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Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest
Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest
Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest

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About this ebook

Join Bob Piercem as he travels on a quest with his companion, James Sharpe as they try to find Bob’s sister, Annie Piercem. Bob and James will battle strange foes like the Candlemoth and the wicked witches Beatrice and Alundra as they try to make their way towards Ashley N. Darkness’ secret base. Just what did happen to Annie Piercem? Read on to find out!

Release dateSep 9, 2011
Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest

David Cathrine

I was born in Edinburgh in 1986. I studied Visual Communication - New Media at Edinburgh’s Telford College and I use the skills and knowledge gained there to help me illustrate some of my books. My other works include “The Year of the Snakes”, “A Fishy Tail”, “Bob Piercem’s Perplexing Quest” and the “Splot, the Floating Pink Blob Short Story Compilations”.

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    Bob Piercem's Perplexing Quest - David Cathrine

    Bob Piercem’s Perplexing Quest

    (It’s a Whole Lot of Pun!)

    By David Cathrine

    Copyright 2011 David Cathrine

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - An Eventful Breakfast Time

    Chapter 2 - A Mystery at the Party

    Chapter 3 - The Candlemoth Can!

    Chapter 4 - Witch Way Now?

    Chapter 5 - Herbert the Wise Sage

    Chapter 6 - Watertown

    Chapter 7 - The Mad Scientist

    Chapter 8 - A Dead Loss?

    Chapter 9 - The Final Challenge

    Chapter 10 - A New Beginning

    Bonus Story - Mr. Sharpe is Not Too Blunt (Chapter 1: Sage-ittarius the Wise Sage)

    Bonus Story - Mr. Sharpe is Not Too Blunt (Chapter 2: Lizards and Warriors)

    Bonus Story - Mr. Sharpe is Not Too Blunt (Chapter 3: Cedric the Comedian)

    About the Author


    Chapter 1

    An Eventful Breakfast Time

    It’s coming up to Christmas again, and there’s always a party at the castle. Of course, Bob Piercem, a 5’8" tall teenager who has just recently turned 18, with pink hair, lilac eyes, and who wore a black hoody and blue jeans, and Annie Piercem, a young teenager with green hair, and wore a yellow tee-shirt and a blue short skirt, always go to this party, even though they aren’t royal. They are friends of the King’s family, so they’re allowed to go. But this year, Bob was having a big argument with his mother during breakfast on the day of the party.

    ‘Listen, mother,’ Bob shouted, ‘I don’t want to go to this party with my sister. She wrecks everything!’

    ‘Now, now,’ his mother said, trying to be as calm as possible, ‘you will go to this party, and you will take Annie with you. If you don’t take her and look after her, then you’ll be in big trouble! Understood?’

    ‘Yes, mother. You do realise that I’m not happy about this, right?’

    ‘Just finish eating your pasta and go and have fun, dear!’

    ‘Hmmm…’ Bob wasn’t happy with this outcome, but he knew he had no choice.

    ‘Hey!’ Annie suddenly said. ‘Why do you eat pasta for breakfast big brother? I’m normal; I eat cereal, just like everyone else!’

    ‘I eat pasta for breakfast because I feel like eating pasta for breakfast, Annie! It tastes much better than cereal! I just take the smart option and eat pasta!’

    ‘But big brother, we sometimes don’t have pasta at suppertime because you’ve already eaten it all! I don’t think that’s fair!’

    ‘And I don’t think it is fair that you are going to the party, but you don’t see me complaining!’

    ‘Well, judging by the conversation that you had with mummy, I beg to differ.’

    ‘Since when did you learn these phrases?’

    ‘What? They’re not difficult phrases to learn, big brother.’

    ‘I know that! It’s just that, well, you’re young, and girl-like.’

    ‘The girl-like thing comes with being a girl, big brother! I like being a girl! Being a girl is so cool! So many advantages come with being a girl!’

    ‘Name one!’

    ‘Um…you get to look as cute as you want if you’re a girl! Why don’t you try looking cute, big brother? You can try it now.’

    ‘I think I’ll pass. Anyway, I’ve my pasta to finish!’

    ‘Or you could leave it for supper.’

    ‘I could leave you for supper! Now, watch me do this the Italian way! Here’s a real pro at work!’ Bob digs his fork into the pasta, and twirls it with great force, so making the pasta go everywhere.

    ‘Now look what you’ve done, big brother! My hair’s not green, anymore!’

    ‘Yeah, it’s more of a…whitish colour, now. I think it suits you, sis!’

    ‘Yeah? Well, I don’t think it suits me! I look like an old granny, now!’

    ‘Oh well, guess that means you won’t be going to the party, then.’

    ‘Nice try, big brother, but I’m still going with you to the party! I’ll just get this washed off! I won’t look like an old granny for long, you’ll see!’

    ‘That’s unfortunate. I honestly think you look better with white hair.’

    Annie stares at Bob for about ten seconds, and then walks off to the bathroom.

    ‘Hmmm…’ Bob thought. ‘That was a weird response. Oh well, I suppose this party could be alright. Oh well, back to what is left of my pasta!

    After Bob took in his tenth mouthful of pasta, Annie came back and shouted:

    ‘Look at me, big brother! I’m looking cuter than ever, and my hair’s so wonderful! You’ve just got to check it out!’

    Bob choked on his pasta with the shock of his sister’s loud voice. ‘Cough! Cough! Ugh! I’m choking! Cough!’

    ‘I’ll save you, big brother!’

    ‘Oh, good,’ Bob said in a sarcastic tone of voice.


    After a few minutes, Annie came back with a walking stick.

    ‘You’re not planning on doing what I think you’re planning on doing with that walking stick, are you, sis?’

    ‘You’ll see, big brother! Hi…yahhh!!! Karate chop!’

    ‘Owww!!! For the love of pasta!’

    The pasta went flying out of Bob’s mouth, but Annie still kept hitting Bob with the walking stick.

    ‘Oww!!! Annie, the pasta’s out, already! Leave me alone, please!’

    ‘Oh, sorry big brother! Will you ever forgive me?’

    ‘Oh, I don’t know. After all, it was quite painful.’

    ‘Big brother, I’m so sorry! I love you, big brother, with every green strand of my hair!’

    ‘Uh-huh? Why do I have such a weird sister?’ Bob thought. Oh well, I guess there’s always one unlucky family...’

    ‘Isn’t the party starting soon, big brother?’

    ‘Yes, it is, and I have to get ready! So, off I go to the bathroom!’

    ‘But big brother, I need to go again!’

    ‘Again? But you’ve just been! You’re ridiculous! Go outside!’

    ‘But big brother!’

    ‘Go outside and wait for me, sis! I won’t be long, and you can go at the castle!’

    ‘But I don’t have a toothbrush at the castle!’

    ‘A toothbrush? Is this what this about?’


    ‘And you’re a young teenager? You shouldn’t care about your teeth! They’re only there so you can crunch on things!’

    ‘Okay, big brother. My teeth will just be dirty

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