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Lover Forsaken
Lover Forsaken
Lover Forsaken
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Lover Forsaken

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Tiberius, the villian of Beautiful Forsaken, the first book in the Forsaken Chronicles is back and a changed vampire. Plagued by dreams of his "forgotten" wife Ursula, Tiberius enlists the help of his family, the very people he terrorized for centuries. Unbeknownst to Tiberius, he is a pawn in the battle between the light and the dark. This is Tiberius' story where an ancient prophecy if fullfilled may mean the fall of Heaven and the destruction of the human race. All the characters of Book 1 are back with new allies and villians in a thrilling story where things aren't always what they seem.

PublisherTJ Ventrelli
Release dateSep 2, 2011
Lover Forsaken

TJ Ventrelli

Born and raised in Queens, New York, now residing in East Islip, NY with his lover Derrick. TJ enjoys reading just as much as writing and is a fan of the supernatural romance genre. A huge fan of Larissa Ionne and the inspiration for the Forsaken Chronicles, TJ has taken his favorite genre and infused it with the gay bear scene. He is currently working on his 3rd novel, Forever Forsaken.

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    Book preview

    Lover Forsaken - TJ Ventrelli


    a novel

    Book 2 of the Forsaken Chronicles

    Sometimes love is forgotten...


    T.J. Ventrelli

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published on Smashwords by:

    T.J. Ventrelli

    Lover Forsaken

    Copyright 2011 by T.J. Ventrelli

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    * * * * *


    1. The Opening…Of Old Wounds

    2. Communion

    3. The Book Of Enoch

    4. The Diary Of The Forgotten

    5. Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

    6. The Diary Of The Forgotten Revisited

    7. Provocation In Revelation

    8. A Lonely Heart Cries From The Depths Of Darkness

    9. Surprise! Surprise!

    10. What A Tangled Web We Weave…

    11. Something Old…Something New…Something Evil…Something True.


    * * * * *



    Tiberius stares at the four men before him. He looks away from them, disgusted with himself. How can he even ask them for help? Each one he has hurt and scarred, but they welcome him with concern in their eyes. The office is quiet except for the thumping base of the techno music muffling through the sound proof walls. I need your help. Tiberius says out loud to no one in particular in the room. Barnabus steps forward and places his hand on his fledgling’s shoulder. Anything my son, but first I need your forgiveness. Tiberius blinks back ruby tears and hugs his Dark Father.

    It is I who ask all of you for my forgiveness. I cannot change the past, it will haunt me forever, but know this, I will never hurt any one of you again. Ben steps forward and hugs his brother. Just months ago, Tiberius tried to kill Ben to make his lover Mica suffer. Unbeknownst to Tiberius, through the centuries every time he killed Mica’s love, he was in fact killing the reincarnated soul of his brother Benevictus.

    I am here for you, brother. Ben says unwrapping himself from Tiberius. Ben turns and looks at his lover. Mica hesitates and stands before Tiberius, his eyes darting to Ben then back to Tiberius.

    I forgive you Tiberius. I am here for you. Mica says grabbing Ben’s hand. All at once the four vampires begin conversing back and forth.

    Uh um…hel-looo, forget about me? I hate to break up this Vampire Family Reunion but don’t I have a say here. Four sets of eyes turn and look at Josh standing with his arms crossed and tapping his foot. Ah Hell…I’m in, I forgive you too big guy. Josh exclaims and walks over to Tiberius and hugs him. The tension dissipates and they all laugh. Tiberius smiles at the human and tousles his hair, but the smile does not last. Sadness overcomes him and the room goes quiet. Thank you. Tonight is a big night for all of you. I do not want to dampen the festivities with my problem. Like I said, I need your help, but tonight is a special night for you so go and celebrate. Tiberius turns to leave the office and Barnabus stops him.

    Son please, it is a night for celebrating all for the more that you are here. Please join us, we want you to. We are all family. We thought you dead, please stay with us. Tiberius turns to his Dark Father and puts his head down and mumbles, I cannot. I am incomplete and broken. I must rest. Tomorrow we will all meet and I will tell you my story. With a flash Tiberius dematerializes out of the office. They say nothing but stare at each other all wondering what Tiberius was talking about and why he needed their help.

