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The 7 Year Plan
The 7 Year Plan
The 7 Year Plan
Ebook291 pages4 hours

The 7 Year Plan

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Receiving and Stewarding "God's Plan" for You and Your Sphere of Influence.

Release dateJan 28, 2010
The 7 Year Plan

Gary James Bundy

One of the very first things that Gary was prompted to do after he was first saved was to pray a three part prayer that went like this: First, He was prompted to pray that he might be used to deliver solutions beyond his capability, so that God would be glorified in those solutions. Second, that he would give God permission from that moment on, and for the rest of his life, to do whatever work in him that God needed to do, whenever and however He wanted to do it, so that He could use Gary as He needed. Third, Gary was prompted to pray that he would always give God permission to be the Lord of his circumstances, which meant that God would put him wherever God needed him to be and when He needed him to be careful for what you pray. Since that prayer, Gary has accumulated over thirty-five years of Executive level Business Development, Finance, Real Estate, Software Development and Internet experience as a company Founder, CEO, President, Chief Information Officer, Business Analyst, Acquisitions Manager, Development Consultant and Custom Solutions Projects Manager. As a business and real estate investment analyst, Gary has analyzed over 2,000 businesses and has been a principle in over 100 business and real estate acquisition projects. In addition, Gary has participated at an executive level in more than 100 Internet startups and has developed a variety of software products and services covering the areas of Real Estate, Business, Finance, Engineering, Medical and Law Enforcement. Gary's business, real estate and technology experience has included everything from small startups to Fortune 500, state governments and nonprofits including the creation of a foundation for Christian schools and The Association of Christian Technologists. In addition to his business and ministry activities, Gary is a lifetime saltwater boater and in 2002 became a licensed yacht captain. Gary has participated in sport fishing and the yacht charter business in Washington's San Juan Islands, British Columbia and in San Diego California where he performed over 500 hours of public speaking in 2001 while crewing on the 148 Ft. harbor tour vessel, "Spirit of San Diego". Today, Gary's primary interest continues to be "Hear, obey...and giving it all away!" so that God gets the glory while teaching others to do the same. Gary lives in Liberty Lake, Washington with his wife Barbara. They have five children, Erica, Michael, Kim, Rachel and Marianne and eleven grandchildren.

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    The 7 Year Plan - Gary James Bundy

    What others are saying about THE 7 YEAR PLAN

    Dear Gary and Barbara,

    I finally finished reading your WONDERFUL book! I was slow in reading it, but found it to be very encouraging and informative. I can tell you after all your rises, and crash and burns, I have a higher respect for you! You are truly a hero and a good friend! Through your successes and failures, great blessings and huge rejections, you have tapped into some important keys and have uncovered some mysteries that only could have come by counting the costs and dying to yourself. Thank you for paving the way for other leaders to walk into their fullness!

    · In this book you will see how to overcome mountains and make them fuel to further your vision and divine destiny.

    · THE 7 YEAR PLAN shows how a man overcame great disasters and turned them into learning experiences to further the Kingdom of God.

    · This book shows us how through all your mountains in your life how to be a strong leader and to fight the good fight and become successful.

    · This book shows that God’s plans and purposes are being poured out to those leaders who will get over their circumstances and will step into the supernatural plans and desires of the Holy Spirit.

    · Gary Bundy shows leaders how to excel even through the roadblocks of life to step into the perfect call and destiny of God.

    · In THE 7 YEAR PLAN, you will be encouraged to see through Gary’s examples that you can step into the perfect will of God if you keep broken, humble and honest and sucking carpet fibers as each mountain passes!

    · This exciting book shows that staying in the Spirit will bring you a great destiny in God no matter how big your mountains are.

    Marc & Lydia Buchheit, Healing The NW & International Ministries

    International Association of Healing Rooms-NW Regional Directors


    Dear Readers,

    I am so blessed and excited about this new book ‘THE 7 YEAR PLAN, Receiving and Stewarding God’s Plan For You and Your Sphere of Influence’ by Gary James Bundy. I recommend that every leader and believer to take time to read it. It will bless you in many ways for your life and your marriage as well as your ministry.

    Read this book! It will raise your sights and release your energy. From this book, you can get practical advice, spiritual guidance, direction for your future, and influence those who are called to the ministry. There are amazing, wonderful as well as meaningful helps for anyone in ministry leadership...


    When you read THE 7 YEAR PLAN, you will find out guidance and inspiration to your SOUL by the power of the Holy Spirit. You will learn how to find God’s vision to you & yours.  This book will help you to know how to walk by faith before the Lord.

