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Summer Love
Summer Love
Summer Love
Ebook57 pages44 minutes

Summer Love

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This romance begins at a low tide of emotions to evolve in a sea of whirpool sensations.
Kenny is a young man, an aspiring writer, who meets Pat, a woman in her early thirties, on a summer day. He wants to gain Pat's attention and certainly her affection, so that he tries offering all those simple things which men of her own age overlook.
Pat is flattered by Kenny's compliments, however she doesn't accept him by the age gap and still yet by her sentiment for Graham, her ex-partner, who is the man who could fulfill her dream though he always lets her down.
Kenny's persistence and Pat's refusal become a tug-of-war affair. By a sudden event where he gets involved with Leslie, a friend, whom he doesn't take in, Kenny comprehends Pat's thought.
Leading a double life, a clerk at daytime and a writer during the night, Kenny goes through a lot of circumstances and grows as person; meanwhile Pat gets conscious that with Graham is not going to give what she wants. Then she finds out that people say what the other pleases, which it is noticeable when she runs into her best friend; it pushes up the woman to get back to Kenny.
At this point, Kenny has already the same attitude of Pat and Pat has that of Kenny at the beginning. Anyhow, Pat and Kenny begin a relationship, and she learns about the essentiality of life.
Summer Love is one story about emotions and philosophy about daily events.

Release dateJul 2, 2011
Summer Love

Oliver Frances

Oliver Frances writes romance and mystery, because of his professional background as economist some of his works focus on social and economic issues. He has traveled to many countries and, from those journeys, has learnt about economic and political systems.Frances’ short stories have been praised by fervent readers around the world, and some were published in Istanbul Literary Review. After reading one of Oliver’s books, Heart, R Jeffreys writes “Great, is a word I use to describe what I’ve read only on rare occasions; but your work is very, well crafted, fluid and emotionally evocative.”

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    Book preview

    Summer Love - Oliver Frances


    Two Worlds of Emotions

    Oliver Frances

    Summer Love

    Published by Marco A Diaz at Smashwords

    Revised Edition by Janet Wagner

    Cover Art by Vanessa Murillo

    Copyright 2010 Marco A Diaz

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I know that it isn’t what you want… Definitely, what we had was so great, but we should go in different ways now.

    But, I love you.

    Her partner gave her a tired look.

    Don’t hold on to me, please. No reason for it.

    I love you that is my reason.

    I know… But, I can’t go on.

    Isn’t it enough for you? she asked timidly.

    I'm afraid, but…


    Why? he asked. We don't understand each other.

    We might have problems, but we can sort them out.

    Graham came out with bitter words. Pat, I don't love you. There's no sorting that out. There's no answer to this. You can't understand it, can you? I don't love you!

    Perhaps, I am the one. Sometimes, you have to lose something completely to appreciate it.

    Don't be silly! I do not love you. And, I don't want you!

    No, please. If I have to get on my knees, I will, Pat implored.

    You should accept it. I don't love you! he bawled in despair. Her melancholy countenance made him feel compassion for his lover. I'm sorry. But, when someone doesn't want to be with the other, the best thing is to part company. Pat, nobody lasts forever. Sooner or later, you will meet someone else. And, you will love him. You certainly won't die if I walk out on you. No one dies for another.

    Perhaps, I will.

    Graham, walking up to the door to leave the place, said. Don't be such a melodramatic cow. Tomorrow, you’ll live just like today. You might well not remember the past.

    Bye Pat, he said without turning around.

    She relived this scene in her mind like a litany every night before closing her eyes.


    The lad strolled along the beach carrying a folded deck chair in his left hand. He contemplated the numerous multicoloured sails propelled across the broad sea by an intense current of air, and marvelled at the splendour of the hues of the sea. Continuing up the beach, over the pebbles, he noticed a blonde woman.

    Busy? he asked to the woman, as he stopped near her.

    No, she said carelessly.

    Unfolding the chair and covering it with a towel, the lad sat down and began enjoying the fulgent sun.

    Been here for long? Kenny asked shyly.

    About half an hour. To continue the initiated dialogue, she asked. What do you do?

    I’m attending a postgraduate course in advertising at Watford at the moment. And, I do something else in my free time, he answered, surprised by her first question.

    Such as?

    I’m writer.

    There was a brief silence that he broke suddenly by asking. What do you do?

    I’m pathologist. By the way, have you had any work produced?

    Not yet. By the bye, my name is Kenny. He added. Where do you work?

    "Pat. At University College Hospital, but

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