    Tiberius materializes on top of the Chrysler Building. The cool September night shadows his sadness. The wind picks up and rustles his blonde hair. He looks out into the city, and if he could feel, he would think it breathtaking, but he is numb. Nothing matters now but Ursula. He knows she needs him and he will find her, one way or the other. He stares up into the dark sky into the face of the full moon. He contemplates his life and winces at the cruelty he has caused others, and the repercussions of his actions. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to take it all back, but how could he? He wears guilt like a suit of armor ever reminding him of his transgressions. So hideous the guilt , that it slowly chips away pieces of his stone, still heart. Suddenly the wind begins to pick up sending dirt and debris in the air. He hears it, the hard whoosh, whoosh, whoosh and he knows he is there in the shadows. The night stills and Tiberius turns looking up to the heavens, seeking the one who saved his life. The one, who carried him out of the sun in Sardenia, mended his body and gave him purpose, but he cannot see him. It is done. They trust me and will help me. Tiberius shouts into the night, tomorrow night I will tell them what we face. The wind begins again and the night feels electric. The whooshing sound increases and in a split second it is gone. Tiberius stands alone on the top of the Chrysler Building, the cool September night caressing his lonely heart, as he watches a lone black feather falls from the sky and lands at his feet.

    Whoa, that was intense. Josh says to the bewildered group as they turn and stare at him.

    Something happened to him since the showdown in the train yard three months ago. Ben interjects.

    Well we’ll just have to wait till he tells us, there’s no sense in sitting here thinking about it. He knows we are here for him and that’s all we can do for now. Mica says wrapping his arms around Ben.

    Mica you’re right, Barnabus recants. We have a club to attend to and by the sound of it we have a packed house. Gentleman shall we party? Barnabus opens the door to the office and the pulsating beat entices them. Not another word spoken, the four club owners dance their way into the disco.

    He sees her dancing, twirling round and round. Her silky white dress clings to her body. Tiberius watches in awe at her beauty. He watches and licks his lips and she beckons him. He moves slowly towards her, his cock throbbing in his leather. He reaches out to her and takes her face in his hands as his fangs elongate. She reacts to his arousal and presses her body to his and her fangs protrude. She licks her lips and sends him over the edge. He growls and passionately kisses her. She pulls away, I want you, she whispers in his ear and he becomes undone. The dress falls to the floor and he is blinded by her beauty. I’ve missed you Tiberius. Where have you been? Have you forgotten me? He lifts her and holds her close, his fangs gliding over her throat. She shudders in his arms. No, my love, I could never forget you. I…I…uh… Tiberius stutters, crimson tears staining his cheeks. Shhhhh, my love…lay with me Tiberius. I need you, it’s been so long. Tiberius lifts her and places her on the bed. Her beautiful auburn hair fans out across the pillow. Her beauty is intoxicating and he wrestles out of his clothes. Please Tiberius, please take me. She says sliding her finger into her moist pussy. Tiberius growls and dives onto the bed, and he fills her. He pumps slowly and she cries out in pleasure. Tiberius moans and buries his face in her neckline, pumping faster and faster. He feels her sex clutching him and he knows he won’t be able to last much longer. Ursula, I love you…I’ll never leave you again. Tiberius cries out as his orgasm explodes. A laugh permeates the room and he lifts his face to Ursula’s, with a blink of an eye her features distort and merge. Laughing, the thing that was Ursula opens its mouth and a black forked tongue sweeps across his face. Nooooooooooo! Tiberius screams waking himself from the nightmare Drenched in sweat; Tiberius sits up and places his face in his hands.

    "Mica what’s wrong? All night you’ve been a bit preoccupied, what’s going on? Ben says getting into bed and wrapping himself around his lover.

    I’m sorry Ben, it’s just that…I don’t know, forget it, I’m fine.

    Is it because of Tiberius? Ben asks leaning up and looking into Mica’s eyes. Mica reaches up and plants a kiss on Ben’s lips.

