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The family waited in anticipation for Skye to meet someone and bring him home. But she never did. Oh she had them all excited until she arrived. And then they would realise that her date wasn’t at all what they were expecting. Until the day that she actually had someone to bring home and introduce to the family. And she did it ever so slyly. They didn’t even realise there was a connection. Or so Skye thought. From the day Chase met Skye he was besotted. But he hadn’t dated for so many years he wouldn’t even know how. Where to start? It took one moment and Chase had a date. He could not believe his luck. And that is where everything started. Skye and Chase were both Sales Managers and they had a lot in common. It wasn’t an easy relationship but it did end up in marriage. Not only marriage, but a set of beautiful twins. And they were darlings!

Release dateJan 24, 2014

Bridgitte Lesley

Hello from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa!Having survived an attempt at being murdered, I have plunged myself in to my writing. After my gruesome ordeal, I live life from day to day. Appreciating every minute and moment. Yes, I have the scars from an axe being driven in to my head repeatedly. I suffer from PTSD and OCD. But, I am here to tell the tale. And I have a lot to tell!I am currently revamping my older titles and will be adding a few. In a nutshell, you will find a mix of romance, adventure, lots of witty banter and a happy ever after. All round, expect a feel-good read.Thank you for reading and for your support!Bridgitte

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    Book preview

    Fusion - Bridgitte Lesley



    Bridgitte Lesley

    Version 1

    Published by

    Bridgitte Lesley on Smashwords


    Copyright © 2011 Bridgitte Lesley

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are a production of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

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    Chase sat on the grand stand listening to the roar of the engines before they came around the bend. He smiled as he looked at Jarod.

    Why are we here Jarod? Jarod grinned.

    Our team is racing. And I can’t wait to see whether we win or not. I could win a whole whack of cash if we win. Chase grinned.

    How much is a whole whack?


    Whoa! Jarod nodded.

    I have to win.

    What color is the car? Jarod pointed.

    That one. The black one. Number twenty one. Jarod started to stand as the black Lamborghini came roaring past. Chase and Gerald stood up.

    He’s not going to make it. Come on, come on. Damn it move! The red Lamborghini was neck in neck with the black one. Suddenly the black Lamborghini shot past the black. They all roared.

    Yes. Yes. Yes! They all air punched with great excitement. Jarod sat down again and let out a huge whoosh of air. Gerald grinned.

    Calm down son.

    You don’t understand Dad. I won the bet. I won a grand! Gerald chuckled.

    Who is driving the Lamborghini?

    I don’t know. One of the management team probably. It might be our MD, Mister McDougal. Chase nodded and put his arm around Jarod’s shoulders. Jarod chuckled. Chase and Gerald both grinned as they looked at Jarod who was beaming.

    Jarod looked at Chase and Gerald.

    Should we go and see the cars? Chase nodded and looked at his Dad. Gerald nodded.

    Pretty slick that driver. Jarod grinned as they walked over to the pit stop. Chase looked at the gleaming Lamborghini’s.

    Wow! Jarod grinned and pointed.

    There. That is the one. Number twenty one. The driver of the car climbed out. Chase looked him up and down.

    Full leathers? Jarod nodded.

    They have to. And a helmet or they aren’t allowed on the circuit.

    But those are standard aren’t they?

    I reckon. Gerald stood and grinned. The driver of the car walked into the building and came out again. Jarod grinned.

    Heck. There’s going to be a fight. Holy crap! He’s not going to hit him is he? Chase nodded as he looked at the car.

    I haven’t been this close to a Lamborghini ever. Gerald shook his head.

    Neither have I. Chase looked up.

    What did you say? He looked at the driver of the red car getting out. The driver of the black car walked over. He stood with his hands on his hips and flipped the visor. They stared at each other. Suddenly they both hugged. Jarod chuckled.

    They must know each other. I thought he was going to punch him. Chase looked up.

    Hell that guy is tiny. He comes up to the other guys shoulder. Gerald looked. The driver of the red car took off his helmet. Jarod chuckled. He called over.

