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Dark Places
Dark Places
Dark Places
Ebook197 pages3 hours

Dark Places

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A gorgeous transgender romance that just so happens to tell a couple of all too real stories in the meantime. The real life of a transgender person in this society needs telling.
What do you think happens when mom and dad throw 'em out of the house and they have no where to go?
What happens to the Vietnam vets that came home 'damaged' after a war we decided we never wanted in the first place?

From Darker Places Than I Want To Feel illuminates the darkness that dwells within our society and brings us to darker places than all of us want to know.

At present I seem to be exploring the often misunderstood world of the inter-sexed person. If you are unfamiliar with the term "intersex" Google it, you'll find it very complex and complicated. The Wikipedia entry is very thorough although my work should never be considered clinical. Other works that I plan on adding to my catalog will begin to explore other issues but right now the plight of the intersexed person stuck in a world of narrow-minded bigotry is something of interest to me. I hope you find them interesting as well.
I try to make my characters believable and the world they inhabit relatable (well I suppose a world that contains vampires is a bit of a stretch but that story was just a lot of fun to write).
If you have the chance, please review my work. Your feedback is invaluable to me as an author and I appreciate it very much.

PublisherGuy Winters
Release dateJan 24, 2014
Dark Places

Guy Winters

GUY WINTERS is a writer, playwright, artist, who spends his days working in Virginia and his evenings writing. Other novels by GUY WINTERS: Stray Cats Sleeping on the Terrace Dark Places A PERSONAL NOTE FROM GUY WINTERS: Most of my work explores the often misunderstood world of the inter-sexed person. If you are unfamiliar with the term "intersex" Google it, you'll find it very complex and complicated. The Wikipedia entry is very thorough although my work should never be considered clinical. I've moved on from the intersex question to explore the often misunderstood issues that surround the gender blended individual. "Ruffles and Lace", "Her Best Friend Forever", and "A Simple Cloudburst" are titles that explore this issue, there will be more. I try to make my characters believable and the world they inhabit relatable (well I suppose a world that contains vampires is a bit of a stretch but that story was just a lot of fun to write). If you have the chance, please review my work. Your feedback is invaluable to me as an author, it spurs me to create deeper and richer characters in complex situations. Your words inspire me and I appreciate it very much. Thank

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    Dark Places - Guy Winters

    Dark Places

    by Guy Winters

    Copyright © 2013 Guy Winters

 All rights reserved.

    IMPORTANT - A special note to the reader:

    This transgendered story is intended for a mature audience only!

    It contains adult situations and graphic language and is not intended,

    nor should it be allowed, to be read by individuals under the age of 18.

    All of the principle characters in this story are over the age of 18.

    What others have said about this story:

    You don't know, what we can find. Why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride.

    Deep, complex characters. A constant sense of intrigue…Very well done.

    You have tackled a very difficult and important idea, but once again relay the tale with such eloquence.

    "The Author has created something far greater and above anything I'd originally seen possible. I never saw how he might take those [ideas] and other's to build the tremendous characters he does, let alone the reactions he documents that set the hairs on my neck standing straight on end. I have no idea how he was able to see into such depths or bring it to you, the reader, in such a unique and novel setting. If you want to know what dealing with gender dysphoria is really like... no BS or fantasies to muddle the overall image... read this.

    I just love the characters, their growth and the back stories that brought them to where they are, and the hints of where they might be going. All this woven so expertly and wonderfully that it makes for such an enjoyable read, one that I love immersing myself in.

    This is a beautifully written story. There's real warmth between Ryan, Sarah & her family. It feels more like listening to friends recount how their relationship began than reading a work of fiction

    A wonderfully illustrative tale describing the dark world that a TG prostitute has to navigate, but also pulling it into such a marvelous little romantic tale between these two 'opposites' that learn how much they really need each other. 

    Copyright © 2013 Guy Winters

 All rights reserved.

    All the places and characters in this book have no existence outside of the imagination of the author and have no relationship whatsoever to anyone or any place bearing the same name or names. All incidents are purely fiction and the resemblance to any person, place, or thing is purely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please download an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To Joscelyn Hayes, without whom I could not have completed this book. Her contributions and support were immeasurable to the success of this work. Please support her efforts and others as they battle discrimination and hatred of the LGBT community. Its through her efforts, and others like her, that the light of reason and understanding will eventually shine. –Guy Winters

    Chapter One: The last meeting.

    What? she asked.

