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First Steps
First Steps
First Steps
Ebook68 pages58 minutes

First Steps

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About this ebook

A self-help book
Age: 13-to young adult

This is a guide to help any young person know what awaits them in the world, from getting that first job, to paycheck, to banking, to budgeting, buying a car, and, more importantly, how to budget to stay out of debt. Once you have what you want in mind, this book gives you the reality of what to expect. You will know what income you will need to survive on your own and to succeed without accumulating unnecessary debt.
Parents, this would make a fine gift for any child-a truly eye-opening guide that helps them on the path of life.

PublisherAnne M Angell
Release dateAug 12, 2011
First Steps

Anne M Angell

Truth be told, I like to write and help people. As a Christian and after teaching the bible for over twenty years, I decided that the main obstacle to overcome in class was the constant confusion by the students. Most had an opinion or belief that had little if anything to do with the Bible. So, I decided to take them back to the beginning. I have always maintained that truth of the Word of God manifests. If one doesn't see results, than it is time to figure out where the errs are in their understanding. From this perspective, I began writing in-depth bible study books for anyone who wants to know the Truth. My writings continued as I added children's books, a novel, fiction, and self-help books for teens and young adults. I believe everyone who likes to read can enjoy one of my many books.

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    First Steps - Anne M Angell

    First Steps

    All Rights and Copyright March 2011 to Pamela Alexander

    A.K.A. Anne M. Angell

    Published by Anne M. Angell at SMASHWORDS

    ISBN: 978-1-4659-1250-3

    Author of other books at Smashwords:

    Angel Series:

    The Hidden Treasure of His Heart

    The Falling Star

    The Promised Land


    Bible Study Books:

    Line Upon Line Study Book

    What Do You Do, Once You Are Born Again?

    For Teen: Frazzled to DAZZLED


    THE END, or Just the Beginning . . .


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No Part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express permission of Pamela Alexander

    All figures and information are general or the average.

    Dear Young Adult:

    Congrats! Either you are headed to being a graduate or you graduated already. So, more than likely, you are now 18, or soon to be one. That is the magic number that most kids wait for. It means you are officially an adult.

    Just to help you get in the right perspective for this book, I’d like you to imagine yourself standing in your home, facing the front door. Now, open the door and take a step outside. What do you see?

    When I tutored Math to young adults, their last time with me, I asked the same question. I never got the response I was hoping for. They usually said the trees, lawn, a car, the neighbor across the street, etc. So, I tried to open their imagination. To be a successful adult, you must open your imagination up and see above and beyond. Whether you are an overachiever or an underachiever, it doesn’t matter. All it takes is someone who can see more than what is before their eyes.

    So, now, see this as you open the door and take a step outside: the whole world at your feet. From the plains, mountains, oceans, seas, rivers and valleys, from New York to Singapore, Alaska to South Africa, the world is before you. The adventure begins in your mind and if you set it high enough and broad enough, you can do anything and go anywhere. You have plenty of years to get it right, so relax.

    One step out into the world is all it takes. You don’t have to be the one that only dreams; you can be the one that makes the dream a reality. How far you go and what you do rests with you. Don’t ever let anyone say, You can’t. You can do what they only dreamed about and others have achieved.

    Being an adult means responsibility, with accountability, and becoming a productive participant in life. At the same time, it is an adventure that never has to end. Blaming your parents, others, the school, your life for where you are at this point becomes pointless. From this point on, you are the so-called Captain of your own ship. Either you set the course for calm seas, peace and tranquility. Or, you steer it into open waters of turbulence and much anguish and pain.

    I wrote this book to help you make a smooth transition into the every-day experiences that will begin to become a part of your new life as an adult.

    I hope you find it a helpful tool and I wish you all the best.

    Now, close your eyes, take in a deep breath, and expel it out as you open your eyes. Take the first step into a world with endless possibilities.


    Pam (Anne M Angell)



    WORK, the Job









    Pie Graph


    Well, although teachers are almost a thing of the past, old books are burned or returned, and most of your friends have gone their separate ways, you, still, have to face the future. Don’t dive right in; wade in the low end first. Get a feel for what you can expect.

    Most may be contemplating college. Sadly, many think of this time as Party On! Instead of work—work, and more work, you need time for a serious contemplation on the future. Many delay the future as they relish their first

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