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China Experts the Unorthodox
China Experts the Unorthodox
China Experts the Unorthodox
Ebook56 pages32 minutes

China Experts the Unorthodox

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The meteoric rise of China in the last 30 years has made this country the flavor of the 21st century. There are few countries that have escaped the impact of China’s new-found prominence, due mainly to the diaspora of its citizens around the world for tourism, business and education. But these developments haven’t all been welcomed by people of other nations.
The two authors of this book have each lived amongst the Chinese populace for more than a decade and have gained insights into the Chinese psyche that they use to explain the behaviors of these people which perplex those who have grown up in other cultures. So, settle back and enjoy reading an original take on why the Chinese do what they do.

PublisherChi Chu Chang
Release dateJan 2, 2014
China Experts the Unorthodox

Chi Chu Chang

Rob M Fielding PhDChi Chu ChangAuthorsRob M Fielding PhDFormerly: Senior Lecturer in Art & Design Education,James Cook University of North QueenslandAssociate Professor, Art & Design Education,Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Swire School of Design)Publication: A Reader on Art and Design Education for Hong Kong Schools, Hong Kong Polytechnic University8 years residence in Hong Kong & 12 years residence in ShanghaiChi Chu ChangFormerly: Advisor of Shanghai Foreign Direct Investment Bureau.American Chinese businessman with 30+ years of in-depth relationship and interaction with Japanese, China Chinese, Taiwan Chinese and Hong Kong ChineseAdiutor of Inglese, ShanghaiConsultancy of business English training and cross-cultural orientation.

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    Book preview

    China Experts the Unorthodox - Chi Chu Chang

    China Experts

    the Unorthodox

    By Rob M Fielding PhD and Chi Chu Chang


    Published by:

    Rob M Fielding PhD and Chi Chu Chang at Smashwords

    Copyright (c) 2014 by Rob M Fielding PhD and Chi Chu Chang


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    As a long-time admirer of Darwin’s brilliance, we’d like to focus on two key words in his theory of evolution: SURVIVAL and ADAPTATION; and use them to explain numerous behaviors of Chinese people which Westerners find curious.

    The human race prides itself as a civilization while other species on this planet are seen as still primitive, because our actions are governed by concepts of Right & Wrong, based on laws, regulations, religious belief or regional traditions. Embedded in such diversity, there can be no universal Right or Wrong. A perceived ‘right’ action in one culture can be viewed as ‘wrong’ in another, or in a different era. Therefore, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, when applied to behaviors and actions, have no intrinsic or universal meaning when they are loosely and irresponsibility used by all of us so routinely.

    This conclusion can be illustrated in just a few events in recent history:

    • Colonization around the globe by European powers was viewed by the latter as ‘right’; but by the subjugated as ‘wrong’.

    • The spying scandal of NSA in the United States, revealed in 2013, was obviously perceived by that organization as justified activity, while others (besides the whistle-blower) considered it inappropriate.

    The authors contend that the concept of what is considered Right & Wrong ceases to exist when SURVIAL is paramount: In such cases, by logic of induction, humans exhibit the same ‘primitive’ behavior we normally associate with other species on our planet. Any action is ‘right’ if it is designed to ensure our

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