches out the bullies who jumped his best friend, Ben Tang, and stole his bike. Things get weird on Slaughter Hill, the bullies’ favorite hangout.

Ghost Warrior kicks up the fright factor and will creep out even the bravest of souls. Connie worked overtime and now worries that she’ll be punished with extra pushups for being late to karate class, but pushups become the least of her problems when rival ghost gangs that haunt the parking structure claim first dibs on this mortal prey.

PublisherLynn Kelley
Release dateJul 11, 2011
Trio of Haunting Tales

Lynn Kelley

Lynn Kelley worked as a court reporter for 25 years while she and her husband, George, raised their four little monsters. She lives in Southern California. Most of her time involves books – either writing books, reading books, or making altered art books. Her first chapter book, Curse of the Double Digits, debuted in October 2012. Under the pseudonym BBH McChiller she’s co-author of Monster Moon, a fun, spooky mystery series for ages 8 – 12 (Stargazer Publishing). Curse at Zala Manor is the first book in the series, and Secret of Haunted Bog is the second title. Her story, “The Jobo Tree” won her Highlights for Children’s Author of the Month Award. She authored a picture book, Merry as a Cricket (WhipperSnapper Books) and is currently working on a young adult novel. She tries her best to keep her overactive imagination in check. For more info, go to

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    Book preview

    Trio of Haunting Tales - Lynn Kelley

    Trio of Haunting Tales

    Spooky Short Stories

    By Lynn Kelley

    Copyrighted © 2011 by Lynn Kelley

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Cyclops Clyde

    Night of the Howling Werewolf

    Ghost Warrior

    Cyclops Clyde

    Call me crazy, cuckoo, a crackpot. But I know what happened, and there must be others who got nailed by Cyclops Clyde. If anyone out there has had a similar experience, please back me up here.

    It was late. Actually, the middle of the night. I snuck down to the computer to play

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