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The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution
The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution
The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution
Ebook39 pages57 minutes

The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution

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About this ebook

A LEADERSHIP MUST-READ! According to Executive Coach Dr. Jennifer Whitaker, "For some executives, the view from the top includes loneliness and a lack of support. Habitual workaholic tendencies are the norm among leaders, so much so that even relaxation time becomes a forum for discussing work. Activities like golf can become so competitive they feel like a continuation of business dynamics." At last, executives are given a bright torch to explore the inner self, with practical tips for self-mastery and leadership mastery.

Written by Executive Brilliance founder Dr. Jennifer Whitaker, "The Brilliant Leader Model™" Copyright 2011 shows you how to use the essential components of inspirational leadership and master your own "executive brilliance." Learn to integrate your inner gifts to shape outer circumstances, producing better relationships and results.

Having worked with hundreds of executives in her career, Executive Coach Dr. Jennifer Whitaker is an expert in bridging business growth, psychological transformation, and spiritual values. She encourages expression of soul at work.

"The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution" is an evolutionary model for today's leader. In the past, corporations focused only on a leader's performance--what the leader does--his or her external activity and results. Even though a leader may be uncomfortable in exploring the hidden regions of his or her identity, the powerful yet unseen 'qualities of being' are the lifeblood of the person and, by extension, the organization.

Founder of Executive Brilliance, Dr. Jennifer Whitaker says that "The Brilliant Leader Model™" will help you find new ways to create an enduring legacy and to 'Know Thyself.' Increased profit is a natural result of consistently using this model that represents an active, ongoing relationship to self. According to Dr. Whitaker, leadership improves with self-mastery. She adds, "While the soul is impossible to describe, we recognize its vibrant, expressive, and transformational qualities...There's vast potential in discovering your inner treasures while softening your business mask."

Executive Brilliance is an Atlanta-based business consultancy providing executive coaching and consulting services in the area of succession planning, leadership transition and employee engagement.

Release dateAug 26, 2011
The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution

Jennifer Whitaker

Author and Executive Coach Dr. Jennifer Whitaker is a pioneer in bridging business, psychology, and spiritual values. Founder of Executive Brilliance, Dr. Jennifer Whitaker, has served over 100 corporations and organizations, coaching hundreds to become CEOs, executives, business owners, or senior level partners. She integrates transformational and organizational principles to help businesses achieve outstanding results in growing revenues, cultivating leaders, and accelerating performance. As an executive coach and business strategist, Jennifer Whitaker is a seasoned expert who offers inspirational leadership to her clients. Her company, Executive Brilliance, based in Atlanta, and serving nationwide, shares the secret of how to inspire people and enhance performance. To put it simply, she helps already brilliant people and companies shine even brighter by discovering more of their natural inner resources and intelligence to achieve profound results. With a powerful skill set to transform businesses and leaders, Dr. Whitaker offers real solutions for executive challenges and limited "one-dimensional living." Coaching, mentoring, and speaking, Coach Jennifer Whitaker is always uplifting and informative, inspiring others to be all that they can be, to realize their relationships, and to boost their personal and business brilliance. A very popular keynote speaker, Dr. Whitaker is the author of "Success with Soul," "The Brilliant Leader Model--for the Executive Evolution," "The CEO Evolution," and "The Executive Brilliance Trilogy."

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    Book preview

    The Brilliant Leader Model™--for the Executive Evolution - Jennifer Whitaker

    The Brilliant Leader Model™

    --for the Executive Evolution--


    Dr. Jennifer Whitaker


    Executive Brilliance on Smashwords

    The Brilliant Leader Model™

    --for the Executive Evolution--

    Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Jennifer Whitaker

    All rights reserved. No part of this book, concept, or model may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Discover more about Dr. Jennifer Whitaker at:

    Copyright © 2011 Dr. Jennifer Whitaker and Smashwords, Inc. All rights reserved.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold, used in other media such as motion pictures or television or cable productions, or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. All motion picture, television, audio and cable rights are the copyrighted intellectual property of the author. Thank you for respecting the creativity and vision of this author.

    How’s your Brilliance Factor?

    In your leadership, are you reflecting light or casting a shadow?

    Do you have it all but feel something is missing?

    Before you can be a true leader at work,

    you must first be a leader in your own life.

    The Brilliant Leader Model™

    is your guide to self-mastery.


    I dedicate this book and express my deepest gratitude

    to my clients and colleagues who have been my teachers

    in discovering and defining the true essence of brilliance.  


    I gratefully acknowledge the many CEOs and executives

    who shared generously and authentically from their

    wisdom and life experience.

    Table of Contents

    An Evolutionary Model for Today’s Leader

    A Hole in the Soul

    Leading on Shifting Sand

    Lost in Success

    Bring Your Heart to Work

    Leading from Essence

    Understanding Essence versus Persona

    The Inexhaustible Treasure—The Inner You

    Level One: Self-Mastery Reflection

    Soften Your Game to Sharpen

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