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Love Money, Money Loves You
Love Money, Money Loves You
Love Money, Money Loves You
Ebook279 pages5 hours

Love Money, Money Loves You

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

"I am listening to all of your prayers, your longings, your desperation for money, for more of me. But I have to tell you that I am unable to respond to those kinds of prayers and desperate wishes. I am repelled, or pushed away, by the force of your desire. I am unable to enter the laps, hands or wallets of those who seek desperately.
I am energy. I am light. I am beautiful. I am forever flying and I can only be attracted to you when you have a certain type of energy that draws me in – a receptivity, without fear or worry or anxiety.
I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever – when you are afraid you cannot have more money, you will lose what you already have, no matter whether you need it or not.
It is not your fault and you have not done something wrong. You have never been taught the correct way to approach me. Now I am here to teach you, simply, how to approach me and how to receive me."
And that was the beginning of an extraordinary and unexpected conversation with Money - the powerful energy of exchange that underlies all human financial transactions.
Through "Love Money, Money Loves You," Money is introducing a new blueprint for making money, based on enjoyment rather than hard work. It is like a software upgrade for human beings, marking the end of Capitalism and the beginning of a new relationship with Money.
Get a glimpse into the invisible world of energy to understand how Money really works and answer the big questions:
What can you do if you’re desperate for money?
How can you buy something when you can’t afford it?
How can money give you happiness and happiness give you money?
What should you do when you get into debt?
What are your true financial commitments?
How can you communicate more effectively with Money?
Love Money, Money Loves You is a book that needs to be read and reread until its message is fully absorbed and realised.

PublisherSarah McCrum
Release dateAug 1, 2011
Love Money, Money Loves You

Sarah McCrum

Sarah believes in a society that is fundamentally based in love, generosity and a deep understanding of the essence of being human. Her purpose is to contribute to creating a world that works for 100% of humanity.She's an author, educator and business innovator. She's the Founder of Liberate Humanity, which is a place for learning and sharing the skills for liberation of the human spirit.Sarah has spent more than 20 years teaching and coaching business owners and their families. She's the creator of the innovative program, Thank You Money, based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Over 10,000 people have completed courses with Sarah, building a relationship with money that's founded in love, abundance, generosity and nature. She's also co-Originator of LOVE TO, a group of Mutual companies that have created new financial products, backed by the regeneration and protection of nature and human quality of life. LOVE TO has been built from the ground up on the principles of Sarah's book and work. It's an example of what's possible when we build businesses based in the spirit of generosity.

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Readers find this title brilliant, amazing, phenomenal, wonderful, and excellent. It is captivating, informative, practical, enjoyable, and readable. The book helps change the reader's relationship with money, making them feel more confident and lighter."

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is Amazing captivating and very informative in a practical way .
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant this is just what I needed to hear right now
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is amazing, i like the tone of it, it like me talking to the money directly just like with my friends.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    She’s phenomenal! What is shared works. I practice everything she’s mentioned every single day and I genuinely experience the outcomes I’ve envisioned. This is the best spiritual money book I’ve ever read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This excellent book has helped change my relation with money. I feel more confident and lighter.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderfully simple book about connecting with the energy of money. Many similarities to the messages of Abraham Hicks. Very enjoyable and informative, readable in one to two days.

Book preview

Love Money, Money Loves You - Sarah McCrum


One day I was doing the exercises at the end of a chapter in a small book called How to Become a Money Magnet by Marie Claire Carlyle. The final exercise asked me to write down, What money wants to tell me.

I started to write, having no idea whether anything would come out of my pen at all. I was totally surprised to find myself writing automatically, without knowing what I was writing. I wrote almost one page and then stopped.

When I looked at what I had written I was deeply moved by the message and shocked at the same time because it was so powerful and sweet.

The next few days I went back to my notebook and read the words I had written over and over again. Then I decided to try again and found myself writing more.

The interesting thing was that the style was so different from anything I would have written myself that I knew it wasn’t me who was doing the real writing.

There are many books and websites these days with various kinds of channeling and other messages delivered from beings in other worlds or dimensions. I decided to publish this with some trepidation, not sure that I really wanted to enter that arena. However, I feel that the information is so simple and valuable that it would be a pity to keep it to myself.

