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The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium
The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium
The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium
Ebook197 pages5 hours

The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium

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The best ways to contact, talk to spirit and hear answers. Meet your angels and guides and learn how to communicate with them. You have the ability to obtain higher guidance and this book shows you the way. Channel information from your Higher Self. This book teaches you how to raise your vibration higher to communicate with the higher realms of light and love. It is filled with stories, examples, exercises, meditations and information. You will find in here clear instruction and explanations for anyone wanting to connect with higher guidance. The nature of the book is to show humanity the means to higher levels of guidance is within their selves and is there for everyone to use. You will learn manifesting secrets once kept hidden. Learn how to change your hidden beliefs which create blocks to achieving dreams then learn to instill new ones that support you. This book will take you into higher teachings. Learn psychic healing techniques. Communicate with spirit. This knowledge it is available to all of us. Not just the mystics and soothsayers although it is written by a modern day mystic. Visit the author at

Release dateJan 27, 2014
The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium

Arlene Braswell

I was empathic, intuitive and had psychic abilities ever since I can remember. I became a medium at the age of 13 when I started seeing spirits and began having precognitive dreams.I started doing psychic healing at an early age. it just came naturally to me and years later took reiki classes and other healing modalities.I decided to study alternative healing and devoted most of my life to enhancement of my ability to work with the bioenergy fields.I am clairvoyant and clairaudient and a medium. I have also been an intuitive tarot reader for years. I was given my first ta.through evidence of life after death from your loved ones and pets. I also receive messages from spirit guides and can channel the higher realms. I have brought through channeled messages from ascended masters, star beings and beings of the higher realms.I am the author of 4 published books.

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    The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium - Arlene Braswell


    The year is 1998 in the month of January and I am sitting here writing this down as the thoughts are coming to me in answer to my questions. I had many questions at that time of my life.

    My Angel Patrick was answering my questions about life, why we are here, what is the purpose of my life, all life and many other questions. I hear in my thoughts that I want this work to be available to the greatest number of people. You will be writing books and my response was: me write books I am not capable of that. This is a part of your mission you agreed upon before you came to earth to the body you inhabit. I responded with I don’t have any idea of how to write a book.

    Don’t worry when the time is right for this you will have the ability and knowledge and much information to share with others.

    The nature of the book you will write is to show humanity the means to higher levels of guidance is within their selves and is there for everyone to use.

    You are never alone everyone has angels and guides for every problem you could have. You have the ability to obtain higher guidance and this book is filled with stories, examples and information on how to do that. You will find in here clear instruction and explanations for anyone wanting to connect with higher guidance. You can communicate with your angles and guides in a safe and easy way through thought. It is through telepathy.

    You can also channel your higher self in this same way and raise your vibration higher to communicate with the higher realms of light and love that are available to all of us. You only need to believe this is possible and still your rational ego mind. I know many of you think that this seems impossible, but it is easy once you know how.

    Today December 31st 2013 I came across this very old crumpled notebook from many years ago I start reading what was in the notebook of what I had written back in Jan. of 1998 and chose to put it on the preface pages of my 3rd book: The Way Of A Mystic Psychic Medium.

    The Way

    As I walk along the path I ask where does this path lead?

    How will my journey end?

    Will my journey be filled with laughter or pain?

    Why do you want to know? I hear this in the wind.

    I say: brother wind I have traveled long and far along the way

    I need to know how my journey ends.

    Brother wind whispers these words: my child, do you not know

    each day you choose how your path will go.

    Be it rough or smooth it is made by you.

    For it is not written in the wind or carved in stone.

    The choices you had made on other days

    are what you will find along the way.

    How your journey ends is the result of your own dreams.

    What is in the mind will come about in time.

    What you see today are the choices

    you made on another day along the way!

    By Arlene Braswell



    Higher Guidance

    Hearing the still small voice of higher consciousness does not come without cost. The cost is to lose the chatter of our conscious mind for a little while. To listen to what our higher self, angels and guides are trying to say. Lose the doubt which comes from our ego minds; for doubt will cause us to push aside that still small voice. We will not hear the answers to questions from our inner guidance; which is trying to get through. Being analytical and picking what you are getting apart stops it cold. We have not been taught to be still and listen; yet this is the only way I know of to hear higher guidance. Our emotions especially fear (any form of fear be it worry, distrust, doubt, guilt and a host of other sub-titles under the heading of fear) cuts us off from hearing. You need to be in a state of calm to hear. Some people fear to go within the stillness. They think they will be tricked, or open themselves up to negative forces. Well there are plenty of negative forces in our outer world, and we have enough sense to steer clear of them. It’s the same thing.

    I recommend calling in your angels to be with you and protect you while doing any type of work such as this; whether it be mediumship, channeling, or even before meditation. You can ask for your angels to cleanse and clear you before you begin.

    You can also clear the energy centers of your body your chakras. Your chakras hold pent up emotions, fears, negative thoughts, and trauma; along with the good and positive. The chakras need to be cleared from time to time to release all of that. You can do this by breathing pure white light into each chakra. Intend that the white light is clearing each chakra one at a time. Intention is very important.

    The first chakra is at the base of the spine. It is called the root chakra, and it is red. Breathe the white light into it. Imagine and feel as though you were breathing into this chakra white light. See and intend it to be clearing this chakra. See the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see a brilliant red illuminating out of this chakra when cleared. Do this with each chakra.

    The second chakra is the sacral chakra it is located approximately 1 ½" below the navel. Its color is bright orange. Breathe the white light into this chakra as you are intending it to clear this chakra. See the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see this chakra illuminating a brilliant bright orange light.

