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Echoes of the Labyrinth
Echoes of the Labyrinth
Echoes of the Labyrinth
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Echoes of the Labyrinth

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Alaximus is sentenced into damnation through the mythical prison of the Labyrinth. Without light, his means of survival and moral strength are rigorously tested. Alaximus is a minotaur during the time frame that Ancient Rome was in power and invading neighboring lands. He is captured during a conflict in a village that is near by to where he lives. Seeing through his eyes means accepting not being able to see at all. Alaximus learns to use his other senses in the vast dark maze with hope of discovering a way out.

Release dateJan 30, 2014
Echoes of the Labyrinth

Timothy Rodgers

I am a simple guy dealing with some complicated issues.I believe there should be no compromise when it comes to the Bill of Rights. People are supposed to be the focal point of our Republic.I now utilize the tenth amendment to state that the U.S. Government is unfit to remain in authority or represent justice. Per the tenth amendment, the will of the people is to come before anything to include special interest groups and political parties. We all have the right to have a government that represents us. This government clearly and openly does not.Every rights violation committed either by someone or something to include governments, is an act of war. There are many ways to attack others without the use of violence. I have been through and continue to endure that relentless experience myself. Such violations are often protected by law even though they are outside the purpose of government to begin with.Perception: Govt. is doing it's job taking care of disabled veterans.Reality: Veteran suicides at epidemic levels because so many being left without.Perception: EPA protects the environment and cares about our safety. If they say the water is safe to drink, it must be.Reality: Fracking is causing earthquakes and the people who consume the post processed water they are told is safe to drink, face severe physical health effects.Perception: If the government tells someone's family they committed suicide in jail, it must always be the truth.Reality: Sometimes someone paid someone else who could create the opportunity to kill the victim who is believed to have taken their own life. People use the government in this fashion to get away with murder all the time. No one looks for a killer when everyone thinks the victim did it to themselves. Easily, one of the cruelest and unjust forms of social selection.Perception: Money acting as free speech helps entrepreneurs advertise.Reality: Money unconstitutionally acting as a "legal" form of free speech is effectively silencing the voices of common people within both the advertising markets and the government.Perception: If the U.S. Govt. came into contact with E.T.s, they would tell the public about it. They have to, why wouldn't they? Reality: U.S. Govt has been aware of other advanced life for over 70 years. It was decided that such information would be kept classified and secret before Admiral Byrd could even return from the Antarctic Expedition known as Operation: High Jump. Around that time was when what was our once Constitutional Republic, first became compromised.

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    Book preview

    Echoes of the Labyrinth - Timothy Rodgers

    Echoes of the Labyrinth

    By Timothy Rodgers

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Timothy Rodgers

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents:

    The Last Light


    Fractured Experience

    Into the Abyss

    Concealed Presence

    Hollow Hallways

    Reflection of the Void

    Test of Faith

    Sign of Life

    Myths of Lost Legend

    No Place like Home

    Faceless Names

    Lonely Company

    Tedious Struggle

    Price of Freedom

    The Last Light

    I suddenly find myself rudely awakened by the cold welcome of water. I came to feeling disoriented. A couple of Romans were guarding me and I was tied down. I looked around and all I could see besides them was a decent sized hole in the floor. I shivered as I tried to move but could not from my hands and feet being tied together.

    What is the meaning of this? I ask the guards boldly. Both were standing over the hole peering in until I got their attention. One of them walks over to me and grabs my horns to drag me over to the bottomless pit.

    The foul beast talks? The other guard asks the one who hauled me over to the hole. How is that possible?

    There are many things out there thought to be imagined but I know that some times the truth is hard to believe. He replied hoarsely.

    Wait I have a na... I start say before being kicked across the face. The more experienced guard draws his blade to my throat.

    No one gives any shit about what your name is or who you are or that your father is a God. He firmly said to me as I turn my head to spit out a little blood. I look back at him in anger; which only emboldens him to press the metal to almost breaking my skin.To the rest of the world you are just an ill begotten monster you bastard!

    Can we just get this over with please? The other guard complains abruptly. We are not to kill him. Our orders were very clear. There is no need for this bolstering. He told his partner in arms who I noticed dawned a set of scars on his right cheek.

    Yeah, yeah. He acknowledges as he grabs a horn to sit me up. He uses his sword to cut the bands binding my ankles and then I am turned by the man to face the hole. He possessed a great deal of strength for being a smaller creature than me. I feel the arm bands get cut and before I can respond; I am pushed into the darkness below.

    Arg!. I grunt as I hit the stone hard ground below getting the wind knocked out of me. It was a deeper drop than I guessed at first glance. I struggle to take a couple of deep breaths before I am able to get up onto my hooves. I notice a sound of running water near by. Why are you doing this to me?! I shouted up at them. They both laughed at me from above before leaving my line of sight. I hear a grinding like a sliding of a large piece of rock.

    You do not belong in this world!. I can hear the older one shout from behind something as the noise inched towards the gap in the ceiling.

    How can you say that? I respond in confusion as the sound pushed on. I can hear them breathing heavy and making a genuine effort.

    What is happening to you is not an accident. The other guard smirked as his effort weakened in the closing distance. I begin to see something large and circular begin to cover the hole. You are what you are so that you could be found. Welcome to your destiny; this is your new home for the rest of life.

    Whats does that mean? I ask not understanding what was meant by what was said. Please do not do this to me. What crime have I committed? The sliding stops with just a crack of light exposed from the top now.

    You exist. The older guard taking the silence of the moments pause to answer me. With a final push; I lose sight of the only light I have left. A wicked chill runs down my spine and the eerie sense of this place welcomed me.

    Open that back up! I demanded upward hoping that I could be heard or that they would have some change on heart. I had no luck and I see nothing as I look around. I am not a monster! I scream vigorously as I wave my arms and hands around to find something to touch. I hear my voice travel through the abyss. I could not find anything and as far as I could guess; the room I was in could be a round as the floor door that I fell through.

    Where in bloody Hades is a wall? I question myself as I move into my eighth step in one direction. I finally run into a solid surface. I take a moment to rub my hands around and get a sense of what this place is made of. I tap the tip of my finger on it and determine it is rock just like the ground. I found how smooth it felt astonishing at first.

    This can not be happening. I whisper to myself as I take deep breaths to try to keep calm down. I could feel myself lose sense of purpose already. Obviously I am in some sort of prison. I reflect back on what was said not long ago. I wondered why the man would tell me that my father is a God yet treat me with such disrespect.

    "I hope you told me

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