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The Adventures of Cat, the Dog
The Adventures of Cat, the Dog
The Adventures of Cat, the Dog
Ebook48 pages39 minutes

The Adventures of Cat, the Dog

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About this ebook

The Adventures of Cat, the Dog, is a who-done-it mystery series with a twist. It involves a young teen-aged girl, Mary, who is paralyzed from the waist down due to an accident that happened in her past - a past that comes back to haunt her. Her very special dog, Cat, narrates the story. This is a feel good, humorous mystery with a cast of colorful characters, certain to bring a smile to your face.

Release dateFeb 15, 2010
The Adventures of Cat, the Dog

Julia McLaughlin

Julia McLaughlin is a certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, Grant Writer, Healer, and exceptional writer. Julia began her career as a grant writer raising money for non profit organizations that help people and animals in need. It occurred to her that raising awareness of special needs could be much more powerful if she wrote stories that moved people, that helped people, that made people laugh. Julia has a gift for connecting with animals, they respond to her almost immediately, which has opened the door for her writing success.Julia's unique approach to writing has earned her the title of story healer.

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    The Adventures of Cat, the Dog - Julia McLaughlin




    Julia McLaughlin


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    Julia McLaughlin on Smashwords



    Copyright © 2009 by Julia McLaughlin

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Chapter 1

    Cat and Mary

    Jack never saw the car coming down upon him and his family. His wife screamed right before impact and their little girl never knew what hit them. The impact pushed their car clear across the intersection to the other side and right into a large semi going the other way, which almost, not completely, but almost severed the car in half, instantly killing Jack and Susan. Their daughter, Mary, at five years of age, was in a car seat that was dislodged from the car and hurled into the air, landing about 50 feet away in a flower garden at the local park.

    Ten years later…

    The alarm went off awhile ago and Mary still wasn’t up, so I went into her bedroom and gently nudged her. Mary lifted her sleepy blonde head and groggily said, Cat, it’s summer, remember? School’s out! Why do you always wake me when I want to sleep? I was having a really cool dream; I was running!

    It’s my job; it’s what I do. Besides, you need to take me to the Farmer’s Market, finish making my breakfast, and get your daily exercise.

    Mary said, Okay, Cat, is today the day? Will the sleeping beauty move her little toesies? Here goes. Darn. Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow, eh Cat? Mary sighed and pulled her legs over the bed, lowered herself into her wheelchair and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

    Meanwhile, I brought the paper in and got a bowl, put

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