    Nothing, he responded sullenly.

    Don’t ‘nothing’ me, I can see something’s wrong, it’s written all over your face.

    He sighed, stirring the cream in his coffee and looking out the window of the corner café they chose as an escape from the drizzle and drip of rain outside. Besides, it was too cold and damp this morning for anyone to sit on swings in a park. A better day to stay wrapped up in a warm blanket and read.

    But it was reading that got him into this funk in the first place, so today reading wasn’t an option, at least not now.

    Come on, spill it, she insisted softly, reaching out with her hand to gently touch his.

    He sighed again and turned back to look at her.

    I was reading a story online last night. It was several chapters long and at first it was really a sweet love story about a woman who was slowly bringing out her young husband’s feminine side.

    Isn’t that the kind of stuff you like? Love stories between two people who care about each other?

    Yes, but that’s not all. It’s the fourth part that really got to me. It turned really dark and sinister. It was like a different person penned the last chapter of the story.

    His eyes had a sadness to them that spoke volumes about him.

    The woman in the story turned into this terrible vile bitch. She was turning her lover/husband, who was totally devoted to her, into a sissy slave to be abused by someone else. There was no love, no remorse, nothing, just a coldness that was really disturbing. Her true self came out in the end when she claimed to be totally disgusted with the poor wretch. She just kept twisting and taunting him. She told him that she planned the whole charade with her old boyfriend from the start. She had been shagging the SOB on the side the whole time. Even while she was telling her husband how much she loved him, on their honeymoon no less!

    He paused a moment and sipped on his coffee as he looked away from Sarah’s eyes and out the window once again.

    How can someone be so hateful? So treacherous, that they would conspire with such venomous deceit to destroy a young man’s love and life? He was forever ruined as a result.

    Why didn’t you just stop reading it? she asked. Her smile was gentle and caring but her eyes belied a sense of worry and concern.

    I did. But not before the author managed to repulse me completely with verbal images that will stay with me for longer than I want.

    He paused a moment to reflect on it again.

    I suppose if that was their intention then it worked. They managed to enrage me to the point that I wanted to reach through the computer monitor and strangle them. And by the comments that I read, many other readers reacted the same way.

    Did you post your own comment?

    No, it wasn’t worth it. The others said what I would have said and in some cases more eloquently.

    Ryan pause again and smiled wistfully as he looked into Sarah’s eyes.

    Thank you.

    For what? she asked.

    For putting up with my rants. For answering my many questions, even the most personal and private ones that I asked. You really are a beautiful person.

    Well, finally, you’ve noticed! she exclaimed with a huge grin. It’s about time.

    Oh, come on, he replied, what I meant is that you really are a beautiful person on the inside too. Everyone can see how gorgeous you are on the outside. But it’s what’s inside your heart that really matters. Besides, I told you the first time we met how much I appreciated you opening up to me on such a personal level.

    Yeah, that was probably the most awkward meeting I’ve ever attended, she replied with a gentle smile.

    Yes it was, for both of us, he agreed.

    You were so naïve, she purred.

    I guess, in a way, I still am, he pondered out loud. I still can’t understand a person getting so much sexual gratification out of destroying another soul like that.

    You’re still dwelling on that aren’t you? she asked with a tinge of worry.

    He shrugged his shoulders and rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

    That’s part of the complexity of the journey I suppose, she mused. Once you take the path less traveled you have to escalate that sort of behavior until something, or someone, crashes and burns. You just have to let it go, Ryan. Thankfully there are very few people in the world like the one you described.

    Is that the price you pay for the depravity? The crashing and burning part? he asked.

    I hope so.

    Ryan glanced away again at a family who sat down in a booth nearby. The mother was fussing over two small children while the father cleaned up a spill under the table. It was all rather humorous and natural in the same moment. Ryan thought about that scene and then he thought about Sarah. Would she like to have had kids? He wondered.

    What time is it? he asked reluctantly.

    Nearly noon, do you have to go somewhere? she asked not wanting their meeting to end so soon.

    No, well yes, sort of, plus I just didn’t want to take up your whole day, this being our last meeting and all. Where are your nephews?

    With their mom, she had the day off, she replied distracted by the thought of their last meeting and what it meant.

    Sarah looked out the window and away from Ryan. She blinked back the moisture that was brimming in her eyes. She took a big breath and let it out slowly. She steadied herself, and then she turned to look at Ryan.

    I don’t want this to be the last meeting, she said softly.

