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Fantom Force The Awakening
Fantom Force The Awakening
Fantom Force The Awakening
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Fantom Force The Awakening

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Hear ye! Hear ye! The next great saga is here! With a flavorful futuristic spin, Fantom Force the Awakening is a riveting action packed adventure. From the introduction to Fantom, in his eventful arrival on a new planet, to his becoming part of what would come to be known as the Fantom Force, completely engrossing! Every twist, every subsequent turn of this saga will cleverly keep you glued to the story and paves the way to a wonderfully climatic ending. Fantom Force The Awakening will definitely earn a place in the Action Saga big leagues! Without a doubt, this saga will send you on a frenzy for more, and more of Fantom!
Release dateJan 27, 2014
Fantom Force The Awakening

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    Fantom Force The Awakening - Shaddow


    In space, two figures are fighting an intense battle around an unknown group of planets in a solar system far away. This is Fantom, the main character, and Clovis, one of the biggest villains the Fantom Force will ever face. For a few seconds you see nothing but sparks, and metal clashing. After a quick sequence of the two exchanging lighting fast blows, the fight ends up going to near a planet’s surface. Fantom lands on one knee, an irritated frown on his face. He is in his mechanical form, a golden color. Clovis lands on his feet with a huge cocky smile. He's fighting in as a humanoid machine with 10 weapons extended outward. Fantom glares at Clovis for a second as he thinks of his next move. He then pulls out his long sword, and charges with blinding speed.

    Clovis is able to see him and keep up with his movements; so he braces himself for Fantom's attack. Clovis blocks with one of his ten arms, and immediately tries to attack with another, but Fantom is able to sidestep and stabs Clovis in the side. Clovis loses some of his armor but Fantom isn't able to pull his sword out of Clovis’ side fast enough. Clovis is able to pound him a couple times and then throw Fantom a far distance until his flight is broken hard by a boulder, which breaks upon impact. Fantom slides down the rock and onto the ground, in pain. As he gets up, he looks at his right hand, still holding his sword.

    He extends his sword outward with both hands, with a frustrated and tired look on his face. He's breathing heavily with his mouth open. This time Clovis goes on the offensive, and his speed is a little too much for Fantom. As he charges, Fantom only has time to be surprised.

    His eyes grow huge, and then the next image is him being knocked back farther. Clovis laughs, and then holds his head up to the sky, laughing even louder. Fantom's flight is broken by the ground and he rolls a few more yards. He doesn't move. Clovis frowns. He charges the injured Fantom, but Fantom quickly rolls over and shoots one of his 50 pistols.

    It lands point blank in the head of the humanoid machine. Fantom pulls out his other pistol and alternates shots between the two. Clovis is stunned by each shot but begins to make progress towards Fantom, little by little. When he finally gets within reach, Fantom puts away his pistols and pulls out his Long Sword again. He jumps and attacks the crown of the machine, leaving a crack. Clovis shoots out energy of some sort, sending Fantom flying upward. He then gives chase as Fantom flies upward, looking dazed, but the instant Clovis gets level with him, he quickly stabs Clovis in the gut. Clovis feels the pain but even though it’s a critical blow, it still isn't enough to kill him. Fantom pulls him upward, and charges up for an attack. Clovis tries to counter but the energy is too much for him to handle. Fantom charges up more and more until, finally, he lets out a huge roar, and a thick five-layer beam emits from his sword and body.

    This shoots Clovis all the way out of the atmosphere and back into space. Fantom, with a look of anguish and fatigue, floats upwards and out of atmosphere in order to pursue Clovis. When he finally gets a visual, he notices the damage on Clovis. His machine is falling apart, and sparks of electricity are showing in the damaged areas. After a few huffs and puffs, Fantom takes a deep breath and charges up for an attack again. While he is charging, he puts away his long sword and pulls out his double-bladed swords. Clovis just stands still, breathing heavily. Once Fantom reaches his max charge, he begins the attack, but Clovis has an ace up his sleeve.

