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Patricia's Tales
Patricia's Tales
Patricia's Tales
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Patricia's Tales

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About this ebook

A collection of erotic short stories based on the real life adventures of my lovely bride. Patricia is an adventurous housewife with an innate sexuality that leads her into many erotic encounters. These adventures often include multiple partners, interracial encounters and more. Some of these stories are pure fiction, some are based loosely on facts and some are completely factual. The reader can discern which is which!

PublisherI.F. Hergood
Release dateJan 25, 2014
Patricia's Tales

I.F. Hergood

Who am I?I am...a milker of goats, maker of cheeses and jams and jellies of all types, a teacher, a geek, a writer, a father, a husband and OH so much more!! I am a fun middle aged guy with a weird sense of humor. I am semi-retired (only work a few weeks each month). I teach software engineering and database design for a living...but I also have a small hobby farm. I spend 2 or 3 weeks each month traveling the country and teaching software engineering classes, and the rest of my time at the farm. I have the best of both worlds...I am a geek AND redneck farmer. I am retired from the military and have traveled and lived all over the world. I occasionally write short stories (usually of the erotica genre) and I'm always interested in meeting other writers who are interested in sharing stories and writing tips.I'm a bit of a Renaissance man. I am fascinated with math, physics, philosophy, religion, economics, human behaviour and more. I love meeting new people and finding intelligent topics to discuss. I also love working in the garden, flying small airplanes, scuba, making cheese, canning veggies and jams and too many more things to mention here.I spend a lot of time thinking about High energy particle physics, the nature of time, cosmology, economics (I am an adherent of the Austrian school of economic theory), SEX (I am a guy, after all...LOL), philosophy, relationships and more. Actually, my mind is usually a swirling chaos of random thoughts and ideas, although I can be very focused when the situation warrants.

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    Book preview

    Patricia's Tales - I.F. Hergood

    Patricia’s Tales

    By I. F. Hergood

    Copyright 2014 I. F. Hergood

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 - Unexpected Pleasures

    Chapter 2 - A Walk In The Sun

    Chapter 3 - New Beginnings

    Chapter 4 - Angie’s Night Out

    Chapter 5 - Whatever Floats Your Boat

    Chapter 6 - Termites Are Fun

    Chapter 7 - Night Rider



    This ebook is the culmination of many years of adventures. My lovely bride Patricia and I have had many exciting escapades over the years, and I have, from time to time, documented some of those adventures. I will not say that all the stories herein are true, because they are not. Some are works of fiction. Others are factual. I’ll leave it to the reader to determine which is which.

    I would like to thank Patricia for putting up with all my foolishness over the years. Without her, none of these stories would have been written. Princess, you truly are the love of my life and I can’t imagine spending my days without you.

    Unexpected Pleasures

    Patricia lay in the darkness staring up at the small patch of light on the ceiling. She had been trying to sleep for some time now, but sleep just wouldn’t come to her. She was frustrated, tired and above all, horny as hell. Why couldn’t he understand? It seemed so simple to her, but he just didn’t seem to get it.

    The day had started out well enough. For the first time in months, they had the house to themselves. The kids were off visiting their grandmother and she had been looking forward to some quiet time alone at home with Michael. She had awakened to the smell of coffee, hot and fresh, by her bedside. The rich aroma, and luxurious feeling of peace, had made her feel so relaxed and comfortable.

    She was in such a good mood that she even thought of offering him a quick roll in the sheets. He had been so sweet, bringing her coffee and all. But their love life had been so predictable lately and she just really didn’t feel in the mood for the same old routine. A quick flush of guilt washed over her as she thought how long it had been, but she shoved it aside and jumped into the shower. Today would be their day! Just a quiet day at home, and a chance to finally relax.

    It seemed that things started going wrong almost immediately. There was the call from his office and a quick trip to fix the little problem, which turned out to be a three-hour disaster. By the time he got home, it was almost lunchtime, and to make matters worse, he brought Brian home with him.

    Brian was an intern from Michael’s office and a friend. He had been to the house several times, had dinner with them, and was a pretty nice guy. In fact, Patricia thought, he was really quite attractive. He was tall, muscular, and had an erotic air about him that made her sometimes shiver with suppressed excitement. But DAMNIT, this was supposed to be their day, and here he was, hanging out by the pool and generally interrupting her plan for a quiet day.

    She tried to be polite and she fixed an elaborate lunch for them. After lunch, she thought, he will leave and we can FINALLY relax. Unfortunately, that was NOT the way things turned out. Michael invited him to take a dip in the pool, and of course he accepted. They spent the entire afternoon swimming and talking and drinking beer.

    Patricia swam with them for a while. She really wished he would leave, but at the same time, she was really enjoying discretely watching Brian. His well-defined muscles and smooth black skin glistened in the sun. Several times she caught herself thinking about how it would feel to touch him, to feel his hard body next to hers, but she stifled those thoughts also. After all, she was a married woman in her forties, and he was only twenty-three. But she couldn’t deny that she felt a bit of a twinge every time she looked at him. When he climbed out of the pool and his wet trunks clung to him like that, she couldn’t resist staring. But DAMNIT, he was interrupting her day.

    Brian spent the entire day with them, and had dinner with them. Then, as the ultimate insult, Michael said that he had obviously had too much to drink and would have to stay the night. Brian protested, but Michael would not hear it. Can’t have a friend of mine drink and drive, it just wouldn’t be right Michael said.

    So, she tried to make the best of it. She made up a bed for him on the couch and they told him goodnight. Michael immediately fell

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