    Craig? Craig turned and looked at Jarod. He walked over and shook Jarod’s hand.

    Long time, buddy. Jarod nodded.

    This is my brother Chase and my Dad, Gerald. Craig shook their hands.

    Craig Garish. Nice to meet you. Man am I chipped. I was so close. This close. Gerald grinned.

    You did well. Craig chuckled.

    Yeah right. Chase smiled.

    That your baby? Craig shook his head.

    No. That’s a wish and a half. Not like number twenty one over there.

    The driver of number twenty one stood pulling the numbers off of the bonnet and driver side of the car which were magnetized. He put up his hand. Craig nodded.

    Later bubba. Chase watched as the driver pulled off his helmet. He stared and whispered.

    It’s a woman? Craig grinned and nodded.

    Yeah. Chase stared as she sat down on the front seat of the car and took her boots off and then stood and shimmied out of her leather pants. She wore tight black jeans beneath her leathers. She threw the leathers in to the car, followed by the boots. She sat on the front seat with her legs outside the car. She pulled off her socks and replaced them with a pair of red stilettos. Chase couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She took off her leather jacket. He almost groaned. She wore a red blouse which showed her awesome sexy little figure. Chase stared. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

    Jarod roared with laughter. Chase shook his head as he smiled at Jarod. Gerald shook his head.

    Quit ogling Chase.

    She’s awesome Dad. Look at her! Craig chuckled and shook his head. He called out.

    Smart arse. The woman grinned and showed him the middle finger. They all roared with laughter.

    The woman waved and drove off. Chase smiled.

    Wow! Craig nodded.

    Yeah. The rich and famous. Jarod chuckled.

    Rich and famous? Craig nodded and pointed over at his car.

    I drive a beamer. So not fair. You? Jarod grinned.

    Here with Chase in his 911. Craig grinned.

    More of the rich and famous. I can only dream of owning a baby like that. I bet you are in sales. Chase chuckled and nodded. Craig grinned.

    What is it about you guys? Gift of the gab. Must be. What line are you in?

    Pots and pans. Craig roared with laughter.

    Sorry. Chase chuckled.

    My wife is a bank manager. Do you think she would organize me a loan? Nope. Ask her why not. Tells me to think about the future. I don’t want to think about the future. I want a Lamborghini. And try and sneak an application in for a loan. Whoa! It gets shredded! Not torn up. But shredded. And handed to you in an envelope. Here we go darling. Your loan was declined. Never marry a bank manager. And if you do, never ever consider taking your account somewhere else. Big sin! Chase roared with laughter and shook his head. Gerald roared with laughter.

    Looks like she has you wrapped up nice and tight. Craig chuckled.

    Yeah. I can see my ashes in a bank bag one day. Weighed. Sealed. Zip locked tight. They all roared with laughter.

    Jarod, Chase and Gerald headed back to the Porsche and the three men climbed in. Jarod sat in the passenger seat in front. With Gerald crunched up in the back seat. They pulled up at the traffic light. A car suddenly appeared next to them. They all turned as it started to rev. Skye opened her window. Jarod opened his window. She grinned.

    Hey Rod, I thought that was you. Jarod smiled.

    Hey Miss Garish. Nice driving. Skye grinned and chuckled. The light changed and Skye waved and drove off. Chase smiled and shook his head.

    Miss Garish? Jarod nodded.

    Craig is her brother. Chase nodded and chuckled.

    You know her? Jarod nodded.

    Yes Sir, I sure do. Chase smiled.

    You sure get around.


    Three weeks went by. It was a Monday morning just before seven. Chase kept on thinking about the woman who had climbed in to the Lamborghini. Every time he heard a roar of an engine he looked in his rear view mirror. Chase headed for work. He stopped at the traffic light. There was a roar of an engine behind him. Chase looked up and the light changed to green. The Lamborghini flew past. He looked at the number plate and smiled. He grinned as he read.

    SKYE. Chase smiled as he read the number plates out loud. He shook his head.