I believe some of it will be familiar but there are parts which bring a new message that I have not heard elsewhere.


When I first started writing this I thought that all the advice it gives would be easy to follow and everything would just happen naturally. After eleven years I can say that is both true and not true.

What I love about the advice given all the time by Money is that it is fundamentally easy and also very attractive. Who doesn’t want to have everything they would love to have (and often feel they can’t afford), or to make money by enjoying more? But whilst it is easy for us to enjoy ourselves it can be very challenging to change habits of being serious and that is what we are being asked to do.

I have gradually discovered from experience that while the book looks and feels like quite a light read that you can get through in a couple of days and feel inspired by, to get value out of it you have to approach it quite differently.

The results do come naturally when you follow the advice, but it is not always easy to really follow the advice properly.

The more I explore what is written in this book, the more I have come to the conclusion that the simplicity is deceptive. Every instruction is simple, in and of itself, and it is simple to do each little thing you are asked to do. But we are amazingly skillful at avoiding change. We can come up with so many excuses for just not doing it right now, or I’ll do it later, but later never comes.

So, if you like what is written here and want to learn this new approach, I recommend that you give yourself lots of time to learn and come back to the book repeatedly to remind yourself what you need to practise. Take on one topic at a time and master it, rather than trying to do everything at once and achieving next to nothing.

It may take 2 or 3 months, especially at first, to get to grips with one simple instruction, but the reward when you finally get it will be far more valuable than the money it will bring you. There is no price you can put on wisdom and that is the real prize of learning this method.

Once you become more familiar with the approach it will start to speed up and the benefits will multiply in many different directions.

So do not be disheartened if it seems difficult and slow at first. Persistence and determination to change yourself are more powerful than the worst habit. And it’s worth learning because everything we are being taught here can be applied to other areas of life as well.

Sarah McCrum


The impulse was strong and clear. I must relaunch Love Money, Money Loves You. I wasn’t sure why, but it had to be done.

Over the following months, as I took the necessary actions, I found myself changing. I’d spent the last few years teaching people how to transform their relationship with money. As is clearly predicted throughout the book, they also transformed their health, relationships and connection to themselves. More recently, I’ve seen them experience a profound inner liberation as they deepen their relationship with money.

But what about the wider context? Our collective experience of money? The way we organise our businesses? Our institutions and public systems? Our economy?

If individuals transform their relationship with money, it’s inevitable that everything else will change as well.

I observe exactly the same challenges in the collective as I see in individuals. An abundance of fear, stress and worry. Poverty as well as greed. Limiting beliefs and over-inflated expectations. Denial, irrationality and poor decision-making, along with obsession, wishful thinking and a lot of imaginary outcomes that never happen.

And always, amongst the very human mess, extraordinary creativity, freedom and potential emerges. When we release ourselves from our old understanding of money and embrace a relationship with it based on the principles of love, abundance, generosity and nature, we are free to be ourselves.

I have now spent 5 years working with my friend and business partner, Tim Bennett, designing and building an enterprise founded on these principles. It’s called LOVE TO. We have reimagined the way we value what’s most valuable for life - fresh air, clean water, living soils, biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and healthy human beings. By the time you buy this book, the business will have launched.

It’s been an extraordinary process. It has gradually revealed a path towards an economy where all our interests are aligned. Where we could create a world that fundamentally works for all of us. Where money funds the activities that are central for us to live and thrive on our planet and everyone profits.

As each new idea has emerged and been woven into the fabric of LOVE TO, I recognised that it was already included in this book. It was hidden from me at first. I wasn’t looking for business solutions when I started out. I needed to sort out my personal relationship with money first.

But as I found deep inner ease with money, I came back time and time again to the text and discovered my next step, the new growth, the expansion of my activities and contribution.

It would have been impossible for me to imagine that my life could become as rich as it is now when I first wrote and read this book. It has a habit of changing people from deep inside in ways they could never have predicted.

I believe the same will be true for you. My greatest curiosity is how this will influence our collective direction over the coming decades.


