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A Shadow from the Past
A Shadow from the Past
A Shadow from the Past
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A Shadow from the Past

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About this ebook

An author of many best sellers, gets a sudden visit in the middle of a dark, stormy night. The visitor is no other than his ex- flame. She seeks shelter for a few hours in his house.The author finds himself in a dilemma, as he struggles to keep his passions under control. And then he learns the truth which shatters his peace of mind.What is it? Read this thrilling eBook to unravel the mystery.

PublisherSharmila Dey
Release dateJul 24, 2011
A Shadow from the Past

Sharmila Dey

Born amidst the tea gardens of Assam in 1962, Sharmila Dey had always had a passion for books from an early age.The book, 'A Shadow from the Past', is a para-normal romance dated back to the sixties and 'A Gift from Heaven' is a short story for children. She is thankful to her father,Late Dr. K. K. Dasgupta who had constantly inspired her in every walk of life. She has two sons and a huge collection of books in her library.

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    A Shadow from the Past - Sharmila Dey

    A Shadow from the Past

    By Sharmila Dey.

    Copyright 2011 Sharmila Dey

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thankyou for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Lightening flashed, followed by the angry growl of the thunder, and very soon it was pouring in torrents.

    A sigh escaped his lips as he pushed back his chair and got up to close the window. Coming back, he sat down once more intending to finish the chapter of his latest novel.

    Aditya had been toiling very hard, for the past eight months, and the result was satisfactory. The climax had drawn very near, he now just needed a proper ending to his otherwise brilliantly conceived plot.

    There was a sudden knock on the door. He turned to look at the clock on the wall.

    Eleven thirty.

    Who could have come at this late hour and in this foul weather? He thought to himself.

    He started as the knock sounded again, this time louder than before.

    Getting up once more he moved towards the door to open it. At first, only the inky darkness met his eyes and as he was about to turn and close the door he saw someone step out from the shadows. In the dim light of the yellow bulb, he was not able to see the person properly. He was only able to make out from the outline that it was a woman standing on his threshold. As she drew nearer he recognises the lady to be the woman who had changed his life forever.

    She was totally drenched from head to foot, and the water dripping from her wet clothes formed a puddle at her feet.

    Her beautiful eyes met his astonished gaze and a slight smile hovered on her lovely mouth.

    Won’t you ask me to come in? she asked in a voice that sounded musical to his ears.

    Ye… Yes. Please do. Aditya stammered, stepping aside to let her in.

    Thanks. She smiled showing her perfectly white teeth as she glided gracefully inside the room.

    You never expected seeing me, did you? She remarked, when she saw the surprised look on his face.

    No, I mean, I never thought of seeing you at this time of night and that too in this rough weather. Aditya explained elaborately, and then as an afterthought added,"Why have you suddenly come here, Nandita, after twenty years?

    I will tell you everything, but first give me something to dry myself, or do you prefer to keep me standing dripping wet? Nandita asked with an amused smile.

    Sorry. I’ll get it. Aditya felt ashamed at his own stupidity and rushed into his bedroom and very soon emerged with a clean towel for her.

    You are thoroughly wet, why don’t you go into my bedroom and change out of those wet things?He offered politely, and when she had proceeded towards the room he had indicated, Aditya went on to add,You will find something dry to wear inside the wardrobe.

    Nandita emerged from the bedroom, looking extremely appealing in the blue silk dressing gown of his, which clung to her feminine curves provocatively. Even at forty two, she appeared irresistible, with an oval face consisting of large luminous eyes, framed by long dark lashes, a soft, pink mouth that could curve temptingly, and a smooth skin with a creamy peach like complexion. Her long jet black hair completed the lovely picture that would have made a nymph jealous.

    Aditya felt a stirring of desire burn within him, and shifted his gaze uneasily towards the window.

    It’s going to rain throughout the night. He commented, in order to break the uncomfortable silence.

    Are you annoyed for being disturbed at this late hour? She enquired, with

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