    Where are you off to honey? He pulled behind her and followed. Skye looked in her rear view mirror and suddenly put her foot down. Chase chuckled as he followed. He pulled alongside her at the next red traffic light. She opened the window and looked at Chase. She lowered her sun glasses and smiled.

    Good morning, Chase. Chase chuckled.

    Good morning, Skye. Skye chuckled. Chase grinned.

    Nice race the other day. Skye nodded.

    Thank you kind Sir. The light changed. Skye waved as she pulled off. Chase chuckled and spoke aloud.

    Skye Garish you are absolutely beautiful. Come to Daddy! Skye grinned and spoke to herself.

    Chase Middleton you are so sexy. What a hunk. I could fall for those tall, dark, hot looks. Skye blushed.

    Get a hold of yourself Skye. She headed over to her offices and ran up the stairs with a huge smile. Chase wondered when he would see her again.

    A week later Jarod sat in the kitchen and opened the little black box. His Mum walked up.

    That is beautiful. Have you met someone? Jarod smiled and nodded.

    It’s her birthday today. Do you think she would like it? His Mum nodded.

    It’s very elegant. Does she like dainty jewelry? Jarod nodded and stared into space.

    She is very small. Petite. I think she will like the chain. She loves flowers. That’s why I bought her this little pendant. His Mum sat down and looked at Jarod.

    It’s lovely. A sunflower. Definitely different. Jarod nodded and closed the box.

    Chase came through and sat down for a cup of coffee. He looked at the box.

    Someone special? Jarod nodded and smiled. He blushed. Jarod got up. Chase looked up.

    Why are you so early?

    Monday. Chase nodded as Jarod left for work. Chase shook his head.

    That’s nice. His Mum nodded.

    When are you going to meet someone and bring her home? Chase smiled.

    I have met her. But not really. His Mum looked at Chase.

    What do you mean?

    Oh. We meet on the road. We have a quick race and roar our heads off. Other than that. Well. That’s it.

    The same lady that won the race? Chase nodded.

    Jarod knows her. His Mum nodded.

    Maybe you should ask him. Chase shook his head.

    I will do it my way Mum.

    Which means. It’s not going to happen. Chase stared out of the window.

    I am so out of the dating thing Mum. I wouldn’t even know where to start. His Mum shook her head.

    Go out. That is a start. Chase shook his head.

    No thanks. Chase got up and headed to work.

    It was eary morning. Chase sat in his office with his door wide open. He smiled as he listened to the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. There was a lot of laughter, whispering and chatting going on. And then a roar of laughter. The sound appealed to him. It was a deep, throaty laugh, coming straight from the stomach. A real laugh. Nothing false and pretentious as he had often come across. But then he was in sales. And a lot of sales people often tried to put on a different act, coming across as someone they would like to be. Acting a part.

    There was sudden silence. Chase got up to see what was going on. Skye had just walked out of the office.

    Jenny, who was that?

    Sorry Chase, that was my sister. I know she gets a little disruptive at times. Chase nodded and smiled.

    Older or younger? Jenny grinned.


    Oh right, she’s the Sales Manager for that lingerie and underwear firm. Jenny nodded and smiled.

    ‘Essgees’. She’s on her way to fetch her new car. Chase nodded.

    She just landed an account with that chain store down the road. Got a whopping big opening order. She is going to coin it.

    Lingerie? Jenny nodded.

    Yep. Lingerie. And underwear.

    How the hell did she manage that?

    She’s good. Not just the gift of the gab. But good. She doesn’t baffle anyone with bullshit. She is as straight as an arrow.

    Well, she must be good. I can’t even get in there. And we are necessities, not luxuries like lingerie. Jenny grinned.

    I have to disagree. Lingerie is a necessity. So is underwear. Not a luxury. Chase chuckled.

    Yeah right. Jenny smiled and nodded.

    Chase. Here are the two options. Nude, or dressed in something really sexy to suit the mood. Chase smiled.

    You’ve got me Jen. But still. Jenny nodded.