    The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. It is located above the navel. Its color is bright yellow. Breathe the white light into this chakra as you are intending it to clear this chakra. See the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see this chakra illuminating a brilliant yellow light.

    The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It is in the center of your chest where your heart is. Its color is a brilliant emerald green. Breathe the white light into this chakra as you intend it to clear this chakra. Then see the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see this chakra illuminating a brilliant green light.

    The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It is in the Adams apple part of your throat. Its color is a light to a medium shade of blue (similar to that of a robin’s egg.) Breathe the white light into this chakra as you are intending to clear this chakra. Then see the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. See this chakra illuminating a beautiful shade of blue.

    The sixth chakra is that point about 1" above and between your eyebrows and it is the third eye chakra. Its color is indigo blue (the shade of dark bluish-purple ink.) Breathe the white light into this chakra as you are intending to clear this chakra. See the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see this chakra illuminating a beautiful shade of indigo blue.

    The 7th chakra is at the top of the head. It is a violet color. Breathe the white light into this chakra as you are intending to clear this chakra. See the white light swirling around in the chakra clearing it. Then see this chakra illuminating a brilliant violet light.

    It is a good practice to do this chakra clearing at least every week. It is important to have the chakras cleared and in balance. After the chakras are clear or even if you do the chakra clearing at another time; the following is the mediation to begin to do your inner work and ask to receive higher guidance.

    Say a mantra to raise your vibration such as: OM for a few minutes or if you prefer the word Love or God also for a few minutes.

    Then begin your deep breathing. Do this 7 times: inhale through your nostrils and feel it going into and filling your stomach with the breath. You are expanding your stomach and filling it with breath. Then breathe out through the mouth; letting all the air out of you (sort of like deflating a balloon.)

    Visualize the sun with its rays of white light penetrating your body. It is going into every cell of your body and around your body. Clearing and cleansing your body with this brilliant sunlight.

    Then picture grounding cords from your feet (almost like roots) I like to picture the cords as being whitish gold made of light going into the earth down into the very core of the earth anchoring into the center of the earth and grounding you.

    Picture above you a globe of golden and white light coming from your higher self. Feel the rays of this light as they penetrate and flow into your body. See a spark of golden light Gathering around your heart area, and from the heart notice the golden and white light as it expands. It is filling all the cells of your body. This light expands to encompass the body in a globe of golden white light expanding past the body intending it to surround your aura with this light. You don’t have to know the dimensions of your aura (just intend it to be surrounded.)This is your bubble of protection. Use it before any inner work. After you are in your bubble of protection say: only that of the love and light can come to me.

    See a column of white and gold light coming down from the heavens surrounding you in a tube of white-golden light.

    Now ask your question and listen. Stay in a meditative state for 15 minutes of longer (it is good to have paper and pen nearby to write down what you get.) You can ask where the information is coming from; after you establish communication. Sometimes the answers may come to you later in the day or week in different ways or through signs. Sometimes you could hear it through thoughts coming to you from spirit while you are meditating.

    I automatically expand the light around me and go into meditation, but I recommend this longer version for someone starting out for it’s important to connect to the higher forces of light and your own higher self. No matter how long you have been doing meditation always ask for only that of the love & light. Still the mind and listen or ask to be shown how to go about doing something. You can ask for signs. Be open for signs coming to you in many ways. I always ask for at least 3 signs. Sometimes it can come to you by seeing a poster with the answer to your question. It could be in a book that you just happen to be given or come upon, and when you open it you see the answer to your question. You could see your answer from a television show that you just turn on and they are talking about your question. This is not coincidence. You could hear a conversation, and they are talking about just that (which answers your question.) The signs could come in many ways and from many sources. Just be open to receiving the signs. Have fun with this you are accessing your inner sources and attuning yourself to higher guidance which progresses as you practice. You could also receive through telepathy while in meditation the answer to your question. The right way for you to receive the answer to your question will be given to you. The answer if it comes direct to you; is a form of telepathy (thought communication) to you from higher realms. This is why we do the protective light first it is to ensure that it is from the higher realms and not from our ego selves or lower spirit.

    The bridge between worlds lies in the subconscious mind. It is not in the outer material world it is within. What are we here for? It is within us to radiate this light and power. It is the light and the power within that give life to our bodies and form. It is within you now animating your body. This light is always with you. We are made up of atoms vibrating at different speeds. Everything and everyone is vibrating at different speeds. Nothing is solid; even our thoughts have a vibration and attract to us that of a similar vibration. We can raise our vibrations to higher levels by the things do, think, eat, and drink for everything has a vibration. Positive loving thoughts have of course a higher vibration then lower negative thoughts. Live foods such as organic raw vegetables and fruits have a higher vibration then chemically processed non-organic foods. Watching negative shows on TV can affect our vibration and lower it.

    Everything is connected this is why ESP, telepathy, past life regression, future life, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spirit communication and remote viewing is all possible. We are all multi-dimensional. It is possible to spiritually visit other planes of existence. We can access these gifts by stilling the mind, or bypassing the conscious mind directly. Do this by going straight through to the subconscious. It is connected to the super conscious mind and is in everything. It has no limits. We have an electromagnetic field (our aura) surrounding us. It attracts to us what we think about with emotion and belief. The more belief the faster it comes to us. Doubt is like putting a red light in front of us. It literally stops the process.

    We can do great works. We can manifest our greatness. We can make this world a heaven on earth. That is what was intended for our earth; not destruction, poverty, crime, pollution and all the lower energy manifestations. We can raise above all this; by being the change we want to see. If we raise ourselves up our outer world will change; for we create our circumstances from within.

    Many of the genius minds in history had a connection to this power within that is everywhere. They had the ability to connect with higher mind. They

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