    Right before the peak of Fantom's blast, Clovis grins widely then chuckles. Fantom loses concentration for a second but still lets out the big blast. Clovis immediately charges up a fast charge and then lets out a thinner, yet stronger, blast than Fantom's. This easily overtakes Fantom's blast and it swallows him whole as it expands bigger and wider.

    After a few feet, the blast unblankets him, and he slowly transforms into a younger version of himself as time and space warp to many years in his past He falls all the way down to a heavily inhabited planet. His body is exposed with no golden armor to protect anymore. His spotted gray and black leopard skin is clearly visible underneath torn clothing. A sparkling medallion is around his neck as he falls giving off a mysterious glowing force field that is the only thing preserving his life. Atmosphere by atmosphere burns his body as he falls through. Finally he lands hard in the middle of a street. A different atmosphere begins. He looks as if he is unconscious but appears to be in some sort of peace, away from the fighting. A girl comes out of her house and looks around, as if she saw Fantom from her window when he crashed. Dressed in a white button-down shirt and a school dress, she spots him in only seconds and runs over to him. She feels his pulse and checks his breathing. She has a surprised look on her face.

    SUNNY (thinking to herself): He's still alive...

    {She then checks to see if he has any broken bones}

    Oh no...His lower back, it feels fractured.

    {She carefully rolls him onto a flat board contraption that begins to hover once Fantom is secure and takes him to her backyard, looking around suspiciously. Still feeling paranoid as she makes it to her backyard, she walks quickly to the barn shed. She then carefully lies Fantom down in a corner as the contraption turns into a portable bed. After gazing at him for a few seconds, the alarm on her watch goes off.}

    SUNNY (looking at her watch with big eyes): Oh no! The bus!

    {She runs through her back door, and then you see her running through the front door with her books and electronic planner down the street. She barely makes her bus. As she hops on, some of the students can't help but notice that she looks more troubled than normal. As they all stare at her, she continues to walk slowly, in her own world. She eventually hears a voice.}

    JIMMY (waving his hand): Hey Sunny! Over here.

    SUNNY (snapping out of her trance with a surprised look): Oh!{She walks over to sit next to Jimmy, and then puts her planner in her book satchel.} Hi, Jimmy.

    JIMMY: Morning. (He takes a second look at Sunny) You alright? You seem a little troubled.

    SUNNY (hesitating when she speaks): Umm...Well, I'm not...really troubled. It’s just that...

    AUDREY (hitting the side of the seat with excitement): It’s just that a meteor fell near her house! Everything okay, Sunny?

    SUNNY (a little startled): Yes, I'm fine.

    JIMMY (looking confused): A meteor landed over there? Yeah, I heard something but I had no idea it landed near someone's house.

    AUDREY: You didn't notice it? It fell in the direction of Sunny's house. I saw it.

    JIMMY: Yeah, you see just about everything, don't you?

    AUDREY: Uh huh...

    JIMMY (looking back at Sunny): Well, no one on your street was hurt, were they?

    {Sunny has been spaced out the whole time. She hears the voices, barely, but knows nothing of what they were talking about. She has a quick flashback of how Fantom looked in the middle of the street.}

    JIMMY (leaning over a little closer to Sunny's face): Sunny?

    SUNNY (snapping out of it): Huh?

    JIMMY: You sure you're alright? You're looking even more troubled now.

    AUDREY: She always looks troubled, yes?

    JIMMY (looking back at Audrey): Humph, you're troubled yourself.

    AUDREY (pointing at her face with a shocked look): Me?

    JIMMY: Yeah, you!

    {The whole time Sunny is back to being spaced out, thinking about what happened. She wants so badly to go back to her shed, but she definitely doesn't want to miss school. The bus pulls up to the entrance of the school, and all of the students leave the bus, going to their different areas to start their day. Sunny and Jimmy head straight for the front door.}

    JIMMY: I guess Ms. Satomi won’t be joining you at the door today. You two meet every day?