    What do you mean? You were the one who negotiated for us to meet only three times. I agreed, reluctantly, but managed to get you to accept the possibility of three more if our conversations got interesting, which they did. But you were very adamant about it not going beyond six.

    I know, she said softly. So now I’ve changed my mind. It’s a woman’s prerogative you know.

    That brought a wide wry smile to Ryan’s face. His eyes twinkled in the brief splash of sunlight that streamed through the café window. Sarah smiled back then blushed a deep shade of crimson.

    Does this mean I get to ask you more questions? he asked.

    Yes, but I get to ask you some too, she countered.

    Tit for Tat?

    Exactly, she replied keenly.

    Okay, since I’ve been asking most of the questions lately, he replied, today it’s ladies’ first.

    Sarah thought for a moment then smiled coyly.

    Would you go on a date with me? she asked.

    Ryan blinked a moment and looked at her carefully.

    Is that your question? he asked.

    Yes. There was a question mark on the end of the sentence wasn’t there?

    Hmm. You know I’m old enough to be your father, don’t you? he asked with a serious tone but Sarah could see the twinkle in his eye. It was obvious to anyone watching that he was as excited about the prospect of a date with her as she was.

    I think you’re trying to dodge the question, Mr. Sullivan, she countered watching him intensely. Her eyes shone brightly.

    Ryan studied her a moment longer and wondered how serious she was about all of this.

    Did she really want to go out on a date with him? he wondered. She’s nearly half my age. He remembered that she just listened to him rant on and on about trust and love and deceitful people. She must know how much it means to me. I suppose, what better time to ask than now?

    Ryan knew he’d be a fool not to jump at the chance to go out with Sarah. She was gorgeous, drop-dead, runway model gorgeous. He also knew he didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with her even if he did go out with her. But that didn’t matter. He really enjoyed her company no matter what the circumstances. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Then he leaned across the booth towards Sarah. She sat there resting her chin on her folded arms. She was watching him closely.

    Yes, it’s a date, he said, for dinner and a movie. Tomorrow night. Six o’clock sharp. I’ll pick you up at the swings in the park where we first met. What’s you’re next question?

    I get more than one?

    Of course, but only one more for now, I’m supposed to meet my friend Paul for round of golf this afternoon. But from the looks of things I bet we call it off, he said glancing once again out the window.

    She smiled blissfully and popped her head up impishly.

    Do you have a girlfriend?

    He grinned and shook his head.

    My wife died eight months ago, remember? Between work and my writing I haven’t found the time for anything else, let alone a woman in my life.

    Good, she whispered softly then she got out of the booth. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek with a light peck. See you tomorrow night at six, bye.

    She turned with a twirl of her skirt and was down the aisle and out the café door before Ryan could blink twice.

    She was always good at finishing conversations before he wanted them to be over.

    He sighed with a wry smile. He knew he really shouldn’t keep seeing her, but he just couldn’t resist her charm. It was the same impish charm that captured his heart over a month ago when he met her for the first time. It was in the neighborhood park outside of her apartment house.

    At first he imagined what it would be like for her to be his daughter. He never had a daughter and the thought of one now after his wife died seemed to fill a huge hole in his life. Well, at least it made him feel needed again.

    But as they continued to talk at their weekly rendezvous, it became apparent to Ryan that he was the shy, novice, and inexperienced one in the couple rather than her.

    Her beauty was only a mask to hide emotions and experiences that lurked in darker places than he wanted to feel at first. But as they talked he began to understand who she was on a deeper level. To a certain extent, he was beginning to learn more about who he was as well.

    He began to really care for Sarah. By their third meeting the word ‘love’ lurked in the shadowed recesses of his mind but he was afraid to give it much thought. Not because he felt that there was some sort of social pressure to reject someone like Sarah because of who or what she was. Or the fact that their age difference might appear ridiculous to some, like he was acting out some sort of twisted Lolita play. But because when his wife died he bottled up all the love he had in the world and the thought of opening his heart to another and the fear that it might be shattered again shook him to his core.

    He sighed again as he watched the glass doors of the café open again. New customers, shivering from the damp and cold, were coming in to dry out.

    Nearly three months ago he placed an advert in the local ‘Craigslist’ looking for someone who understood the cross-dressing/trans-gendered life style and was willing to answer some questions.

    He explained that he was a local writer who was doing some research for a novel. Several people responded but when they turned out to be more interested in soliciting than answering questions. He turned them down. He was beginning

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