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Pee You Again!
Pee You Again!
Pee You Again!
Ebook32 pages29 minutes

Pee You Again!

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Pee you again!
“The Trick” that might help you to pass Water easily despite Prostate Problems.
Bonus: A complete Old Geezer’s Philosophy.
Plus: The Ultimate Old Age Coolness Test + Training Seminar.
If you are male and 50 or older (hello, Boomers ;-) you have a 30 to 50% chance of developing an enlarged prostate and the chance becomes bigger the older you get. Just like the prostate. And this comes with all kinds of problems, especially with problems passing water, peeing.
But hey, help is on its way!
This book describes a simple and harmless, no-pain, none-evasive method (“The Trick”) to help you pee again, to make peeing easier and more effective. It is a simple combined mental and massage technique. If this trick works for you, you will get that bladder so much emptier than without it. The reduced amount of residual urine will boost your quality of living. You will have to go pee a lot less often. The urge will be reduced. You will have to worry a lot less about this whole matter. The symptoms of an enlarged prostate can indeed be very stressful. This trick has the potential to reduce that stress considerably. If the trick works for you, that is. Of course there is no guarantee but it is definitely worth the try.
But to make sure you get your money’s worth anyway, may “The Trick” work for you or not, the book contains a lot of bonus material:
Bonus: A complete Old Geezer’s Philosophy.
Plus: The Ultimate Old Age Coolness Test + Training Seminar.
This tongue in cheek philosophical material is guy’s stuff about aging, old age, sex, relationships, society, death and religion. Provoking and rebellious, you might not agree with everything said there but it will definitely make you reflect on your life and life in general.
If you are a young guy without prostate problems you still are welcome to read this. It is a glimpse into your own future and a lot of the philosophical stuff goes for guys in general, young or old. The female readership however is not especially welcomed by the author. He would like this book to be a “closed set”, admission for males only.

PublisherConan Conroy
Release dateJan 22, 2014
Pee You Again!

Conan Conroy

Conan Conroy is a pen name, a pseudonym. He is a Communications Master, has longtime experience as an editor for national TV – and he is an Alternative Practitioner (Psychotherapy). For feedback on this book, especially about how “The Trick” worked for you, he can be contacted

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    Book preview

    Pee You Again! - Conan Conroy

    Pee you again

    The Trick that might help you to pass Water easily despite Prostate Problems

    Bonus: A complete Old Geezer’s Philosophy

    Plus: The Ultimate Old Age Coolness Test + Training Seminar

    by Conan Conroy

    Published by Conan Conroy at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Conan Conroy

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter 1: Foreword

    Chapter 2: About Sex

    Chapter 3: The Final Curtain

    Chapter 4: The Trick

    About links:

    This book contains several references to youtube videos. I did not include direct links to these videos since I was afraid that this might raise legal problems. So what I did is to include hints for search keywords to use on youtube in order to find the videos.

    Legal Disclaimer

    I am not a doctor and I just describe a simple mental and soft massage method that helped me overcome my problems passing water. If you want to try this method for yourself, you are doing this at your own risk. Even though common sense strongly indicates that this easy, simple, non-invasive, no-pain method can under no circumstances do any harm to anyone, I have no idea if there are any circumstances or conditions under which my method should not be applied or might even be harmful. So I recommend that you talk to your doctor before you apply my method. When I did, my doctor just shrugged his shoulders and told me to go ahead and do it, if it helps. But again, I take no responsibility for any negative consequences resulting from applying my method. Ask your doctor before you do. That said, let’s start.

    Pee you again

    The Trick that might help you to pass Water easily despite Prostate Problems

    Bonus: A complete Old Geezer’s Philosophy

    Plus: The Ultimate Old Age Coolness Test + Training Seminar

    Chapter 1: Foreword

    Dear Reader,

    before we really start, one hint: If you are just looking

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