    You can read me too well lover. I know he is your brother and what happened in the past…well it is the past, but I can’t lie to you, a part of me cannot trust him. Maybe because we’ve only had three months of peace and now he is back…I…I don’t want any of what we have to change…I guess maybe I’m jealous…I don’t want to share you, and I know I sound stupid…let’s just forget it… Mica replies stroking Ben’s back. Ben slides himself on top of Mica’s body and stares straight into his lover’s eyes.

    Mica there is nothing that will ever change what we have between us, you are my destiny revealed and I will never want for anything or anyone while you are mine, and you are mine forever. I love you with all my being, so don’t ever feel like this again. I am yours always. Ben kisses mica passionately, their tongues entwine frantically as their cocks harden with desire. Ben nibbles Mica’s ear and whispers seductively, now that we know where we stand, fuck me Mica. Mica’s cock jumps at Ben’s words. He loves it when Ben talks risqué. In a split second, Mica flips Ben so he is on top of him. He looks down at Ben and drags his protruding fangs across his jugular vein. Ben’s fangs elongate as a breathy hiss escapes his lips. Tell me my Bear, tell me how bad you want my cock inside you? Mica whispers as he gyrates against Ben’s groin. Ben licks his lips overwhelmed with heat and desire.

    I want to feel every inch of you deep in my ass, I want it so bad Mica, please fuck me now, fuck me hard. Ben pleads. Mica growls with lust, in time, my love I will ravage your ass, but first I want your mouth. Mica moves and positions himself straddling Ben’s chest. Ben’s tongue twirls around Mica’s glistening cock head, then wraps his lips around the huge member. Mica throws his head back in ecstasy, grabs the headboard and begins pumping slowly. Ben lets out a muffled moan as Mica’s cock fills his mouth, sliding further down . Mica can’t control himself as he pumps faster and faster, then abruptly stops, his groin pressed against Ben’s chin and all of him in his lover’s mouth. Ben’s throat contracts and he hums sending euphoric vibrations through Mica. Mica erupts, splashing semen down Ben’s silky throat. He slowly pulls out his still hard cock and seductively smiles at Ben. Now I want your ass, my love. Mica slides down Ben, grabs his legs and places them on his shoulders. He aligns himself up and forces his cock into Ben. Ben moans, that’s it Mica fuck me hard just like you fucked my face. Give me all of it. Mica obliges and pumps fast and hard, grunting and panting lost in sexual bliss. Mica grabs Ben’s cock and strokes it in rhythm to his pumping. Oh fuck Mica yeah Ben cries out. God I’m close Mica, fuck I’m going to shoot… Mica quickens his pace, both with hand and body and Ben screams, Fuuucccck yesssss, yesssss… Ben’s cock unleashes a fountain of cum that splashes onto his chest. Mica stiffens and lets another orgasm surge through his body filling Ben’s ass with his juice. He pulls out of his lover and falls onto him panting. Both exhausted they drift off to sleep as the sun creeps into the sky.

    The night with its many mysteries blankets the City. Although it is twilight, the City is bright and busy. Tiberius struggles out of bed and stares at the digital clock. He knows this night will be a night of questions from his family. The how’s and why’s will need answering, but what can he tell them? What could he tell them? Hopefully his savior will show and help them all to understand. He gets up from the bed and walks into the bathroom. Tiberius stares at his reflection in the mirror and laughs. It’s been three months and he still can’t get used to his blonde hair and darkly tanned skin. Three months ago he tried to kill himself by sunlight. Three months that he has endured the dreams and the knowing that his love is out there and needs him. The sun purged his guilt only to replace it with longing. An aching longing that consumes him. He will find her and God help anything that gets in his way.

    Barnabus, Mica, Ben and Josh wait patiently in the office of the club. It’s 8:00pm and the club doesn’t open till 10:00. Tiberius materializes and they all greet him. "You all must have questions of what this is about and I am going to try and tell you what I know. I will start with what happened to me after the train yard. After learning the truth of who you were Ben and the others I slaughtered, the guilt overwhelmed me. I knew then, that I couldn’t live. I caused so much pain throughout the centuries that there could

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