    When you read this book, you will learn about who the Holy Spirit is and His work through God’s people. I believe Gary was lead by the Holy Spirit to write this book to benefit many families, and many leaders in the body of Christ in our time. 


    Dr. Gabriel Bainesai

    Founder and president-

    Divine International Evangelistic Ministry.

    Executive Director, Hazon International Ministries


    Walk a mile in my shoes!

    I have been reading Gary James Bundy's book, THE 7 YEAR PLAN, and walked in his shoes throughout its pages. It is an inspiration to anyone wanting to walk on the paths of righteousness, seeking the will of God in all things, looking for the higher ground, following the less trodden paths, or called to participate in God's plans for His Kingdom. If this is your lot in life and you want to have an instructional and encouraging word, then this is a 'must read.' If you are just starting your walk with THE WORD then this book is a bridge over troubled waters, a signpost along your path, and shows you ways to avoid the pitfalls. Read it if you dare to walk the walk and talk the talk!

    Thank you Gary for writing as you were led!

    Blog Post by David Carl Lewis



    Gary James Bundy


    Copyright © 2009 by Gary James Bundy

    All rights reserved.

    Cover design by Rachel Miller

    Cover photo by Kimberly Miller

    Published 2010 by Gary James Bundy

    Smashwords Edition 1.1, January 2010.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be

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    This work is dedicated with much love to my mother, Mary Ann Bundy Bond, who has always wondered just what it is that I do. To my wife Barbara, for sticking with me through it all, and keeping me alive to do it. To my children who I could not be more proud of, Erica, Kimberly, Michael, Rachel, and Marianne. And to Bill and Ruth Earp, my mother and father-in-law who have always shown their love, no matter what.

    I pray that you might better understand and know Father God more each day.



    "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

    Proverbs 29:18

    I will stand at my watch post; I will station myself on the rampart. I will look to see what [God] will say through me and what I will answer when I am reproved. Then Adonai answered me; he said, Write down the vision clearly on tablets, so that even a runner can read it. For the vision is meant for its appointed time: it speaks of the end, and it does not lie. It may take a while, but wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay. Look at the proud: he is inwardly not upright; but the righteous will attain life through trusting faithfulness.

    Habakkuk 2:1-4


    During the writing of THE 7 YEAR PLAN, I received or was led to several communications, articles and portions of articles by individuals, that expounded on a topic, concept or revelation in a manner that I believe should not be modified from their original form. I felt clearly led of the Lord to include them in this book, just as they were originally written. While I strongly agree with the content of these pieces and believe their contents to have been Divinely inspired, I do not consider these inclusions to be a blanket endorsement of either the individual writers or their organizations but instead leave that up to your own leading.

    Gary James Bundy


    Table of Contents


    Crucified With Christ


    Chapter 1 Hearing God’s Voice

    Chapter 2 Systems and Funding

    Chapter 3 Prophetic Revelation

    Chapter 4 The Prophetic Savant

    Chapter 5 Apostolic Declaration

    Chapter 6 The Distribution of Wealth

    Chapter 7 Josephs and Daniels

    Chapter 8 Why 7?

    Chapter 9 Prodigal Son ((1973-1980)

    Chapter 10 Joint Heir (1980-1987)

    Chapter 11 Journey Development (1987-1994)

    Chapter 12 Journey Development (Part 2)

    Chapter 13 Going Global (1994-2001)

    Chapter 14 Preparing for War (2001-2008)

    Chapter 15 Preparing for War (Part 2)

    Chapter 16 Preparing for War (Part3)

    Chapter 17 What Do I Do Now?




    This work is His work. This plan is His plan. It’s all about Him, His will, His soon coming, His Bride, His glorification, and the establishment of His Kingdom.

    He created us. He saved us. He has a plan for us, and specific time and seasons of time for us, in that plan.

    You see… it’s all about Him.

    It’s all about His plan for you to rule and reign with Him.

    It’s all about His plan for you to become a joint heir with Him.

    It’s all about you moving into His plan with His strength, His power and His provision to do His will for His glory.

    You might be thinking to yourself that He could never use you - maybe because of how your life has looked up till now. Maybe you think that you are that piece that could never fit into His plan. But, once you arrive in that time and place that He created you for, you realize that you were not so oddly shaped after all, but simply crafted to abide perfectly in that uniquely structured place of rest which He has created for you.

    If your life has come to a point where you are no longer trying to get Him involved in your stuff but instead find yourself desiring to become, ‘Crucified with Christ’, then come on in and sit and rest for a while.

