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Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers
Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers
Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers

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About this ebook

Prepare to eat someone's lunch.
Why would anyone start a negotiation worried about whether the other person wins? This is because "Win-Win" is a fallacy. You will be a better negotiator if you learn how to win at negotiating. This book is about winning at negotiations. If you have a problem with that, there are many books that will cater to your sense of fairness. How much is fairness worth? Most likely it is worth much less than winning.

Release dateFeb 2, 2014
Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers

Michael Jackson

About the authorMichael Jackson lives in Alabama and has been negotiating and fixing all sorts of situations in the United States, Japan, Canada and Mexico for almost 25 years. His negotiating skills and some of his negotiating methods have resulted in a very memorable and lasting reputation. He’s married, with three children and two step-grandchildren.

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    Book preview

    Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers - Michael Jackson

    Win-Win Negotiations is for Losers

    Eat Someone’s Lunch Today!

    By Michael Jackson

    Copyright © 2014 Michael Jackson

    All rights reserved.

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Ebook formatting by

    Table of Contents


    Section 1: Win-Win Negotiations

    This Ain't Tee Ball

    Monetary Value of Negotiations

    Who is the best negotiator?

    Selling/Buying is Not Negotiating

    Section 2: Negotiating Techniques

    Red Herrings


    Two heads are better than one

    Letter Up

    Don’t do me any favors

    How long can you wait?

    There is nothing more costly than free


    Phantom Savings

    Earnings Targets

    Question or Statement?

    Note to Self


    Drama only works once

    Good guy, bad guy

    Personality Type

    Show me the Manager!

    Close the book

    Saying No

    Where’d he go?

    About your email


    The Arbitrary Request

    Dirty Words

    The Written Word

    Moving targets are harder to hit

    Learn from the Possum

    An Honest Mistake

    Put them out of their misery

    Gorilla Warfare

    Point out the savings

    I’m Sorry. Cautionary Advice

    Section 3: Negotiating Stories

    Don’t say, Never again.

    My loss is my gain

    Silence is Golden. Honestly!

    Save a drowning person

    An Untrained Bully

    Acceptance Once is Precedent

    Was it worth it to stay at home?

    Passion isn’t always Passionate


    About the author


    The Crafty Book

    By no means is this a crafty work of prose or a fancy well-thought-out self-help book. I give no apologies since you could have seen this much information in the free glimpse available to all. This book is a collection of ideas, stories, experiences, thoughts, and suggestions on the subject of negotiating backed by my 20-plus years of experience. Hopefully I can communicate and help you. For those I don't help that's why they have the (insert word) for dummies books.

    How it works

    The book follows no particular order other than what I was feeling at the end of the day I wrote it. I've tried to make it clear at the beginning of each section what you'll be reading. I highly suggest that you move to later pages or skip around if you find that any one section is boring. You sure don’t want to miss the single writing you really need to read just because I happen to put something you are familiar with before something you are not.


    In my explanations I will present cases in the voice of the person with the money and in others, the person with the goods or service. In all instances, the strategy is applicable to either side. Just remember that strategies and practices work from either vantage point in the tit-for-tat play of negotiating. Use whatever to foil the efforts of the other person. Recognize their limited ability to use a strategy and crush them like a bug.

    Why a book about negotiations? More importantly, why read such a book?

    I, like many people, have to learn everything the hard way. But I found negotiating to be something that I excel at and love to do. In the fact that I love public speaking I’m probably in a small group of people. Maybe it’s because I am the proverbial hunter in a world of gatherers. This is not a good thing in countries where citizens routinely tote around semiautomatic weapons. Luckily I haven't been negotiating in any such countries.

    There are many books about negotiating and I’ve read some of them, but I found that they offered very little entertainment. I'll try to at least offer you a taste of attitude to go along with the standard fare for a book on negotiations.

    Think about it: How many of us will broker a nuclear disarmament treaty? On the other hand, many of us will get into an argument with a teenager or make a purchase that requires more than our willingness to just roll over and pay what they ask. These are instances of real negotiating.

    Whether you find yourself in a professional situation that requires negotiations or just want to deal better when negotiating personal issues, I hope that the following pages will serve your interest.

    Win-Win Negotiations

    Many books by so called negotiation pros or coaches will tell you that they are going to teach you win-win negotiations. Please consider this. You listen to or read their information because you don't know how to negotiate or you want to get better at it. I am now in their position and I tell you that win-win is overrated by people who don't have to win every day.

    You will be a better negotiator if you win and big. After you win a few times you'll eventually be faced with a relationship where sustained opportunity or long-term relation is important. But heck, don't start thinking the other guy needs to win. Get everything you can as often as possible. Then when the time is right you'll know when to let the other guy share some of the rewards. I've been negotiating with the same people for years and I'm still eating their lunch and they feel like they are doing so too. You can make someone feel like they are winning even though you are crushing them on a regular basis.

    Here is a real world example. Everyone knows from experience or from other's stories about how the price of a new car is negotiated at a new car dealership. Very rarely will someone leave with their new car and say, Damn, I just got the crap beat out of me on the price of this car. More likely, you will hear people say how great of a deal they were able to negotiate. The fact is that the majority of car buyers are going around thinking that they broke the dealer's back and won big on the price of their purchase. How can this be? If everyone is getting a steal and winning, why are there still so many auto dealerships in business? Because the dealers are winning and the buyers are only feeling that they won.

    Do you want to win or do you want to feel like you won? If you only want the feeling, this or any other method for teaching negotiations will not help you.

    This Ain't Tee Ball

    For those of you who don't know tee ball it's a sport like baseball but it's simplified to accommodate the limited motor skills of 4 to 6 year old children. Parents created the sport and a few dumb ones didn't want their children to become psychopaths (like psychopathy is taught). Maybe these

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