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Heather's Caning and Humiliation
Heather's Caning and Humiliation
Heather's Caning and Humiliation
Ebook30 pages24 minutes

Heather's Caning and Humiliation

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When Heather skips school for more than a week, Sister Mary shows her displeasure by promising the teenager the "same punishment as the boys." This rousing story takes Heather to a final confrontation with the strangely beautiful nun, and a four-foot long cane is applied liberally to the backside of the wayward girl. Sister Mary believes that punishment must be delivered, otherwise girls take the wrong paths in life. This story is not for young folks, as the sex and whippings are explicit and erotic. Enjoy the romp through this sexy caning!

PublisherEvil Ink
Release dateJul 17, 2011
Heather's Caning and Humiliation

Alice Dark

I am Alice Dark, and I write erotica: BDSM, Femdom, sci-fi, horror, vampires – anything supernatural. I prefer spanking stories, though I’ll write anything that makes my girlfriend hot. She loves to read my stories, because I try to mix our own lives into each and everything that I write.Sometimes the stories are about our pasts. Sophia and I are both Catholic, and we were raised in strict families. The schools were even stricter. I was caned, and Sophia was paddled. Both of us have been hand-spanked in our homes as youths.You’d think we’d be done with it. But we’re not. Somewhere along the line, Sophia and I began to enjoy the feeling of a hand, paddle or other spanking instrument across our ass. While we both love to have our cheeks blushed, I tend to be the aggressor more often than not.The take-away, my pets, is that for us, it’s who we are.

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    Heather's Caning and Humiliation - Alice Dark

    Heather's Caning

    and Humiliation


    Alice Dark

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by

    Alice Dark on Smashwords

    Heather's Caning and Humiliation by Alice Dark

    Copyright (c) 2011 by Alice Dark

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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    Heather's Caning and Humiliation

    Heather's day started out beautifully. Both of her parents had jobs that required them to leave early in the morning – so early that the sun had yet to peek over the horizon. Indeed, it was also so early that Heather was allowed to remain in bed and make her own breakfast, as well as find her own way to school.

    That morning, Heather snuggled deeper under her bed covers as she had for the past several days, with every intention of making herself a lovely breakfast and skipping school altogether. After all, Heather reasoned to anyone who would listen; she was 19 years old, far to mature to put up with the Catholic summer school that her parents had enrolled her in. She would get into college just fine without the classes, despite the few failing grades that Heather received in high school.

    Besides, she reasoned, her parents would never know that Heather had

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