    Chase went back to his desk and sat down. He couldn’t get Jenny’s sisters voice out of his head. He had heard her voice somewhere before but he didn’t know where. She really appealed to him. Just her voice was music to his ears. And he hadn’t even seen her. He closed his eyes and imagined. Was she blonde? A brunette, or a red head. Or did she have black hair like himself? How old was she? If she was older than Jenny then she could still be in her twenties. Did she have a nice figure? Was she slim and tall? Or maybe short and plump. Chase smiled. It didn’t really matter. She could be a Martian and he would still like her.

    Chase smiled. He knew what Jenny looked like. She was a brunette, just over five foot tall with a lovely figure, and very pretty. She had a kind heart and worked well with Chase.

    Chase smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t wait for Jenny’s sister to pop in again.

    Chase called from his office.

    Your sister. Is she married? Jenny roared with laughter.

    Not likely.


    Three weeks later Chase sat at his desk staring at his proposal for the chain store down the road. He had to get the account. It would mean an increase in turnover. And his sales team needed the account. They had brought in good accounts but this would be the ultimate. Chase smiled as he finished writing the proposal. His mind wandered to Skye. He hadn’t seen her on the road for quite some time and he missed her.

    Chase was deep in thought. He closed his eyes and held his face in his hands. He closed his eyes. He suddenly got up. He picked the proposal up and gave it to Jenny.

    Here we go. If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know. Jenny nodded as she took it from him. Chase let out a huge sigh.

    We have to get this. Jenny nodded and smiled.

    I have a suggestion. Don’t take this the wrong way. Chase looked at Jenny.

    Would you mind if I let my sister take a look at your proposal. Or, maybe I can get her to send me one of her proposals. Chase held the proposal in his hand.

    I would prefer to see her proposal. Jenny nodded.

    Let me send her an e-mail. Maybe she would mail it to me. Chase nodded. Jenny typed her e-Mail and sent it to Skye. Skye responded in a matter of seconds. Jenny smiled and read. ‘Jen, this is highly confidential. I could get fired. LOL. This is my actual proposal for the chain store. Please tell the boss man to handle with care. I am putting my butt on the line here’.

    Jenny read the mail to Chase. He nodded and smiled.

    LOL. What does that mean? Jenny chuckled.

    Laugh out loud. Chase smiled.

    She could get fired for this you know. Jenny shook her head and chuckled.

    I don’t think so. Chase pulled up his chair and they both started going through the mail. Chase scratched his head a few times.

    Hell, she’s got them so wrapped up they can’t get out of this deal. Even the quantity levels are included. I won’t be able to do that. Jenny nodded.

    That’s her forte’. She knows her market. You don’t have to include the quantities, just the items in the range. Chase nodded.

    Can you send that to me? Jenny looked at Chase.

    I am going to but I am going to copy my sister in. Do you mind? Then she knows you have it. Chase smiled.

    You really have a lot of respect for her don’t you? Jenny nodded.

    If you knew her, you would too. Chase nodded.

    There’s a lot you aren’t telling me. Jenny smiled. She whispered.

    Sworn to secrecy. Jenny giggled and shook her head.

    She’s a real person. You would like her. Chase nodded and smiled.

    Jenny, you have worked here for how many years?

    Three. Chase nodded.

    And in those three years I have heard her voice once. She has been here once only.

    Jenny shook her head and smiled.

    No. She often pops in for lunch. Jenny giggled. Chase smiled.

    Why the giggle? Jenny grinned.

    We share a tin of mixed fruit, smothered with thick cream. Chase chuckled.

    Why do I always miss out? Jenny blushed.

    We only do that when you are out, or if you are in a meeting somewhere. But when you went overseas we had our lunch in your office. Chase shook his head.

    You little beasts. Jenny chuckled. She shook her head and blushed. Chase chuckled.

    Do tell.

    She did an impersonation of what the boss would do. Sitting in your chair. Feet up. Answering your phone. And then Anne walked in and joined us. So Anne sat and ate her pudding out of my sister’s cup and she took your trophy and used that for her pudding.

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