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The Wonder of Stonehenge: A 15-Minute Strange But True Tale, Educational Version
The Wonder of Stonehenge: A 15-Minute Strange But True Tale, Educational Version
The Wonder of Stonehenge: A 15-Minute Strange But True Tale, Educational Version
Ebook49 pages23 minutes

The Wonder of Stonehenge: A 15-Minute Strange But True Tale, Educational Version

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Stonehenge has been surrounded by mystery and wonder. There have always been questions about where these massive stones came from. How did they get there? Do they hail from a magical world of giants and wizards, or are they man made? And then there's the most important question: what is their purpose?
Many theories have been put forward to answer these questions. Even with all the evidence discovered, will we ever really know? Whatever the answers may be, there is one thing we know for sure: Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world.
The three most popular theories for why Stonehenge exists are: that it was a temple to worship ancient earth deities; that it was a giant calendar used to predict the sun and moon cycles; and, finally, that it was a sacred burial site.
We will explore these three theories, diving into the evidence discovered for each possibility. Buckle up – this could get rocky!

Find out about this strange, place and what it might have been used for in the fun, fact-filled, 15-minute book.
Ages 8 and up.
Educational Versions include exercises designed to meet Common Core standards. believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books give children lots of fun, exciting choices to read, from classic stories, to mysteries, to books of knowledge. Many books are appropriate for hi-lo readers. Open the world of reading to a child by having them read for 15 minutes a day.

Release dateFeb 4, 2014
The Wonder of Stonehenge: A 15-Minute Strange But True Tale, Educational Version

Melissa Cleeman

Melissa Cleeman lives with her boyfriend, Casey, her dog, Mia and a cat affectionately known as Doormat. As well as writing, she enjoys drawing, painting and reading.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating place. Easy to understand information for kids that makes learning fun.
    Some interesting activities at the end. The paper bag report - a different way of presenting your assignments

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The Wonder of Stonehenge - Melissa Cleeman


A Strange But True Tale

By Melissa Cleeman


15 - Minute Book

Editor: Jennifer Robinson

Title page picture by The Stonehenge Stone Circle Website

Smashwords Edition

Text (c) Copyright 2012 Melissa Cleeman. All rights reserved.

Published by All rights reserved.

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy from any of several online e-book stores. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

The Wonder of Stonehenge / Melissa Cleeman

Summary: An exploration of the strange stone monument called Stonehenge.

1. Stonehenge. Juvenile Literature. 2. England. Juvenile Literature. 3. Strange But True. Juvenile Literature.

Words: 2532

Reading Level: 6.9

Ages 8 and up.

Table of Contents




About the Author


Stones that came from giants, or one of man's greatest monuments?

Stonehenge has been surrounded by mystery and wonder. There have always been questions about where these massive stones came from. How did they get there? Do they hail from a magical world of giants and wizards, or are they manmade? And then there's the most important question: what is their purpose?

Many theories have been put forward to answer these questions. Even with all the evidence discovered, will we ever really know? Whatever the answers may be, there is one thing we know for sure: Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world.

The three most popular theories for why Stonehenge exists are: that it was a temple to worship ancient earth deities; that it was

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