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Jesus and His Friends: A Devotional Bible Study
Jesus and His Friends: A Devotional Bible Study
Jesus and His Friends: A Devotional Bible Study
Ebook120 pages52 minutes

Jesus and His Friends: A Devotional Bible Study

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Meditations and Bible study about Jesus and His followers, both during His ministry and up to modern times.
Release dateMar 1, 2014
Jesus and His Friends: A Devotional Bible Study

Robert Hale

Bob Hale likes to linger in the moonlight. When he's not doing that he is writing about or preparing for the next adventure.

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    Jesus and His Friends - Robert Hale

    "I do not call you servants any longer,

    because the servant does not know what the master is doing;

    but I have called you friends,

    because I have made known to you

    everything that I have heard from my Father."

    John 15:15

    Copyright 2014 by Robert Lathrop Hale, Sr.

    All rights reserved.

    For a list of the author’s previously-published writings which are included in this book, see the last section of this book.

    Several selections have been quoted from The Daily Study Bible Series on the New Testament, which was written by William Barclay and published in 1975 by The Westminster Press, located at that time in Philadelphia, PA. The 1975 revision was based upon the earlier versions which were published by St. Andrew Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, which has granted permission to use this material. See the End Notes for a list of what was quoted.

    Unless noted otherwise, the Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright, 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9781483519814


    to my wife Elaine,

    our 3 children & their spouses:

    Beth & James Lindsey Sr., Bob Jr. & Janet, Steve & Sue,

    our 9 grandchildren & their spouses:

    Christina & Adam Elliott, Janine & Stephen Reter,

    Rachel & Carlos Soriano & their daughter Ioanna,

    Shannon & Jamie Gaylor,

    James Lindsey Jr. and his wife Mary and their children:

    Jasmine, Brieanna, Aubrey, Chloe, & James III,

    and our 4 unmarried grandchildren: Justin, Steven, Sam & Stephanie,

    and our adopted grandchildren: Keith & Liz Gordon and their daughter Ella.




    Incarnation I and II

    Across the Galaxies



    Feeding the Five Thousand

    Andrew I & II


    Jesus Calls the Fishermen

    Jesus on Peter

    Christ and Nathanael

    James & John, the Sons of Thunder

    James & John

    Simon Called Peter

    Still Not Getting It

    The Call of Matthew

    Who’s the Greatest?

    The Beatitudes

    Mary Magdalene


    The Almost Apostle


    Eminent Domain

    The Magic Ingredient

    The Good Samaritan


    The Second Commandment - Amended

    Five Fighting Fingers



    The Ultimate Gamble

    Friends and Enemies

    Joseph of Arimathea

    Petering Out

    The First Easter

    V for Victory

    Peter Remembers



    James, the Lord’s Brother

    John Remembers

    The Left Hand of God

    John Mark


    An Emperor Wonders

    Evolution of the Cross I & II

    He Keeps Coming Back


    Last Rites

    The Most Wanted Man

    Are You Running from Me, Jesus?


    Long Ago and Far Away

    Call to Be Disciples

    The Soul of Generosity

    Report from Starship One


    1. List of Abbreviations for Bible Versions & Other Books

    2. Bible Study Tips

    3. Bibliography

    4. Information about the Holy Land

    5. End Notes


    One night I woke up with a book idea: Jesus and His Friends. This has become a collection of meditations showing the human side of Jesus’s followers.

    I can imagine a Sunday school class talking about the saints. One boy says, I’ve seen them - they’re made of stone. The teacher says, Well, one of them was Peter the Rock. A girl speaks up: The saints are the ones that the light shines through. She had seen them in the stained glass windows.

    I think the light shows more of their human side.

    My two main sources were Harper’s Bible Dictionary (HBD) and William Barclay’s Daily Study Bible Series (DSB) on the New Testament.

    I urge you to read the STUDY HELPS in the back of the book, particularly Bible Study Tips. Then I recommend that you read the introductory Scriptures and the meditations. You could leave the sections after the meditations for later study.


    Give me words

    that throb with tears and laughter,

    health and wholeness...

    words that convey meaning,

    words that convey feeling...

    small fragments of the Word

    which became flesh and dwelt among us,

    full of grace and truth.

    Robert Hale

    Scripture: John 1:14

    ¹ The Notes are found at the end of the book. The first section of the Notes pertains to William Barclay’s Daily Study Bible Series. The second section pertains to my previously-published writing used in this book. The rest of my writing is now published for the first time.


    Thanks to the staff and members of Central Presbyterian Church in Towson, a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, for their encouragement and comments. Thanks to the Senior Pastor, John Schmidt, for the loan of books and for a helpful computer tip. Thanks to the staff of the church library for the use of other books. Thanks to the Associate Pastor, George Antonakos, for encouragement. Thanks to Ian McFadden, Director of Discipleship and Young Adults, for scheduling me for a church school class, and to the excellent dramatic readers (Karen and Stephen Amrhein, Rich Reichley, and my daughter, Beth Lindsey) who read my meditations to the class. Thanks to Gideon Breidegam, Associate Director of Technical Arts, for his comments. Thanks to

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