I believe the best people to tell you why to read this book and what’s different about it are its readers. I’d like to share with you some of the things people have written, by email or on Amazon. It will help you understand what it’s really about, how to read it and what you might expect as a result.

What’s It About?

This gem of a book is unlike anything else out there! As you read you learn to challenge your preconceived notions about the world and your finances and everything is explained logically which is not always the case with new age literature. It is life changing not only because it teaches you how to get money but also how to restructure all your negative thought patterns and learn to live joyfully and contentedly.


Love Money, Money Loves You will change the way that you interact with money on a spiritual level. Money itself teaches you how to interact with it in order to get the results with your financial relationship that you really want. You will learn about the system of exchange that you are really interacting with on a daily basis and finally understand what it needs from you to manifest the life you would love. The author, who is deeply intuitive, has a wonderful way of teaching the reader step-by-step the practical process to follow along with ineffective thinking that may be slowing down your receptivity to money. As you read this book, see if it doesn’t also speak the truth that you have known all along about money and its exchange.


It’s a completely new way of thinking about and interacting with money and gives us a glimpse of what the future of value, money, and currency will look like on this planet. Yet it also gives simple-to-understand concepts to follow and practice in order for us to learn and adapt into this new way of interacting with money.


This book gives faith in a much fairer monetary & life system. If we all apply these learnings the world would be in a much better state & be a much better place to live!


It really did touch my was the first time I have ever felt a connection to money as if it was an alive sentient being rather than a terrifying dark heavy concept or a lifeless pile of papers and coins that I have no idea what to do with. I’ve heard the phrase money is energy hundreds of times in the last few years and I’ve felt like I intellectually understood those words. But in that moment this morning I could actually FEEL the life behind money.


Every book you’ve ever read about wealth, riches and so on, whether they be written by T Harv Eker, Andy Shaw, Paul McKenna; every forum, seminar, webcast and course you’ve ever been on - none of them describe the background or the system *behind* money: they only tell you some rules and some guidelines to follow. That those rules and guidelines work successfully for you is fantastic - but what happens in a fast-changing world, where those rules and guidelines may no longer apply? This book shows that it’s possible to communicate with - and get answers from - the System behind Money. Not money as in an actual currency or even as numbers in a bank account, but the *concept* of money as an intelligent, enabling and empowering force of nature.

It turns out that there are beings whose job it is to keep a bureaucratic record of every request you ever made for money (I’d love to buy that house...) as well as all the requests to put that money on hold (...but I can’t afford it! oh dearie me). There are beings whose job it is to deliver you the opportunities as well as the actual money you request. Not one single other book I have ever read, nor webcast I’ve ever listened to has *ever* mentioned the existence of an actual system behind Money. They only describe to you *how* to best make requests to that system. How strange is that!


Over the years, I have interviewed and worked with several experts who teach about the consciousness of money. While all have their individual approaches and merits, I always felt that an intangible something was missing. And then I met Sarah McCrum and everything fell into place. Sarah’s clarity, groundedness, and authenticity make it all so simple. She cuts right through both the heady stuff about money and the woo-woo, and instead approaches this topic from a profoundly different place by taking us straight back to the heart. I’ve always felt that money was never meant to be soul-less. The missing element that Sarah brings to her work with money is the highest and most powerful frequency in the universe - LOVE. It’s nigh on impossible to grasp the profundity of the difference this makes to our understanding of money, until you have listened to, worked with, and learned more about how love and money are interlinked in ways that we have never imagined. All I can say is if you want more of both in your life, read Sarah’s McCrum’s book, listen to her audios, attend her seminars, invest in her whatever it takes to unravel your misconceptions and transform your consciousness about them… and then watch your life change.


Talk TV/Radio Host, journalist, and author.

How To Read It

Read with an open mind, bring in the playfulness, less seriousness and most importantly enjoy every word of the book! In this way, one can reap the most benefits and insights which can help to improve the quality of life of not just oneself but also eventually the whole of mankind.


I devoured this book, and am now going through it slowly and intentionally, immersing myself page by page. The messages from Money (yes, Money loves you too!) are so inspiring and so loving, they’re irresistible. After decades of struggles in my relationship with money, I am at last coming to peace. And - as a by-product I’m sure - more money is showing up in my life.