    It is my hope and vision, as you come with me to where I have been, where I am now, and where I believe we are going, that we will become one in Him; that you might see yourself in these places and that we might proceed together in Christ, into Heavenly places, to learn to enter into His rest, receive His inheritance, learn to rule and reign with Him and become His bride to spend eternity, one with Him, as His Body.

    So, have a seat, get comfortable and oh - by the way, you might just want to hang on!

    In Christ,



    Crucified With Christ

    As I look back on what I thought was living

    I'm amazed at the price I choose to pay

    And to think I ignored what really mattered

    Cause I thought the sacrifice would be too great

    But when I finally reached the point of giving in

    I found the cross was calling even then

    And even though it took dying to survive

    I've never felt so much alive.

    For I am crucified with Christ and yet I live

    Not I but Christ that lives within me

    His Cross will never ask for more than I can give

    For it’s not my strength but His

    There's no greater sacrifice

    For I am crucified with Christ and yet I live

    As I hear the Savior call for daily dying

    I will bow beneath the weight of Calvary

    Let my hands surrender to His piercing purpose

    That holds me to the cross but sets me free

    I will glory in the power of the cross

    The things I thought were gain I count as loss

    And with His suffering I identify

    And by His resurrection power I am alive

    And I will offer all I have

    So that His cross is not in vain

    For I found to live is Christ

    And to die is truly gain

    (© Phillips Craig and Dean)



    What if…

    …You had a part to play in the Kingdom of God…

    … you know that you are called to rule and reign…

    … nothing was impossible…

    For several years now we have watched as God has assembled groups of people, partners, ministries, and projects from all over the country and the world, with many more being joined together each day to carry out His plan. God does have a plan and you are part of it. He has clearly released a new outpouring of His Spirit that is setting the captives free and releasing provision. This provision is moving into the hands of those who will enter into His presence, hear His voice, and be obedient to do the final work of His great commission in a manner where God will get the glory and where nothing He decrees is impossible.

    We have sought God's face and voice and have found ourselves enjoined together within a growing body of like-minded individuals as the fruit of that effort. This coming together (unity) in common purpose has in turn enabled a greater reach and scope for each of us individually as well as corporately.

    "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit." Ephesians 2:19-22. 

    We continually need to seek Him for direction about how to walk this commission out. It is His strength in our weakness and the assembling of the body by God that makes this all possible.

    "But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-11.

    We are now moving into more clearly defined relationships, corporate prayer, mapping, prioritization of opportunities, and the assembling and release of the resources needed to bring them to fruition.

    All who have witnessed this assembly/gathering have become aware that no man has conceptualized what we are a part of; it is clearly one body with one mind and one purpose.

    Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will Be Done!

    Chapter 1 - Hearing God’s Voice

    "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd." John 10:16.

    Often when I tell someone that the Lord told me a certain thing, I am met with skepticism. But throughout most of my life I heard, and from time to time heard very clearly - that still small voice.

    Sometimes it is a revelation of something to be done or something about which to pray. Sometimes it comes as a word of knowledge or other prophetic utterance. In every case it is to glorify Him and establish His Kingdom.

    No matter what else is going on in my life, or how bad circumstances may look, my friends tell me that the one thing they know for sure about me is that I seek to hear His voice and continually endeavor to obey.

    Recently, during a time when I was really questioning whether or not I was having any impact on anyone, two friends called me on the same day. Each told me almost the exact same thing. One was in Virginia reading about the 100th anniversary of the Azuza Street revival and the other was in California reading Bill Johnson’s book, When Heaven Invades Earth. They both felt strongly led to call me, one right after the other. Without even knowing each other, they both told me that they were reading a book. God was speaking to them through the book, and with each turn of a page they were reminded of me.

    This was a direct answer to a question that I had just asked as well as a prayer that I had been singing for many years in the form of a 4-Him song called A Man You Would Write About.

    "I want to be a man that you

    Would write about.

    Oh a thousand years from now

    That they could read about.

    Your servant of choice in whom

    You found favor.

    A man who heard Your voice."

    To be known as one who hears; it was and still is, I believe, the highest form of compliment that can be given and it is a gifting that I constantly seek to develop in others.

    Over the years the subject of hearing has become my favorite and I have many times made it the focus of my public speaking and one-on-one mentoring.

    Without going too deep into the subject, it remains what it is all about.

    Whether you hear that still small voice, have a scripture jump off the page, receive multiple confirming messages from a variety of sources or simply witness beyond coincidence circumstances, be assured that God is speaking to us in a variety of ways. My prophet friend, Duane Udd, has coined the term God-incidence when referring to these events. You can and most likely do hear from God on a fairly regular basis…if you’re listening.

