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The Wedding
The Wedding
The Wedding
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The Wedding

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It's the wedding of the century. So of course the entire League of Superheroes just has to attend, which means they have to leave the city and the world in the care of the rather unprepared hands of the Junior League, at least for a little while.
Green Ghost thought everything was going to be easy and he was going to receive all kinds of praise from Captain Victorious. Then things went terribly, terribly awry when there was a containment leak in Science Lab 1 and something got loose. Now an insidious blob is absorbing League headquarters and there's a good chance they're all going to die.

Features: A romantic wedding event, a dangerous alien outbreak, m/m romance, snarky superheroes, and plenty of Captain Victorious being himself - a jerk.

Release dateAug 31, 2011
The Wedding

Harper Kingsley

Harper Kingsley is a science fiction and fantasy author living in Washington State.

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    The Wedding - Harper Kingsley

    Heroes & Villains:


    (Or How the Junior League Almost Saved the World)

    By Harper Kingsley

    Heroes & Villains: The Wedding

    Copyright 2011 Harper Kingsley

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, Licensing Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Green Ghost didn't really know how it had happened, but he'd been left in charge of the headquarters of the League of Superheroes. He was the man with his finger on the button. He was responsible for the safety of the world.

    He was scared at the thought of screwing up.

    Luckily, the job so far mostly involved him sitting around keeping an eye on all the monitors of other Junior Members on patrol. He was supposed to be in charge, but his day so far had consisted of acting like a coms officer. So it looked like he was going to get big kudos on a job well done, and he wasn't even going to have to do anything.

    What's going on? Where'd everyone else go?

    Green Ghost turned to look at Skleredharma. There's some big event going on. I don't know. They don't tell me nothing.

    Skleredharma cocked his head. So we're supposed to keep everything together while everyone else is on like vacation or something? He flopped down on his ergonomically designed chair with a grimace.

    Green Ghost shrugged. I guess so. We really don't want to screw stuff up though, or we'll end up on shit duty for forever.

    I don't like shit duty, Skleredharma growled, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. It probably wasn't very comfortable, but he was stubborn.

    Yeah, he rolled his pen between his palms, I don't want none of that. So we better hold stuff together until they come back.

    Sklerdharma propped his boots up on the half-opened drawer under his console. Sucks though. They're all probably at some bad ass diplomatic event or something with like kings and queens and presidents. Man, I wish I could meet a dictator for life. That would be kind of cool.

    Green Ghost raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Why do I even hang out with you at all?

    Because I'm irrepressibly awesome, Skleredharma said it like it was completely obvious.

    Green Ghost rolled his eyes and went back to the monitors. He figured that if he put enough effort into it, he could actually manage to ignore the other man.

    * * *

    Staring at himself in the large mirror, Warrick thought he looked vaguely sick. Caspian, who stood behind him helping him straighten his cummerbund, looked horrifyingly bright-eyed and cheerful.

    Why the hell am I so nervous? Warrick asked, blowing out his cheeks. My hands are sweating like crazy.

    Caspian laughed. Yeah, but crazy sweaty for you is completely different than what other people have to put up with.

    Warrick gave him an exasperated look. You go out of your way to not help me feel better, don't you?

    You know you love me, Caspian said with a smirk. He reached out to adjust Warrick's tie. You look pretty good. For you, at least.

    Warrick gave him a dry look, then couldn't help smiling a little. I'm glad you're here, you know that, right?

    "I am the best man," Caspian said.

    Warrick slapped him lightly on the shoulder. I'm nervous, but I'm also impatiently excited about marrying Vereint. I want to go out and get it done, but I'm also scared out of my mind about going out there in front of all of those people.

    You are a man of mystery, aren't you? Caspian glanced at himself in the mirror, flashing his reflection a rather smarmy grin. Damn, but I look good in a suit. I think I should wear one everyday.

    Warrick rolled his eyes. I don't think the ladies would be able to survive it. Go back to wearing your raggedy casual clothes. And that's my advice as a protector of the general public's health and well-being.

    Caspian snorted rudely. You get out there and all of a sudden you think you're a comedian or something. It's really kind of funny.

    So I do my job well, don't I? Warrick waggled his eyebrows humorously. Then he stopped and gave Caspian a starkly sober look. I'm really glad you're my friend and that you're here today. I don't have any living family, so I'm glad the closest person I've got to a brother is here with me.

    Caspian came forward and gave him a back-slapping hug. "There was nowhere else I was going to be today. I mean, you're getting married. That's crazy, man."

    I can barely believe it either, Warrick said. I just always kind of assumed I was never going to get married. Then the law changed and Vereint popped up like a miracle... this was meant to happen. I am meant to be here today.

    He knew it was ridiculous at this point but he couldn't help himself. He was just so embarrassingly in love with Vereint that it just kind of took everything over.

    Vereint was the center of his personal world, and now they were getting married.

    I'm really excited right now. Just like amped up, you know, like I'm heading into a knock down, drag out fight or something.

    Caspian laughed. I think you're making the right choice. Vereint's a really great guy.

    Thanks. He punched Caspian on the shoulder. Let's go get married.

    * * *

    Okay, so far this has been a snap. Green Ghost felt just a tad giddy. Not enough to start giggling like an idiot, but enough that he just had to give himself a verbal pat on the back. Only a couple of minor calls and everything else is running smoothly. I was kind of worried we were going to get some big emergency, but everything seems like it's going to go good for the rest of the night.

    Skleredharma gave him a disbelieving look. You know you just jinxed us for sure, right?

    Don't be dumb, he said, snorting. I don't believe in superstition.

    The magic of the world is lost to you, isn't it? Skleredharma asked.

    I stick to reality, Green Ghost said. And I seriously don't think a few spoken words can affect how the day is going to go. That's ridiculous.

    Whatever Skleredharma was opening his mouth to say was interrupted by

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