Transitions: Pathways to the Life and World Your Soul Desires

I can’t count how many times we were saying gratitude words during the read! This is all you need to know how to correct your attitude to money. This is all you need to know how to be a friend with the most tender and playful energy.


What Happens When You Read It

Your work has helped me to triple my income in less than half a year. I completely stopped worrying about money and I am 100% sure that is just a beginning.


Yesterday afternoon I was telling Adam (General Manager) about the book. Then one of our young grads asked for more money. Today we had an offer to fund a grad programme for 2 years!! Pretty quick huh.


Director, Resource Consulting Services

I listened to what you had to say about your book, Love Money, Money Loves You and I incorporated that into my life. I wanted the flow of the energy of money in my life to come in and go out with joy. I didn’t want money to be blocked with thoughts like, I’m going to hoard or save this. Yes, I need to think about things like retirement and stability but I wanted money to flow through my life with joy. To spend it on anything that brings me joy, not just feeds a need or a broken part of myself.

The flow of financial abundance in my life over the last four years has been mind blowing because of this work. This single mother who divorced her partner and was in severe debt now owns a home. I could go on about the things that I’ve manifested in the last four years. It always comes down to the joy of money.

I am now using a lot of this work with my son Akash. He talks about manifestation. If he wants something frivolous, he manifests it and when he gets that manifestation he is so pleased. I love that he’s learning about this whole concept of manifestation, joy, money, affirmations and gratitude. Things that I used to think of as not tangible are alI things that I can see so powerfully now.

Often we want to change everything instantly. Then things fall apart because just like dieting you can’t lose all the weight in one day. It takes time and consistency along with the power of belief. That has also been profound for me.


After reading Sarah’s blog and book Love Money, Money Loves You and also participating in the course I started to share my learning with my daughter, Lauren. I talked about making beautiful requests, putting love into everything you do and being specific about what it is your soul wants.

Lauren and her husband Adam had just bought a new home and needed to sell their current home. They decided on the asking price (or even better) and the settlement date. With one month to sell their home, Lauren and Adam worked hard to present the home as best they could and each open day Lauren would go through each room sending it love.

At the end of the month the real estate agent came over to talk them through the offers. They sat together and the agent told them, we have 10 contracts, we didn’t get your asking price, pause, we got $37,000.00 more.

Lauren called me to tell me the news and she said, This is amazing. It is proof that Sarah’s message works, and the agent told me that as people visited our home they told her what a great feeling the home had. They could feel the love.


I did a love money workshop with you in a small country town outside Gympie about two months ago. It would be a big ask for you to remember, given how many of these you do, but I was the one who was sick and sat at the edge on your right hand side.

I just wanted you to know what a difference you made. When I sat in that workshop I didn’t feel very good about myself. I was making just enough money to pay for groceries each week but didn’t have much leftover. I thought I knew what my life purpose was and spoke about joy but didn’t really understand it. I have read your book about seven times now, highlighting each time and summarising, taking notes and following the suggested activities. I have also purchased and given away another five copies.

Well … the book isn’t just about money is it??? It is about soooo much more. In the eight weeks since I have done your course, I have healed major genetic issues in both my paternal and maternal lines (this was enormous), have released years of abuse and guilt, have felt joy, taken advantage of numerous opportunities the universe has thrown in my path, acted on ideas that have come in, have opened up intuition more fully, know my life purpose and asked to receive at least $4,000 a week for the value I provide … this week was a $5,500 week and I lived it with joy, clarity and serenity.

Thank you from my heart to yours for the improved capacity I now have to make a positive change in the world. I am grateful that our paths crossed.


B Com LLM FIPA FFA Author Presenter Director


Let’s finish with my business partner. He was so inspired by what he read that we created a new business together, based on the principles contained within this book.

This is a beautiful, illuminating and profound book. I felt the most remarkable sense of joy and relief bubbling up in me as I read the first few pages of this book, and then found I just wanted to keep reading.

This book has profoundly changed my approach to money, and to my approach to how I create and deliver projects. It is fun, very relatable, incredibly easy to read. There are so many ahhaaa moments that I found I wanted to go back and read it again just for the enjoyment of grasping such

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