    SUNNY (shaking her head): No, it’s only every so often she catches me here in the morning.

    JIMMY (smiling): With mainly one thing on her mind, right?

    SUNNY (beginning to smile): Yeah. It’s always some sort of running distance she wants to try me in.

    JIMMY (still smiling): Heh heh. Yeah, she sees you as a track rival. I hope she's okay. Hopefully no meteor came by her place. More and more of those things are starting to fall through. I wonder what’s going on.

    SUNNY: Any land near your place?

    JIMMY (shrugging his shoulders): Don't know. I mean, didn't see any while I was leaving the house. You never know, a few houses HAVE been hit lately, and other things. (He begins to smirk) Humph, if my house ever got hit, nothing more to do other than accept it and move on. I can only hope no one gets hurt....And my video games....Oh, man.

    {Sunny lets out a little smile, and then, as the bell rings, the two go their separate ways.}

    JIMMY: Today is Monday so I guess I'll be seeing you in History class.

    SUNNY (nodding her head): Mmm.

    JIMMY (walking off and waving): Alright then, later.

    {Sunny waves back and then walks into her first class for the day. It’s a Nursing Education class, and one of the finest; awards for the class are posted on the wall. You also see all sorts of model skeletal structures, charts and diagrams, detailed picture descriptions of vital body organs, and such.

    Sunny goes to her desk and takes a seat, her mind still focusing on what happened earlier. She's spaced out for a second then her attention is directed to a sheet of paper another student is passing out. It’s a picture of a skeletal system, with the back facing out. Sunny looks at it and puts her finger on the lower backbone. She then rehearses in her head what happened after she felt the stranger’s lower back, and how his body felt when she carried him.

    The scene fades to a quick glimpse of the school from the outside, it is raining a light drizzle then it cuts right to period 2, Bushido class. There are several students dressed in their bushido practice armor, sitting around a huge mat, and the teacher is standing in the middle. After looking around him, he chooses 2 students to head up in an exhibition match. Ray, the red-haired kid, will go against one of the stronger students in the class. Aria, who is one of Ray’s rivals, sits impatiently on the edge of the mat. She is always looking for opportunities to fight against Ray.

    There is another who is always looking to take Ray on, and Aria sees him standing from the upper level of the gym. This is Vance, and he's Ray's biggest rival. Vance stares down Ray as the match begins. Both students get into their stances with their wooden boken swords. It only takes a couple attempts, and Ray scores his first blow.

    The teacher has them go back to their starting spots. After another start, Ray scores the second blow even quicker. The teacher decides to end the match after that. He then brags about Ray's technique.}

    VANCE (closing his eyes then walking away): Humph...

    {As Ray goes back to sit in his spot on the edge, he notices Aria giving him a slightly irate look.}

    RAY (smirking a little): Don't worry, you'll get your chance... Heck, you do every day. (Sitting down) Probably would be the same result.

    ARIA (frowning a little more): Arrogant little....Vance was watching you.

    RAY: Oh yeah? (Leans back) I'm not worried about him.

    ARIA: Yeah, you never worry about anything....Hey, have you heard about Sunny?

    RAYbeen happening for a few weeks now, random homes being hit with meteors and stuff.

    ARIA (looking away from Ray and into the center of the mat): But it wasn't a meteor that landed near her house.

    RAY (looking confused): What? And why would you say that?

    ARIA: My resources state otherwise.

    RAY: Oh, you mean Erin.

    ARIAflew out of the sky, but it wasn't a meteor, and whatever it is...someone is hiding it...and the only person who was there to possibly hide any trace or clues of anything, is Sunny.

    RAY: Man. For crying out loud already, you're always analyzing crap. Why don't you be a freakin' lawyer instead of a scientist, huh?

    ARIA (smiling): Humph...don't know, Ray. I guess I love science too much, and how much I can do with it. Besides, Erin

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