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Whisper In The Wind
Whisper In The Wind
Whisper In The Wind
Ebook41 pages35 minutes

Whisper In The Wind

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Terry, short for Teresita, has an affinity for being attracted to men who are 'scumbags,' in her words, but devilishly handsome and charming, nevertheless. Roberto is the latest in a long line of men that she has invested in with very little return for her time and effort. Once she breaks off with Roberto, Terry is immediately caught up in a rebound romance with David Cruz, a young man she suspects is a gigolo. Terry has low expectations for her men whereas her friend Sarah has no man at all in her life but hopes to remedy that situation with the use of a dating service. As Terry, her friend Sarah and her family laugh and love on the island of Guam, the reader will get a feel for the island, its people and its unique place in history. The twist at the end of the story will both entertain the reader and create that feeling that romance can still exist even when it is least expected.

PublisherHelen Myers
Release dateMar 28, 2011
Whisper In The Wind

Helen Myers

Currently reside away out in the Pacific Ocean on the Island of Guam. The Island is changing, but the people are always friendly and helpful and sharing. Every day is a special day.

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    Book preview

    Whisper In The Wind - Helen Myers

    Whisper in the Wind


    Hazel Myers


    * * * * *


    Hazel Myers on Smashwords

    Whisper in the Wind

    Copyright © 2011 by Hazel Myers

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    Chapter One

    Terry, short for Teresita, never saw it coming. She had always prided herself on that sixth sense that guided her decisions. It did not work this time, though, and she was the first one to admit it.

    Roberto was a scum bag. Aunt Dora had told her so, too.

    Terry, don't you go trustin' that man. He ain't worth two cents in my book.

    Aunt Dora had a mighty thick book from all Terry had heard her say was included in it. It would probably be a best-seller if it ever got published.

    Aunt Dora, you just don't like him, do you? You think he's cheating on me and going out with other girls. Tell the truth.

    Aunt Dora half-smiled and nodded her gray head. "I hear things, girl. He ain't the kind of man you want to be tyin' yourself to with a weddin' ring. And in our family, we don't go gettin' divorces on a regular basis, you know. God marries you, you're married for eternity."

    Terry knew her Aunt Dora liked to think that things had not changed from when she was a girl growing up in western Pennsylvania. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you looked at it, things had changed. Just take a look at her own family. As a start, her parents had never legally married each other.

    In western Pennsylvania, many people were of European ancestry. Her father, whom she had not seen for ten years, fitted into this group. Her mother, on the other hand, was mainly Chamorro with a few other ancestors thrown in. Her sister Andrea-her half-sister actually-was now in Las Vegas and had been married and divorced twice. Terry did not know who Andrea's mother was. Andrea had just appeared on their doorstep and said her father had sent her. Since she and Terry had the same papa, Andrea was welcomed, even by Terry's mother. Of course, Aunt Dora, their father's sister, probably did not consider Andrea when taking her marriage count

    Håfa adai, Terry's mother greeted them as she entered the kitchen where Aunt Dora was preparing breakfast. Terry's mother had never taken the time to learn Chamoru, the native

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