    Not listening, it turns out, is the single biggest hindrance to hearing. Hearing and not obeying, likewise becomes the single biggest hindrance to us being blessed, and God getting the glory.

    Unfortunately, if you are known as someone who hears, it is very obvious to others when you don’t or when you do hear but decide that you have a better idea.

    Throughout the Word of God we find individuals who failed to receive what they heard from God or would not obey when He spoke to them. Oft times prophets of God were not received by the people they were sent to - but that is a subject for later.

    Christ instructed His disciples not to go out until they had received the Holy Spirit and were led and empowered by Him. We must do no less if we really desire to walk in His plan.

    Many others simply will not listen, and even when they do, will not obey. The truth is that many are called but few are chosen. Mostly because many do not want to set aside their lives to truly follow Christ.

    To be a Christian is to truly be a follower of Christ.

    Jesus said that they who truly followed Him heard and knew His voice and obeyed Him.

    "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." John 10:27.

    "Pilate therefore said to Him, ‘Are You a king then?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth hears My voice.’" John 18:37.

    "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20.

    Many are not hearing and therefore do not understand. This not hearing explains a lack of understanding about forgiveness.

    "So that, seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand; lest they should turn and their sins be forgiven them." Matthew 4:12.

    This not hearing explains a lack of understanding about healing.

    "For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes they have closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn so that I should heal them." Matthew 13:15.

    This not hearing explains a lack of understanding and perceiving.

    "And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand and seeing you will see and not perceive’." Matthew 13:14.

    One of the first things that I remember hearing was that I was to ask the Lord for the ability to deliver solutions that were beyond my own abilities, so that He would get the glory. Secondly, that I would give Him permission to do whatever work in me that He needed to do, so that I would be able to be used. And thirdly, that I would make Him the Lord of my circumstances, so that I would always be where He needed me to be, when He needed me to be there.

    I am reminded daily of the ways that He has moved in and through me over the last three and a half decades and the many testimonies that have changed my life. I am a prophetic visionary by calling and my favorite revelations from Him are the glimpses of what He is about to do.

    Recently God has been speaking to me primarily on three subjects:

    The writing of this book to convey the testimony of how this all came together and some of where I believe it is going.

    The facilitation of the development of 7 Year Plans for these specific spheres of influence, including the resurrection, at God’s instruction and leading, of some long dead and forgotten key technology for this purpose.

    The establishment of a Northwest Coalition of Apostles and Prophets (NWCAP) to facilitate the identification, empowerment and mobilization of key Northwest Apostolic and Prophetic leaders and resources. Also, promoting Regional Revelation and Relationship for Global Impact.

    So…how’s your hearing?


    Chapter 2 - Systems and Funding

    I was once told that all business or organizational failures could be directly attributed to a failure in either systems or funding. For the most part I think that this still holds true.

    However, in doing God’s business, there are a number of other factors that can come into play in the form of spiritual confrontations. All of these confrontations pretty much boil down to whether or not the business or ministry visions, and those stewarding them, are truly submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and that they are walking in the power, priorities, and the authority of the Holy Spirit. It is important that the participants are submitted in true humility to each other, esteeming each other above themselves. Are we really operating in this way? Or, do we sometimes have a better idea?

    "But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another."

    1 Thessalonians 5:12,13.

    Many today, especially here where we are in the Pacific Northwest, have now finally come out of the left-over individuality created in the sixties that considered any authority to be a bad one and would therefore not participate in any corporate works.

    Today, we see constant new revelations regarding God’s thoughts and plans concerning these things, specifically in the hands of those He has called to engineer things His way. The walls have begun to come down and we are being led to work together in the Spirit as never before.

    For years I have joked about starting a consulting company called, All the Right People in All the Wrong Places. This came about after seeing literally hundreds of projects and organizations where the primary problems always boiled down to who was running the show and whether the existing team was, individually and corporately, properly placed and in correct alignment with true and proper authority. A single flaw in either aspect generally resulted in the eventual failure of the systems and funding.

    Likewise today we are learning that the people are the key, with relationships being the priority.

    Recent revelations concerning the roles of the modern day Apostles and Prophets, the Kings and the Priests and the Josephs and Daniels, seem to be what is most important. All, of course, need to be centered on the headship of Christ.

    So, what if, in any given sphere of authority, God placed all the right people in all the right places doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing, with the right infrastructure in place to manage it?

    What if all these people had a vision and counted the cost as Jesus taught us in His Word, so as to complete the work that God had ordained? Do you think that He just might begin to release the resources to the faithful in ever increasing amounts as their faithfulness grew?

    What if

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